Ways to Write news articles

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GCSE English Language: Writing An Article (updated video for 2022 linked in description)
Video: GCSE English Language: Writing An Article (updated video for 2022 linked in description)


Writing news is not the same as writing news articles or other informational articles, because with news, information is presented in a very specific way. The key here is to convey all relevant content in limited word volume and present the incident to your target audience in a concise manner. Knowing how to write news articles can support your journalism career as well as help you develop your writing skills and communicate in a clear, concise way.


Part 1 of 3: Outline

  1. Study your topic. To start writing news articles, you need to learn a lot about the topic you're writing about. For an article to be trustworthy, fluid, and well-structured, you need to understand its subject.
    • If you've ever written a research paper, you already know what topic research is like. The same goes for the first step in writing a news article or editorial.
    • Start by asking yourself 5 (sometimes 6) questions.
      • Who - who is involved?
      • What - what happened?
      • Where - where did it take place?
      • Why - why did that happen?
      • When - when did it happen?
      • How - how did it play out?

  2. Gather all of your information.
    • Once you have clearly answered the five questions above, make a list of all the facts and pertinent information that should be included in the article. Organize events into three groups:
      • 1) should be included in the article.
      • 2) interesting but not important.
      • 3) Relevant but not important to the article's goal.
    • List will help you not miss any relevant information about the topic or story and at the same time, get a concise and easy to read article.
    • Specifically, as clearly as possible when writing all this information and event. Later on, you can always remove unnecessary information and cut it out much easier than having to add to the article.
    • At this point, information gaps are acceptable - if you don't have the right information, you can write down the question and mark it up so you don't forget to find out later.
    • Now that you have the information, if the editor has not given you what type of article to write, make your own decision. Ask yourself if this is an opinion essay, an informational essay that comes out purely and objectively, or a combination of the two.

  3. Outline. Your outline, and then your text, should be similar in texture to an inverted triangle. The inverse triangle allows you to build a story in which the most important information is at the top.
    • If you've ever heard the term "burying the lead" in English, it's a term that talks about the structure of an article. "Sentence" is the first sentence of the article - is the sentence that you use to "guide" the whole article. Not "burying the lead" simply means that you should not let the reader read a few paragraphs before understanding what the article is about. In Vietnam, you can understand that this is the interpretation of writing, with the main idea always on the first.
    • No matter what forum you are writing for, printing paper or publishing it online, many readers will not read all of your articles. When writing news articles, you should focus on giving your readers what they want as quickly as possible.
    • Write on the fold. The fold appears in the newspaper where the page is doubled. Looking at a newspaper, you will see that every top story is laid out on the fold.The same goes for online posts. This virtual fold is the bottom line of the screen, before scrolling down. Leave the best information above to attract attention and encourage readers to read on.

  4. Understand your readers. To write good news, you need to know exactly who you are writing for. Readers will decide the tone and intonation of the article, helping you know what you should include.
    • Again ask yourself 5 questions above, but this time in relation to your readership.
    • Questions like: what age are you writing to, where do they live, locally or nationally, why are these readers reading your article and what they want? from it ... These questions will tell you how to write.
    • Once you know who you're writing for, you can format your outline so that you can convey the best information to the right audience as quickly as possible.
  5. Find perspective. Why is this article unique to you? What is your voice here? These questions will make your news article special and sometimes, it's a product that only you can write.
    • Even when reporting on a popular story or topic written by many others, find a perspective that makes it your own article.
    • Do you have personal experience related to this subject? It is also possible that you know an expert and interview them.
  6. Interview. When writing news articles, it can be invaluable to interview people and get a direct source on the topic. And while interviewing and outreach may seem ominous, it can greatly affect the credibility and persuasion of your essay.
    • People often want to talk about their personal experiences, especially when they'll be highlighted somewhere, such as in your news articles. Reach out to them by phone, email or even social media and ask someone if you can interview them.
    • When interviewing, you need to follow a few rules: define yourself as a journalist. Have an open look. Maintain objectivity. Even though you are encouraged to ask questions and listen to trivia, you are not there to judge.
    • Record, write down important information from the interview and be clear with what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Part 2 of 3: Writing news articles

  1. Start with a quote. Let's start with a good quote. News articles begin with a quote to attract the attention and excitement of the reader. That is one of the most important parts of the article. So let's start with good material in writing. Don't forget our inverse triangle.
    • The narrative should be only one sentence, clearly stating the full topic of the article.
    • Remember when you had to write essays at school? Your thesis statement is similar to your thesis statement.
    • Let your readers know what your news article is about, why it matters, and what the rest of the article will contain.
  2. Bring out all the important details. The next important step in news writing is to include all the relevant facts and details relevant to your quote. Includes basic information about what happened, when and where, who was involved and why it deserves to be featured in the newspaper.
    • These details are important because they play a key role in providing sufficient information for the readers of the article.
    • If you write comments, this will be the place for you to do it too.
  3. News and events are followed by additional information. After you have listed all the major news and events in the article, please include any additional information that may help readers learn more, such as contact information, additional on the topic. or people involved or quoting from interviews.
    • These additional information help refine your writing and can help you move on to new points as you continue with your writing.
    • If it is an opinion article, this will be where you identify the opposing views as well as their owners.
    • A good news article outlines what is most important to information and events. It allows readers to feel the same articles.
    • In order to engage readers, you should provide information that anyone reading news articles can give an informed opinion, even if they contradict your opinion.
    • This also applies to news articles in which you, the author, do not state your opinion but present in the form of objective informational articles. Readers will still have to be provided with enough information about your topic to form their own opinion.
  4. End. Congratulate your readers for persisting with you to the end by giving them something to keep for themselves, such as the potential solutions to the problem or challenge presented in the article.
    • Make sure your news article is complete and complete before giving it a good conclusion. This is usually a restatement of the quote (thesis) or a brief statement of potential future developments related to the topic of the article.
    • Read other news articles for ideas on how best to do this. Or, you can also watch the news radio or news program. See how the reporter wrapped up the story and finished it, then tried to imitate them.

Part 3 of 3: Reading and editing articles

  1. Check information before publishing. Whether you're writing professional news articles or doing an assignment at school, your article won't be complete until everything has been checked. Including inaccurate information will immediately discredit the article and could make it difficult for you as a journalist.
    • Don't forget to check all the information in the newsletter before submitting it, including name, date and contact information or address. Writing correctly is one of the best ways to shape yourself as a good news journalist.
  2. You must have followed the outline and are consistent in style. Newspapers in general and news articles in particular come in a variety of styles, from objective coverage to Gonzo (The style of journalism in which reporters present events with a subjective attitude, usually through storytelling at First Person).
    • If your news article's goal is to convey information directly rather than express the writer's point of view, be sure to keep your articles objective and unbiased. Avoid overly negative or overly positive language as well as statements that can be construed as supportive or critical.
    • If you want the article to be in the interpretive style of journalism, check to make sure you have provided enough in-depth explanations of the larger story and provides plenty of insight.
  3. Follow League Press style in source format and citation. Journalists and the news they write down must follow the Press League style in their source and quote in most cases. The Press Confederation's Writing Guide is a journalist textbook and should be consulted for proper format.
    • When quoting someone, write down exactly what is said inside the quotes and immediately state that person's position. The official position should be capitalized and preceded by a person's name. Example: "Provincial President Nguyen Van A".
    • Always write in numbers that have a value between one and nine, but use numbers with a value of 10 or more.
    • When writing a news article, make sure that there is only one space after the dot, not two.
  4. To edit your readings. Even if you have checked it a few times and think everything is fine, you should still let other eyes see it. Besides finding spelling and grammar mistakes, editing will be able to help you shorten certain sections and simplify unnatural sentences.
    • Do not submit any news articles for publication without anyone checking them out first.Someone else could review the facts and information to make sure what you wrote was correct.
    • If you're writing school or personal news, let a friend take a look and give you a few comments. Sometimes you will get things that you want to justify or disagree with. However, no matter what, you should listen. Remember that with so many news articles published every minute, you need to make sure that the widest potential audience is able to grasp the information you provide.


  • Start with an inquiry and ask five questions. They will help you shape the outline and story of the article.
  • Conduct an interview, don't forget to be polite and honest about what you're writing about.
  • Leave the most important information at the beginning of the article.
  • Check to make sure that all the information is correct and has been correctly cited.
  • Unless otherwise requested, always adhere to the style of the Press Federation.
  • Ask a friend to re-read the article because some passages can be difficult to understand for others.
  • Always segment and leave room for images.