How to chase squirrels

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GRANDPA’S ADVICE on Chasing Women & Cooking Squirrels
Video: GRANDPA’S ADVICE on Chasing Women & Cooking Squirrels


Squirrels can be a lot of trouble in your yard and home, especially if there is a bird feeder or a garden home. They eat bird food, destroy the vegetables you are growing, and sometimes get stuck in your home. However, you don't have to be frustrated; There are a number of ways you can get these little niggles away from your property.


Method 1 of 3: Chasing squirrels in the yard

  1. Mix cayenne pepper or safflower seeds into your bird feeder to keep the squirrels from getting close. Mix cayenne pepper powder with bird food. Chili is a spice that squirrels do not like, but it also won't harm the birds.
    • Likewise, you can try mixing safflower seeds with bird food, as squirrels are not in love with it either.

  2. Make a squirrel feeder to continue feeding the birds. You can buy squirrel feeders for birds or make your own. For example, you can attach an arched stand below the feeding chute, the tip pointing up. Squirrels will be very difficult to overcome this base. You can also hang bird feeders on a steel wire between the two stakes; Insert an empty spool or anything rotatable on the string to stop squirrel.
    • You can also apply cooking oil to the stakes attached to your bird feeders to prevent squirrels from climbing!

  3. Clean up any food that has fallen in the yard. Balls, nuts and berries are all squirrel's favorite foods. Clean up every time these berries fall in your yard to avoid attracting squirrels. You may have to clear it every day when the nuts fall off.
    • If you have a bird feeder, be sure to remove any particles that have fallen on the ground!

  4. Attach metal or plastic rings around the trunk to prevent the squirrels from climbing. Squirrels often cannot climb through these rings, so this is an effective way to prevent squirrels. You can buy this product at home repair material stores or make your own with corrugated iron.
    • To make tree trunk rings purchase a 26 gauge sheet of corrugated iron and pliers. Measure the circumference of the trunk. Use a marker to draw a rectangle with a height of about 60-90 cm, the length of the circumference of the tree that you just measured plus a few centimeters. Use metal cutting pliers to cut according to the figure. File the corners to reduce sharpness.
    • Drill 2 holes at each end of the sheet. Take 2 metal springs and attach steel wire to each end of the 2 springs. Wrap the corrugated iron around the tree trunk, then thread the steel wire at one end of the spring into a hole at the top of the sheet. Insert the other end of the wire into the opposite hole on the other end of the sheet. Do the same with the other spring. Springs will create room for the plant to grow.
  5. Release your pet on the field to chase the squirrels. Dogs and cats both love to chase squirrels, as they are natural predators for this rodent. If you regularly send cats and dogs to the playground, the squirrels will be afraid and less dare to stick to the yard.
    • Of course, you should only do so if your yard is fenced.
  6. Seal the trash so the squirrels won't be attracted to them. Because they are rodents, squirrels will dig in the trash can for their favorite food chunks. Always keep a tight lid on your trash can to eliminate this temptation.
    • Make sure the lid of the trash can has a latch securely attached to prevent large scavengers such as raccoons.

Method 2 of 3: Prevent squirrels from entering the home

  1. Prune fallen branches near roofs and chimneys. Squirrels can jump from tree branches to roofs. Prune off branches that extend above the roof and all nearby branches to within 1.8 -2.4 meters.
    • Just prune enough branches to keep the squirrels from jumping into the house. Use a hand saw or pruning pliers to cut.
    • Always stay safe when climbing stairs. Make sure the ladder is secure and rested on a stable surface. If possible, ask someone else to keep the ladder.
    • If branches need to be pruned near power lines, call an electric utility or professional service for them to handle.
  2. Install a chimney hood if you have a fireplace. Usually, you will place the bottom of a square metal mesh frame over the chimney mouth, the edges of the mesh frame against the edges of the chimney mouth. You can then fasten 4 screws to these edges to fasten to the brick or stone section of the chimney mouth. The top chimney hood and metal mesh frame will prevent squirrels from entering.
    • Squirrels can enter the house through the fireplace. The stainless steel mesh chimney hood will suppress the squirrel, and you will still be able to use the chimney.
    • You can find chimney covers at home repair shops.
    • Some chimney covers require metal mesh bolts with rock underneath.
  3. Go to the attic to find spots where the squirrels can get in. Squirrels can enter your home through small holes. You should check in the attic during the day to see light through. Seal holes with wire mesh to block the entrance of squirrels. You can nail or pin the wire mesh edges on the inside or outside of the hole.
    • You also need to watch from the outside as well. Check under the key for any holes.
  4. Spray the squirrel repellent around the holes. Once you've sealed the holes, you can create an extra layer of protection by spraying the repellant. Try products containing capsaicin, for example. This is the chemical that gives chili a spicy taste that squirrels will not like!
    • You can also use predator urine to keep squirrels away in the yard and around the house. However, it will cause the area to smell bad, so you should only use it in the garden instead of spraying it around the house. This product is available at home repair shops.

Method 3 of 3: Get rid of squirrels from home

  1. Set up a live trap in the attic if you want to catch and release squirrels. Place a small iron cage trap or box trap in the attic and tie the trap door so that it stays open. Once the squirrels are used to the trap to eat, you can remove the lanyard to set the trap. Check the trap at least 2 times a day.
    • Squirrel traps can be pieces of apples, sunflower seeds, peeled pecans or walnuts, dried corn, or peanut butter.
    • Check with wildlife authorities to find out if you need permission to trap squirrels. Squirrels are generally classified as wild, meaning you may need to obtain a permit if you want to hunt or kill them.
    • When trapping squirrels, you should take them at least 5km away from home, preferably in a tree-lined area or park.
  2. Install the one-way door open out to let the squirrels leave on their own. After all, the squirrels will have to go out to find food and water. You can install a one-way attic door that is designed for this purpose. The squirrels will follow the door out but cannot return.
    • You can also create your own version of the one-way door using a piece of plastic about 45 cm long and 10 cm in diameter. Insert the plastic tube into the hole from the outside, but place it facing the ground at a 45 degree bevel. The squirrel will come out but cannot climb inside the tube.
    • Note that the parent squirrels may leave the attic and accidentally leave the nest.
  3. Call a professional if you cannot handle the squirrels yourself. If you have used everything and still cannot get rid of the squirrels, your best option is to call a pest control service. They know how to handle rodents and can trap and remove squirrels from your home. In addition, they may find holes that squirrels use to get into your home and cover you up.
    • Ask friends and family to recommend a pest control service.


  • In some regions squirrels are classified as wildlife, so always check with local laws before setting a trap.
  • It is illegal to destroy squirrel nests in some areas, so check with local regulations in advance.