How to impress a girl on WhatsApp

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to chat to impress girl
Video: how to chat to impress girl


Being honest, polite, and confident can impress any girl you chat with on WhatsApp. A good profile picture and witty status will give you a good first impression, but the main thing is the right communication. Ask questions to show a genuine interest in the girl, and also find an interesting topic of conversation. You need to relax, be yourself and remember that the best way to impress a person is to just be sincere and not pretend.


Method 1 of 4: Set a Good Profile Photo

  1. 1 Choose a good profile photo. A successful profile photo is the first step to impressing a girl on WhatsApp. Choose your best portrait photo, in which you are doing something fun or in an unusual place.
    • For example, if you love playing the guitar, select a profile picture of you improvising on the instrument. When in doubt, just smile and take a picture of yourself with the front camera of your phone.
    • If you do not want to use a personal photo, then set the image of your favorite character or athlete.
  2. 2 Come up with an interesting status. WhatsApp offers a list of ready-made statuses like "Low Battery", but you'd better come up with something special. Think about what you want to say about yourself through status. It can be a line from your favorite song, movie, or TV show. You can also use a witty remark.
    • If you and a specific girl like a certain song or movie, then a status quote will help you to talk.
  3. 3 Format text in messages and profiles. The WhatsApp profile is very concise. Unlike Facebook's rich capabilities, it only provides a photo, status, employment and contact information. Use features such as text formatting to show your WhatsApp skills.
    • Text in a message or status can be written in bold, italic, or even strikethrough with special characters around the desired word. For example, asterisks allow you to write a word in bold ( * sample *). Underscores can turn your word into _ italic_, and tildes ~ strike out ~ the word.
    • You can also go to personal settings and hide information about yourself, but in this case, the desired girl will not be able to contact you.

Method 2 of 4: Start Communicating

  1. 1 Explore the pages on social networks to find out the interests of the girl. Today, to meet a person, you should also look at his pages on social networks. Study the pages of the girl you want to impress to get an idea of ​​the person's likes and dislikes. Knowing your interests will make it easier for you to strike up and maintain a conversation with her.
    • For example, say, “I noticed that you love origami. Will you teach me how to make a paper crane? ”.
  2. 2 Don't be nervous. Getting started is tricky, but try to relax and not overdo it. In the first message, just say hello and ask a question.
    • The girl may not answer right away if she is busy. Don't be discouraged even if she doesn't reply to your message at all.
  3. 3 First, ask how she is doing. You can start your first message like this: “Hello, how are you?”. You can also ask what she is doing or how the day is going.
    • Start the conversation with a question that is easy for the girl to answer.
  4. 4 Show that you have something in common. You can also talk about how your day is going.Your best bet is to write about things that unite you, like similar experiences.
    • For example, if you study in the same class, then write something about the lessons: “I don’t know about you, but it seemed to me that this math lesson would never end!”.

Method 3 of 4: Find Interesting Conversation Points

  1. 1 Become natural and confident. There is no need to invent anything extraordinary. Just be yourself, otherwise the girl will quickly notice that you are faking. It's okay to worry a little, so try to relax and enjoy the conversation.
  2. 2 Compliment the girl. If you want to make a good impression, then give a compliment that shows your attentiveness. Instead of stereotyped phrases when dating, you should start with a specific observation that reflects the girl's personality.
    • For example, if you have already met today, write “I liked your new hairstyle” or “You made a very interesting idea in history class. You can see that you like this topic! ”.
  3. 3 Don't talk about yourself, but ask questions. Who would like to talk to someone who only talks about themselves all the time? Impress the girl with your desire to get to know her the best you can. It’s okay to say some facts about yourself, especially when they relate to what she’s told you earlier, but you don’t need to reduce any conversation to your own stories.
    • Ask the girl about her favorite places, hobbies, siblings, or the songs and bands she listens to.
    • Also answer her questions so that your conversation doesn't sound like a one-sided interrogation. So, if she likes to be on the beach, then write: “Me too, but only at the sea. I don't like lakes! "
  4. 4 Chat on deeper topics. These conversations will show that you really want to get to know the girl as a person. After a casual exchange of remarks on superficial topics, you can talk about what is really interesting to her.
    • Ask questions about the girl's goals, hobbies, and dreams: "Name three things you want to achieve in life?" Find out what qualities she values ​​in people, what she considers the most important in the world, what childhood memory she loves most.
  5. 5 Don't bother the girl. Please be patient and don't send the next message until you get a response. Also, many people prefer to receive one large message, rather than a dozen short phrases.
    • Don't send too many memes. A funny GIF that relates to the topic of your conversation is fine, but don't overwhelm the girl with random funny pictures or videos.

Method 4 of 4: Be polite and considerate

  1. 1 Ask if the girl is comfortable talking. Show that you value other people's time and don't want to get in the way. Make sure she's not doing her homework, relaxing with friends, or doing something else.
    • Before sending a message, check the status and make sure that the girl is not busy right now.
  2. 2 Show a genuine interest in her personality. If you want to impress a girl you like, then you don't have to pretend if you are not interested in communicating with her. Any person appreciates sincerity, and it will be easier for you to maintain a fascinating conversation if you really want to get to know the girl better.
    • Thoughtful questions, an adequate response to her answers, and individual compliments will show your sincerity.
    • For example, if she wrote that she was very tired because of her studies, then do not change the subject and do not write about your problems. Instead, it is better to write: "Overwork is also bad! Maybe I distract you with our conversation? Or, on the contrary, can I help with the lessons?"
  3. 3 Let her talk after a hard day. If she answers “Not very well” to the question “How was your day”, then ask about the reasons. Say that you don't mind discussing the issues that bother her.
    • She will surely appreciate such a gesture, and you will get the opportunity to impress her with practical advice.
  4. 4 Do not send or ask to send you obscene photos or turn on video communication. Even if it seems to you that you will compliment the girl, she will only feel disrespectful. It will only push her away. Only courtesy, sincerity and courtesy will help you make a lasting impression.
    • If you communicate not only on a social network, but also live, or the girl does not mind, then ask if she would like to chat via video link. This conversation doesn't have to be trivial, just continue your normal conversation.