To pull a joke

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
💨 A Speeding Ticket Joke
Video: 💨 A Speeding Ticket Joke


Wanna have Fun? A harmless joke is a good way for you and your friends to have a good laugh. In this article, you can learn how to choose a good joke that you can laugh at and not cause long-term damage.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Easy jokes

  1. Change the language settings of a friend or colleague to another language. Find the person's Facebook account, phone, or computer and change the language settings to Latin, Spanish, German, or any other language that the other doesn't speak.
  2. Change some common words in Word or Outlook autocorrect feature. When your friend tries to type something, the program will automatically drop the misspelled word into the text. You can also do this with the auto-correct feature of your friend's phone. Then when he or she tries to type a text message, very weird or funny words appear on the screen.
  3. Dip the ends of a set of pens in clear nail polish. Play this joke with your colleagues or your family members. The ink will not be able to come out of the pen and no one will be able to write anything down.
  4. Spread clear nail polish on a bar of soap. Leave this in the shower or on the sink so you can see what's going on. The soap will not foam and your victims will not be able to wash their hands or figure out why the soap is not working.
  5. Pretend currant cookies are cookies with pieces of chocolate in them. Bring a large amount of currant cookies to work and tell them they are cookies with pieces of chocolate in them. Watch if everyone gets very angry when they take a bite.
  6. Fill a jar of mayonnaise with vanilla custard. Watch someone make a sandwich (or be very helpful and make them a sandwich yourself). You can also grab the jar when you are with your friends and enjoy eating from the jar.
  7. Swap the salt with the sugar. Sprinkle sugar in the salt shaker and sprinkle salt in the sugar bowl (or even in the sugar packaging).

Method 2 of 4: Advanced jokes

  1. Stick a piece of masking tape over a friend's or colleague's computer mouse. The mouse will no longer be visible on the screen and it will drive the other person crazy trying to get the mouse to work. If you're in a really crazy mood, you can also put a funny picture on the bottom of the mouse so that the other person knows who is responsible for the joke.
  2. Put yellow food coloring in the toilet water tank. The water from this reservoir replenishes the water in the toilet bowl when you flush the toilet. Every time someone flushes the toilet it will look like the toilet is broken.
  3. Make a box without a bottom. Cut the bottoms out of all the cereal boxes you have around the house. Have them stand upright in the cupboard so that a hungry, unsuspecting victim can reach for a box.
  4. Get someone trapped while holding an egg through a door. Tell a friend or family member that you want to conduct an experiment if they have their hands full with something. Have the other person put their hand through the crack in the door (between the hinges) and give them an egg to hold. Then walk away and just let the other person stand there. He or she cannot walk away without dropping the egg.
  5. Fill the packaging of a deodorant stick with cream cheese. Remove the deodorant stick from the packaging and replace it with a piece of cream cheese. You have to apply the cream cheese along the top of the package.

Method 3 of 4: Difficult jokes

  1. Cover a doorway with clear plastic wrap. Of course, you only want to cover the top portion of the doorway, otherwise your victim's feet will hit the foil, instead of his or her face. Also make sure to stretch the foil tightly over the opening before sticking it down. Your victim will be able to see the foil differently. Ask a friend to help you.
  2. Cover a regular egg with chocolate. Buy a real egg and cover it with melted chocolate. Let the chocolate dry. Cover the egg with a brightly colored foil, just like a chocolate egg. Give the egg to someone you love.
  3. Move the handle on the refrigerator door. You can do this if you have a refrigerator where it is possible to move the handle. Grab a screwdriver and take the handle off the door. Move the handle to the other side of the door and screw it back on. People will try to open the refrigerator and become very frustrated when they fail to do so.
  4. Fill a dozen donuts with mayonnaise. Buy a dozen cream filled donuts, scrape out the cream, then fill them with mayonnaise. Take them to work and leave them anonymously in the canteen or kitchen.
  5. Adjust all the clocks in the house. You have to be able to access your victim's phone and computer for this, otherwise he or she will soon find out what is going on. Turn the hands forward or backward a few hours.
  6. Wrap plastic wrap around someone's car. Buy clear plastic wrap and wrap it all the way around your victim's car so they can't get in without cutting the wrap. You need a lot of plastic wrap to perform this prank.

Method 4 of 4: Classic jokes

  1. Splash a friend with water. Use a paper cup or other container that you can put water in and that won't break if dropped from a great distance. Also, it shouldn't hurt if it falls on someone's head. Open your victim's bedroom door ajar and put the cup on the door. When he or she opens the door, the cup will fall and splash the victim.
  2. Go for an old joke and hit someone's face with a cake. Bake a cake and place it in a slingshot aimed at a door that you cannot see through. Hold the slingshot until someone opens the door, then release. Pets!
  3. Try an old feather joke. Set up a fan and aim it at a door that you cannot see through. Empty your pillow full of down for the fan. Turn on the fan when your victim opens the door. Feathers will be flying everywhere.
  4. Try to spray water on someone's face for fun. Take a piece of tape and cover a tap with it. The faucet should be spraying water on the next person to turn on the faucet.


  • Keep your face straight when you pull the prank. When you start to laugh, your victim will know something is up! Some tips for a straight face: bend your toes as tight as possible, bite your tongue (but not so hard that blood comes out), or bite the inside of your cheek.
  • Make sure you get the joke on the right person.
  • It is important that you hide in a good place where the other person cannot see you.
  • Always make sure that the person you're joking with doesn't get too angry afterwards.
  • Don't forget to read the instructions carefully before doing anything.


  • Don't play jokes that hurt people. This is not funny (especially for the victim) and it can also cause you problems!
  • Don't joke too often. Wait a while so that your victims have a false sense of their own safety.
  • If you know someone who gets very angry at jokes, don't joke with them.
  • Don't joke on the street. This is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.