Ways to Grow Cilantro

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Cilantro Indoors
Video: How To Grow Cilantro Indoors


Cilantro (scientific name: Coriandrum Sativum) is a dark green leaf herb with a delicious taste. Cilantro is harvested fresh and used to add flavor to many Asian and Latin American dishes. Cilantro is also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley. Cilantro is not difficult to grow. You can plant the seeds directly in the ground when the weather is no longer cold or in pots. Here is how to grow cilantro.


Method 1 of 2: Growing cilantro in the garden

  1. Choose the time of year. The best time to grow cilantro depends on where you live. Cilantro can not live in cold conditions, but also does not like environments with extreme heat. In temperate climates, the best time to start growing cilantro is in late spring, between March and May. In tropical climates, cilantro usually thrives during cool, dry times. during the year, such as autumn.
    • You can also successfully grow cilantro around the end of the summer to let it grow in the fall.
    • If the weather is too hot, the cilantro will begin to split its tail, which means blooming and seeding.So, you should choose the timing of growing vegetables wisely. To choose the most ideal planting time, try sowing cilantro seeds indoors and then moving outdoors when the weather gets better.

  2. Prepare a place to grow your vegetables in the garden. Choose a piece of soil where the cilantro is fully illuminated. The area south of the land should also have some shade as it is extremely hot during the day. The soil should be light, well drained, and have a pH of 6.2-6.8.
    • If you want to nourish the soil before planting, you can use a shovel, plow, or spade to plow the soil 5-7 cm deep, then cover with organic humus such as compost, rotting leaves or manure in the soil layer. on top of. If you want to use manure, make sure the manure is composted or composted for at least 3 months to avoid burning the young plants. You should rooster the soil before planting.

  3. Plant coriander seeds. You should sow seeds about 0.6 cm deep in the ground, each seed 15-20 cm apart and each row about 0.3 m apart. Cilantro seeds need a lot of moisture to germinate, so make sure to water them regularly. Cilantro seeds need about 20 ml of water per week. Seeds should germinate in about 2-3 weeks.
    • Cilantro grows very fast, so you should plant a new batch of seeds every 2-3 weeks to ensure that you have enough fresh vegetables for continuous use during the season.

  4. Take care of cilantro. Once the sapling is about 5 cm tall, you can fertilize the tree with compost or compost. Be careful not to over-fertilize. Instead, you should only apply about 1/4 cup of fertilizer for every 7.5 square meter of soil.
    • Cilantro once grows on its own usually does not require too much water. Just keep the soil moist, but not too wet, as coriander is a dry climate herb.
  5. The vegetable compartment is too dense. You can prevent dense cilantro by uprooting young plants when they are about 5-7 cm tall. You should uproot the baby tree, so that the healthiest plants have conditions to grow and grow 20-25 cm apart. You can use the little tree to eat or cook.
    • You can also prevent weeds from growing by covering the base of the plant with mulch as soon as the seed emerges.
  6. Harvest coriander. Harvest cilantro by cutting individual leaves and stems from the stem, cutting close to the ground when the stalk is about 10 to 15 cm high. Use fresh and freshly picked cilantro for cooking as it is often bitter in old and thick.
    • Do not cut more than 1/3 of the number of leaves at a time to avoid weakening the plant.
    • After picking the leaves, the plant will continue to grow for at least 2-3 more cycles.
  7. Decide whether or not to let the cilantro flower. Sooner or later, the cilantro will flower. When flowering, the cilantro will stop producing fresh, fresh and edible leaves. At this point, some people will cut off all the flowers in the hope that the plant will grow more leaves.
    • However, if you want to harvest the cilantro seeds from the plant, you should let the cilantro flower. When the flowers are dry, you can harvest the coriander seeds for cooking.
    • Alternatively, you can also let the seeds fall naturally on the ground so that the seeds will sprout into a new vegetable plant so you can have more vegetables to use in the next season. You can also store the dried seeds for planting the next season.

Method 2 of 2: Growing cilantro in a pot

  1. Choose the right pot. Choose a pot or bucket at least 45 cm wide and 20-25 cm deep. Cilantro is not well adapted to moving, so choose a pot large enough to accommodate the fully mature plant.
  2. Drills. Fill the pot with well drained soil. You can also mix the soil with a little fertilizer if you like. Pour a little water into the soil so the soil is damp, not too wet. Sprinkle the seeds lightly on the soil so that they are evenly distributed. Fill the seeds with about 0.6 cm of soil.
  3. Place the pot in a sunny place. Cilantro needs sunlight to grow. For this reason, place the pot in a sunny place, such as near a window or a greenhouse. The south side of a window gets the most sunlight, making it an ideal location for a pot of cilantro. Cilantro seeds will germinate within 7-10 days.
  4. Moisturizing. You should keep the soil moist by filling a spray bottle with water and spraying it on the soil. Pouring water on the soil can splash seeds.
  5. Harvest coriander. You can harvest it when the stalk is about 10-15 cm long. Cut two-thirds of the leaves each week to encourage the plant to continue growing. This way, you can harvest 4 servings of cilantro per pot. advertisement


  • Cilantro often attracts butterflies in the garden because butterflies love the smell of vegetables, especially in the morning and at night.
  • 'Costa Rica', 'Leisure', and 'Long Standing' are good coriander varieties you can grow because they slow their tail (flower) and produce many leaves.

What you need

  • Shovel, plow or spade
  • Organic matter
  • Cilantro seeds
  • Watering cans or hoses with spray holes
  • Sawdust
  • Compost or organic fertilizer
  • Flower pots or barrels
  • Sunlight