Ways to Avoid Caesarean

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Tips to Avoid a Caesarean Delivery
Video: 9 Tips to Avoid a Caesarean Delivery


In the United States, nearly a quarter (21.5%) of pregnant women undergo the first cesarean section. Caesarean section can resolve complicated labor cases, and help save mother and baby's life when something goes wrong during labor. But many experts believe that this surgery is being conducted too often and for sometimes avoidable reasons. If you want to avoid the risks and prolonged recovery time caused by a caesarean section, there are a few ways you should go to improve your fertility.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the right care technique during pregnancy

  1. In the US, you might consider hiring trained midwives. Most women deliver delivery by an obstetrician, but research shows that midwives have a higher success rate instructing women to deliver vaginally without having to use interventions. Not necessary like surgery. Before hiring them you must check their certification as a midwife. Recipients of this certificate must hold a bachelor's degree and / or master's degree, have completed a nurse and midwife training program, pass the tests to be certified and qualify as a midwife through the process. their practice.
    • Midwives are not trained to operate or handle high-risk births, but most are affiliated with a hospital or an obstetrician's organization. Know that if a woman experiences complications during labor, the midwife will have to refer them to an obstetrician for care. Talk to them about possible complications before the due date, and add some guidance to your plan in the event of complications in labor.
    • Ask about how often they have an episiotomy. This is a small incision made during the second trimester to widen the output of the vagina for the baby to pass through. This procedure is increasingly rare, but you should ask to see if this is the way they usually do.
    • Midwives often do not have devices such as clamps or suction cups because they have not learned how to use them, and they are not authorized to do so. Be aware that these tools can save mother and baby's life in times of need and are often a way to avoid having a caesarean section.
    • Their patients are also less likely to use pain relievers (some midwives do not know how to inject anesthesia so this may affect the number of patients taking the painkillers). After giving birth, the patient reported a happier experience.
    • If you have a high risk pregnancy, such as twins or multiple pregnancies, or if you have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure or another chronic condition, it's best not to use a midwife without a doctor. attached obstetrics.

  2. Ask your doctor about their policy for caesarean section. If you decide to ask a doctor instead of a midwife, make sure to choose someone who respects your wishes as a normal birth. Ask where they plan to deliver you: do you need to go to a hospital, or do you have a choice, including the fertility center? With flexible choice you have greater control over how you will deliver.
    • Ask your doctor about the "basic cesarean section rate", which is the percentage they need to have their first caesarean section surgery, the lower the better and ideally 15-20% .

  3. Hire a birth assistant. In the US you can hire a birth assistant, who is not a medical professional but will accompany you to the hospital or fertility center to help you with your labor and delivery. Although not a health care provider, with their guidance the time of labor will occur faster, with fewer complications and a lower rate of caesarean section.
    • A recent study shows that many pregnant women do not know about the service of a birth assistant, so they cannot take advantage of these benefits. Ask your doctor or other mom to refer you to a birth support person. Some fertility centers offer a birth attendant as part of their facility care program.
    • Remember, this person's services are often not covered by health insurance, and their fees range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

  4. Join a natural reproduction class. Find more information on how to prevent caesarean section by taking a natural fertility class, they focus on teaching you breathing techniques and how to get through labor without having to take painkillers or intervene with procedures. medical. You will learn how to control pain naturally, through breathing exercises and body positioning to reduce the likelihood of medical interventions such as caesarean section surgery.
    • If you plan to have your baby in a fertility center or hospital, ask them to recommend a natural fertility class. If you are using a birth assistant service, you can ask them to recommend a class.

Part 2 of 3: Adjusting diet and exercise

  1. Eat a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy. Labor and delivery take a lot of energy, and you must be prepared for these challenges. Eating healthy with plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates will keep you in your best health before the time comes.
    • Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for a caesarean section. Before it's time to limit weight gain, taking good care of your health with proper exercise and diet can reduce your risk of cesarean section.
    • Maintain a balanced diet that includes the following four food groups: fruits and vegetables, protein, dairy products, and whole grains.
    • Ensure a daily diet of five servings of fresh or frozen fruit, about 150 grams of protein such as meat, fish, eggs, soybeans or tofu, three to four servings of fresh or frozen vegetables, six to eight servings of whole grains like bread, rice, pasta and breakfast cereals, and two to three servings of dairy products like yogurt and hard cheese.
    • You must also maintain a healthy weight for your age and type. Avoid being underweight or overweight during pregnancy as this can lead to complications or other health problems. You should calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) using a formula found online, then determine how many calories you need to consume each day to maintain a healthy weight.
    • If you are concerned about your diet, you should ask your doctor or midwife for advice. If you have gestational diabetes or other complications, specific dietary instructions should be followed.
  2. Exercise throughout pregnancy. As long as your doctor or midwife allows, you should exercise moderately to keep your body toned, to meet the requirements of giving birth.
    • Do low impact exercises like swimming, walking, and yoga. There are some exercises for pregnant women, such as abdominal exercises, as well.
    • Avoid exercises where you must lie flat after your first trimester, as well as contact sports and activities that risk falls, such as surfing or horseback riding.
  3. Get plenty of rest, especially in the last trimester. You need maximum rest before the time of labor, so that your body can meet the energy-consuming demands of giving birth, avoiding medical intervention. Most pregnant women need more sleep because their bodies are carrying an extra baby so they will be more tired than usual.
    • For women finding a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy without affecting the fetus is also not easy. Try to lie on your left hip with your legs bent. You should place a hug pillow or many small pillows on your lower back to create a comfortable feeling when you sleep.
  4. Yoga for pregnant women. This type of yoga has been shown to effectively improve sleep, reduce stress and restlessness, increase muscle strength, flexibility and endurance. It also reduces the risk of preterm birth and labor-related problems that may require emergency caesarean section surgery.
    • During yoga class, you will learn breathing techniques, gentle stretching and postures that increase flexibility and balance. At the end of class is a time for students to cool off and relax.

Part 3 of 3: Avoid unnecessary interventions at birth

  1. Do not go to the hospital until entering active stage of labor. Going to the hospital too early when labor is just beginning can lead to unnecessary intervention, such as a caesarean section.
    • The first stage of labor takes place the longest with mild contractions. Walk back and forth and squat during this stage to keep labor going until the active phase begins. This stage usually occurs later than previously thought, when the cervix has widened at least 6 cm wide. Stay home until the active phase of labor begins, this is the time when medical intervention can warrant a normal delivery.
  2. Avoid inducing labor. In some cases it is medically necessary to induce labor, when the use of drugs or devices to induce labor is triggered. But while the situation is normal for you and your baby, it is best to avoid inducing labor. Research has shown that inducing labor while in labor can double the risk of having a cesarean section.
    • Try to avoid "elective labor," which is a means of inducing labor purely for convenience rather than necessity. Instead, lean on your spouse or spouse, and use the breathing and labor techniques learned in natural fertility classes to stimulate labor.
  3. Ask your doctor about pain relief options. There is conflicting evidence as to whether epidural anesthesia may increase the risk of a caesarean section. An epidural too early during labor may increase the risk of a cesarean delivery, but a combined spinal-epidural anesthesia (CSE) will help relieve pain without numbness, and actually help you repel pregnancy. Baby is easier. Talk to your doctor or midwife about the benefits and risks of pain relievers, so that you know which pain relief option is right for you.
    • An epidural restricts the ability of the fetus to move in the uterus, so if the baby is in an unfavorable position, it will be difficult to adjust to a better posture during birth. After an epidural, your mobility is also limited, which can lead to complications during transformation.
    • The chance of having a cesarean section is slightly reduced if you wait until your cervix has widened at least 5 cm before an epidural or another pain medicine is used. It is then difficult for the labor contraction to be reduced or stopped. Trying to be active in the early stages of labor by walking back and forth and changing positions is also beneficial. Avoid lying flat on the back because this makes it harder for the fetus to move into the right position, and prolongs labor.
  4. Learn how to reverse the fetus from the midwife or obstetrician. The inverted fetus is the lying position of the fetus with the buttocks or feet facing down. If not moved, it can cause complications during delivery. If your baby is lying upside down around 36 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor or midwife will teach you how to rotate the baby by hand so that the baby's head is facing down. This method will reduce the likelihood of having a cesarean section so that the baby is in a favorable position during delivery.
    • If the fetus is still in an unfavorable position even though you have tried to push the baby with your hands, as a result, the baby will have difficulty crawling through the pelvis, the solution is now the doctor must use forceps or suction cups pull the fetus out, this is a safe alternative to surgery. Talk to your doctor about these procedures and determine your options in your birth plan if you don't want a cesarean section.
  5. Tell your support person about wanting to have a baby through the vagina. If you are asking for a support person or your husband to be in the delivery room, make sure he or she knows about your wishes for a normal delivery. They will support you in labor and remind you of your goals and motivates you when you are too tired.
    • You must state in the birth plan that you want to have a normal delivery, and give a copy of the plan to your doctor, midwife, and support person. However, it is also important for mothers to include a clause in the plan about what to do if a caesarean surgery is really needed for urgent medical reasons.