How to remove permanent marker

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Use the Magic Eraser "magic eraser". Magic Eraser is a special cleaning pad used to remove stains on a variety of surfaces. You simply moisten the eraser and then rub the marker stain.
  • Use WD-40 oil. WD-40 is a commercial cleaning product with a variety of uses. Simply spray some WD-40 oil directly onto the marker stain and scrub it with a clean towel.

  • Use a brush to write the board. A whiteboard marker can be used to remove stains from many surfaces and works extremely well on whiteboards. This is because the marker pens contain non-polar solvents. You just need to paint the marker on the marker stain and wipe it off.
  • Use a pencil eraser. In some situations, you can simply use a pencil eraser to remove the marker stains.
  • Use sunscreen. Some people report that sunscreen is an effective tool for removing permanent marker from non-porous surfaces. Just spray or apply some sunscreen to the ink stain and scrub it off with a clean towel.

  • Use nail polish remover. Dab a clean washcloth in Acetone nail polish remover and rub it over the marker stain. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 4: Remove the marker from fabric

    1. Use bleach to remove permanent marker from white fabric. Mix a small amount of bleach in the water and dab the ink-stained fabric into the mixture. The ink stains will fade immediately or need to soak for a few minutes.
      • If you do need to soak, keep an eye on it to make sure the bleach doesn't dissolve the fabric.
      • After the ink stain disappears, wash the fabric immediately as usual.

    2. Use a mixture of vinegar, milk, borax, and lemon juice on the satin. The satin works fairly well with a mix of 1 teaspoon of milk, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of borax, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
      • Mix the mixture in a small cup and apply directly to the stain and let sit for 10 minutes.
      • Use a clean, damp sponge to dab the mixture on the fabric (do not rub) until the ink is gone.
    3. Use isopropyl alcohol or acetone on hard fabrics. A little isopropyl alcohol or acetone can be used to remove ink stains from rougher fabrics like towels or tablecloths. Just use a clean cotton ball soaked in alcohol or acetone and dab on the stain until it's clean. Wash towels immediately.
    4. Use citrus juice for casual clothing. Citrus juices, such as lemon juice, can be used to remove permanent marker from most clothes without fear of staining or discoloring. Just dab a little fresh fruit juice on the stain, and then pat the stain gently with a cotton ball or washcloth until the stain is gone.
      • For thinner litchi materials, dilute citrus juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Wash clothes as soon as possible after removing ink stains.
    5. Apply isopropyl alcohol or hairspray to the ink stains on the carpet. Pour isopropyl alcohol so the towel is clean. Dab the towel on the ink stain on the carpet. Same goes for any carpet stains, you do too should not rubbing causes the stain to spread and weakens the fabric. Dab gently until the stain has faded.
      • As an alternative, you can use a hair spray to spray it on the stain and soak it with a clean towel until the ink fades.
      • After you have removed the stain (either way), soak the carpet with a little water and pat dry with a clean towel.

    Method 3 of 4: Remove the marker from the interior

    1. Use a hair spray on the leather upholstery. Spray a little on a clean towel and rub the stain. You may need to spray more or change positions on a clean towel to completely remove the stain.
      • After the stain is gone, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the remaining hairspray, and then apply a conditioner to the furniture.
    2. Use hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol for microfiber upholstery. To remove permanent marker from this material, you need to pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto a clean towel and then rub it on the stain for 10-15 minutes.
      • Next, pour some Isopropyl alcohol on another clean washcloth and rub it over the stain for 10-15 minutes.
      • Finally, use a clean, fresh cloth soaked in water to wipe off any remaining ink. Use a dry towel to blot the water one last time.
    3. Use Windex glass cleaner, isopropyl alcohol or nail polish remover for other types of furniture cover. You can use Windex glass cleaner, isopropyl alcohol, or nail polish remover to remove permanent marker from all other furniture covers by:
      • Pour a small amount of the cleaning product of your choice onto a clean, dry cloth, and then dab it over the stain until it's gone. Some people believe that using the same color cloth wrapped in furniture is best.
      • The cleaning product can be poured onto a new spot on the towel and continued to dab several times until the ink is gone. Just make sure the upholstery is not soaked in the cleaning product to avoid staining.
      • After removing the stain, use a clean, dry cloth to blot any remaining water on the fabric. If possible, the furniture should be left outdoors to dry naturally.

    Method 4 of 4: Remove the marker from the skin

    1. Pour some alcohol on a sponge or towel. Apply rubbing alcohol to the affected area, and you can rub it slightly. The ink is still on the skin but will fade after 1-2 baths. advertisement


    • Try 99% isopropyl alcohol, 95% cereal alcohol, acetone paint thinner or vegetable oil if other products are available.
    • Modern kitchens or bathrooms with modern cabinets often have waterproof properties, meaning that ink stains and cleaning solutions stick only on the surface. This does not apply to wood without waterproofing or to less modern materials. Therefore, you should test in a hidden location before using this method to remove all the ink.
    • Use pine oil / white wine to remove ink stains from your skin. Pour some pine oil or white wine on a towel and rub it gently over the ink stain. Wash your skin after removing the stain.
    • The Stridex Acne Patch is very effective at removing ink stains from hard, non-porous surfaces and on skin.


    • Do not apply alcohol or acetone to the skin around the eyes, nose, or mouth of children, adults, or pets. Can be applied on body, limbs, but not on sensitive skin and face.
    • Take care to avoid rubbing too hard on young children's skin. If the ink-stained surface has already been stained with artificial colors such as paint, dye or lacquer, the use of acetone, oil, and alcohol can erode the skin.