How to look older (for teens)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to look older and more mature (baby face friendly👶🏾)
Video: how to look older and more mature (baby face friendly👶🏾)


Isn't it boring to keep being mistaken for my younger brother? It's okay, you can make yourself look more mature and mature. Just by focusing on your clothes and posture, you will look older in everyone's eyes.


Method 1 of 3: Dress properly

  1. Throw away the bad news. Your outfit is one of the factors that people look at and appreciate. What we wear on our bodies can influence how people feel about us. If you're trying to find a way to look older than your age, break out of the teenage habit. Let's start by shopping for clothes in other fashion stores.Skip the teen stall and go to the adult clothing booth. Teen fashion stalls often sell thin, translucent and inexpensive fabrics that make you look younger. Instead of choosing inexpensive fabrics, look for clothes that are beautifully tailored with a good fabric.
    • Girls should avoid the "bunny girl" trend like Mary Janes shoes or Peter Pan collar. Don't wear blouses with lots of lace and ruffles, pleated skirts and anything that looks too "cute".
    • Avoid sports fashions. Sports t-shirts, basketball shorts, caps and exercise suits will make you look lazy and messy. That is also a common style of young people.

  2. Wear suitable clothes. Replace loose-fitting clothes with stylish outfits for the wearer. You do not want to be "swallowed" by clothes and hang on you like hanging on a clothes hanger. That won't look nice and sloppy. You should also not wear tight clothing. Tight clothing can make you look young and immature.
    • Boyfriends should choose shirts by measuring shoulder width. If the shoulders are over the top of your shoulders then the shirt is too wide.
    • For girls, choose clothes that flatter your physique (but not revealing). If you have small hips, you can wear an A-skirt to create an "illusion" of your hips. Choose a U-neck and V-neck. Buy a jacket and sweater that fits your body.

  3. Don't wear t-shirts with letters or pictures on them. One sign that you are young is to wear a T-shirt with funny symbols or phrases printed on it, such as a shirt with bands, brands and logos on it. If you want to look older in the eyes of others, you should skip these t-shirts.
    • For boyfriends, try wearing a plain or striped shirt. Choose bright colors like pale rose, yellow, and orange. Formal attire does not have to be dull.
    • Henleys and Polos are men's shirts that are more suitable than t-shirts.
    • Girls should choose T-shirts or sleeveless shirts with decorative accessories. Try wearing a light plain shirt or a shirt with a print on it. However, you should avoid wearing reflective clothing.

  4. Wear good quality jeans. Jeans are a common outfit in everyone's wardrobe, regardless of age. Buy jeans that are good, with cuts that flatter your body. Make sure the back of the pants is neither too high nor too low.
    • Boyfriends should buy stand-up jeans. Girls should wear shorts, flats or leggings. If you're wearing skinny jeans, make sure they're not too tight.
    • Instead of fading jeans or ripped jeans, choose darker pants. Don't choose jeans with sparkling stones or other highlights.
  5. Choose the right shoes to wear. Complete proper attire with the right shoes. Don't wear sneakers or canvas shoes. Don't wear too colorful shoes. If you are a girl, do not wear towering or too cool heels. Both boyfriends and girlfriends should not wear flip flops but rather traditional, proper shoes.
    • Boyfriends should wear boots. Black boots can suit any outfit. Brown leather boots with laces are also great. Loafers and canoe shoes are also suitable if you don't want to wear boots. Glossy leather shoes look pretty decent.
    • Girls should wear shoes that match the activity that they will participate in. If you go to a casual event, wear running shoes, flats or other suitable shoes. In formal situations, wear flat-heeled shoes or high heels. Make sure the heels are not too high. If you don't want to wear heels, you can wear medium flats. Sandals are very suitable for the summer.
  6. Dress well. Another way to look older is to dress elegantly. Please appear neat and neat. This will make people see you as an adult and not a child.
    • Boyfriends should wear khaki pants or trousers, with a tucked-in polo shirt or button-down shirt. Attached is a leather belt and a nice pair of shoes underfoot. A tie doesn't have to be, but it will make you look more mature.
    • Girls should wear knee-length skirts, the collar is not cut too deep to reveal the cleavage. You can also wear a loose-fitting skirt with a lovely top. Attach a wool coat or blazer. Wear a pair of decent shoes.
  7. Get rid of the backpacks. When going out, do not wear a backpack. This image will make you look too young. Boyfriends can use a cross bag or a leather briefcase. The girls can hold a simple wallet or carry a cute "wandering" style bag. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Grooming for adult breeds

  1. For proper hairstyles. Hairstyles can make you look a lot younger. No hairstyle will make you look older, but there are a few things you need to avoid to look too childish. Don't dye your hair in "rebellious" colors or add extra curls to your hair. Stay away from cool hairstyles like mohawks (middle claws, clean shave sides), half-shaved hairstyles, and African rope styles. A little more traditional hairstyle.
    • Frizzly curly hair will make a boy's face "immature". Replace it with a neat, short hairstyle. Hairstyles, long hair, or anything else will make you look younger.
    • Girlfriends might consider bob-cut short haircuts, super-short haircuts or other elegant hairstyles. Long, sleek hair looks quite mature as well. Avoid using too many accessories such as headbands, hair ribbons and hair ties.
  2. Grow beards. For guys, growing a beard can make you look "old" and appear more mature. A beard can make men look ten years older, a recent study found. If you decide to have a beard, you need to make sure the beard is right for you. Some teenage boys are ineligible for beards.
    • Remember to trim your beard. A shaggy beard looks terrible.
    • If your beard is growing too thin, shave it off. The stubble patches will make you look even more "immature".
  3. Gentle makeup. For girls, makeup can add a few years to your face. Use eyeliner to draw eyeliner. Use neutral colors like bronze or brown. Do not use bright colors or pastel colors. Apply some foundation to help skin look smoother.
    • Hide puffiness with concealer.
    • Avoid youth products like sparkling lip gloss or pink nail polish.
  4. Hide acne. A radiant skin will definitely bring a mature look to the face. Use concealer to hide pimples. Use a skincare regimen. Try over-the-counter acne products like creams and makeup remover wipes.
    • Wash your face twice a day. Apply moisturizer. If you have oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer. If your skin is dry, look for products that are made for dry skin.
    • If you are a girl, you can cut your bangs in addition to makeup to cover the blemishes on your forehead.
  5. Do exercise. Not only does physical exercise get rid of baby fat, but it also increases muscle mass, and this is sure to make a teen look older than her age. Boyfriends should focus on the upper body to help broaden the shoulders and strengthen the arms. Girls should aim to shrink waistline, develop chest and butt muscles to highlight feminine curves.
    • Interval high intensity exercises are a very effective way to burn fat, and weightlifting exercises help build muscle. You can go to the gym or focus on exercises like push-ups and squats to build muscle.

Method 3 of 3: Have a more mature manner

  1. Confident. Nothing can show more maturity than confidence. Even if your appearance, personality, or communication skills are not what you want them to be, it won't stop you from building your confidence.
    • The line between confidence and arrogance or the geek is very fragile. Self-confidence means feeling good about yourself, not feeling better than those around you.Don't brag about your successes or speak in a way that puts yourself above everyone else. That is typical childish behavior.
  2. Change the body shape. Lapping is also a 'classic' act of teenage girls. Keep your head up and your back straight. Learn how to walk confidently and improve your posture. Start with keeping yourself upright anywhere, whether while walking the street, sitting at your study desk, in front of a computer screen, or in line. Correct each time you find yourself in the wrong position. Soon, that will become your natural style.
    • Changing your posture is always accompanied by confidence. Keep your chin up; Not staring at the ground. Make eye contact when talking.
  3. Create grace in communication. Speak slowly and calmly instead of being loud. Remember to be polite with words like "please" or "thank you". Listen to what others say; There is little to show more maturity than listening.
    • When others have finished telling their story, don't be eager to tell your own. That will make you seem selfish and heartless. You should respond to their story first, then use your story as a way to connect with the other person's story.
    • Learn to speak socially. Hi everyone. Talk about the weather. Ask about their family. Be courteous and speak softly courteous stories.
  4. Less complaints. Those who are constantly complaining seem immature and selfish. When you grow up, you accept everything that will come and go, and everything that happens has its cause. Having a pessimistic attitude about the dark areas of your life cannot help you make it any better. Talking to your friends can cheer you up and offer good advice, but constant complaints can seem childish.
  5. Improve vocabulary. However, this does not mean that you need to use unnecessarily loud words in everyday conversation; This will make you look like you're trying to get attention. You should focus on eliminating "childish" words that indicate that you are a toddler. Speak slowly and calmly. Enhance meaning of words by choosing the right words.
    • Learn delicate language. For example, say, "What a creative idea!" instead of "What a new idea." Say that someone is "sincere" to you instead of saying that they are "honest". A subtlety in language will make you appear more mature and intelligent.
    • Try not to use slang. Avoid backing words like "kinda", or squeal "Oh my God", or add phrases like "so much", "you know" and other nonsensical backing words. Try not to use words like "barbaric" or call "you, me".
  6. Stand up to protect yourself slowly but firmly. If someone shows disrespect, don't hesitate to stop them. After all, part of growing up is the need to be respected. Be frankly convey your wishes. Avoid teasing or tantrums. Even joking around with rude comments, that demeanor will worsen your image and won't help you get the results you want.
    • For example, when someone interrupts you say, "Wait, please don't interrupt me".
    • Don't say something like, “Oh, I can't believe you jumped into my throat like that. It is true that some people don't know when to shut up! "
    • Know when to skip. Everyone has conflicts with others, but it would be wise to learn to be self-reliant. Hatred, resentment, and hatred will make you seem childish.
    • People sometimes unintentionally offend you, but often they don't realize it. Respect their feelings by ignoring their mistakes, and if necessary, be able to communicate clearly with them.


  • Don't underestimate your calm demeanor when you want to appear mature. Maturity shows more in your manners than in your clothes.
  • If you can't bear a beard, try making some facial strokes to look older.
  • Sometimes you should act in accordance with your age. Youth will never return. So enjoy this time and don't act too old. You can be calm and elegant, but don't lose your youthful innocence and become an adult too soon.
  • A good way to know what to wear is to look for adult fashion trends on Pinterest or other trusted social media apps. Then look for similar items that you can buy or have at home. Just don't choose clothes that are too revealing or funny.
  • Don't spend too much time on social media sites. While you can use it to keep up with ongoing news, you will look childish if you regularly use social media instead of interacting with people nearby, as well as sharing too much. many selfies.
  • Limit swearing. Teens often swear, but keep in mind that elders often do not use obscene language.