How to chase the pigeons

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
7 Smart Ways To Get Rid of Pigeons
Video: 7 Smart Ways To Get Rid of Pigeons


  • Eliminate other food sources. Pigeon food sources can include grass seeds, begonias or olives, and food for dogs and cats on the outside. Do not sow seeds continuously if the seeds have not sprouted. Preventing or controlling access to food sources will reduce pigeons. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Seal the entrance

    1. Cover chimneys. Pigeons love to perch on chimneys. Install a stainless steel mesh lid that prevents birds from getting close, but smoke can still escape. If you don't have experience with roofing, you can turn to a staff member to do the job. Just make sure that no pigeons show up while the chimney is covered.

    2. Spread the net in the place of the dove's nest. Meshes are a popular humanitarian repellent because they can be used anywhere without an eyesore. Cover the entire surface where pigeons can land or lay eggs, such as under an air conditioner. This will prevent the pigeons from reaching the site at all.
    3. Hanging kites chasing pigeons. This light kite or decoy is sold in the form of a hawk. Hang the kite in a place where pigeons normally sit. Note that pigeons will get used to the presence of raptors always "perched" in the same place. To be effective, you should move the prey regularly.

    4. Use a reflective surface. Sun shining on a reflective object creates a prismatic effect on the dove's eyesight. To scare away the pigeons you can use reflective tape or a silver ball. If the budget does not allow, you can hang the old CD on a nearby tree or along the porch. advertisement


    • Pigeons are intelligent animals and have a strong motivation to return home. This is why it can be difficult to get them out of your home. If you can reach them, you will easily catch them in the dark. However, pigeons will return unless they raise their chicks elsewhere.
    • Pigeons reproduce very quickly.Unless the initial pigeon population is small, shooting down or setting up a trap is only a temporary solution. The rest of the birds will often replenish the lost birds in the flock by reproducing rapidly.
    • You can humanely reduce the number of pigeons by applying birth control to them. This can be done by feeding the bird with pellets. This food is too large for a lark. The cost is expected to be quite expensive, but has a lasting effect and can reduce pigeon numbers by up to 95 percent. Buy pellets on the internet or from a seed, bonsai and garden store. This method is EPA certified and approved by the animal welfare association.
      • If you live outside the New Hampshire, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico area, you can use this product without a license.


    • Do not harm the pigeon if it is not needed. They are living organisms. Any permanent exclusion must be humane and comply with animal welfare laws.
    • Never use polybutylene gel. This sticky repellant will harm any animal or bird that comes into close contact. The gel can stick to other birds' feathers and prevent them from flying. If a bird or small animal steps on the gel, they can become trapped and slowly die in pain.
    • Do not use the ultrasonic device, as they affect not only pigeons but also other harmless birds, as well as dogs and cats. Humanitarian equipment is approved for use in airports, but they are not yet approved for indoor use.