How to grow porcelain plants from branches

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The porcelain flower (rhubarb) is a beautiful tropical flower with a variety of colors and can be grown indoors or outdoors if the conditions are right. If you want to plant porcelain flowers, you can use the branches from a mature porcelain tree to plant new plants. You will first have to cut the branches, prune most of the leaves and let them dry, then plant them in the right soil. If you follow the steps correctly and use the right materials, you will have a porcelain flower plant planted by yourself.


Part 1 of 3: Cut and dry branches

  1. Choose strong, stout branches that are at least 30 cm long. To get a branch, you can use a pruning plier or a saw to cut a fat, lush branch from a mature porcelain tree. Choose branches that are brown or dark green, as this is a sign that the branch is mature. If you cut the branches yourself, the best time to do this is in the spring or early summer.
    • Disinfect the pruning scissors with rubbing alcohol to prevent bacteria or germs from spreading to the branches.
    • You can also buy porcelain twigs from nurseries or online.

  2. Cut off the flowers and leaves from the branches. The flowers and leaves on the branches will compete with the newly grown roots and will hinder the growth of the branch. To avoid this, use sterile pruning scissors or scissors to cut off the leaves and flowers on the branch.
    • Wear gloves while working, as you can get the sap on your hands.

  3. Leave the branches in the shade for 1-2 weeks. The pieces of porcelain tree branches must be dried before planting. Leave the branches in place for 1-2 weeks to allow the cuttings to harden and the rest of the branches to dry.
    • Leave the branches in a warm or humid place for best results.

  4. Planting or preserving porcelain tree branches. Once the cuttings have been bottled and the branches are dry, you can plant them. If you plan to preserve the branches before planting, wrap the cut end of the branch with food wrap and tie it with an elastic band. Dried branches can be stored for 2-3 months.
    • Throw away branches that show signs of disease or mold.

Part 2 of 3: Planting branches

  1. Use a pot of 4 liters or more for each section of the plant. The size of the pot determines how large the porcelain plant will grow. The pot must have a drainage hole at the bottom to prevent water stagnation and rot the branches under cultivation.
    • Even if you plan to plant a porcelain tree outdoors, you should still plant it in a pot in the house first.
    • Each branch should be planted in a separate pot.
  2. Pour into pots with 2 parts perlite and 1 part fast-draining soil. You can find soil labeled as quick draining online or at nurseries. Mix the perlite stone and the soil thoroughly. Pour the soil mixture into the pot so the ground is about 2.5 cm from the top of the pot. This will give the branch enough soil to grow, and the soil won't spill out when you water.
    • The quick draining mix will prevent mold from forming on the branches.
  3. Water the soil moist. When you water the soil, the water has to flow through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. If you don't see any water drain, you will need to use a lighter, more looser soil mixture.
    • If you like, you can add 1 part vermiculite to the soil mixture to increase drainage.
  4. Dip the cutting end of the branch in the growth hormone, if desired. Although this step is optional, the growth hormone will stimulate the shoots to root. You can buy root stimulant powder online or at a nursery. Dip the cut section of the branch in a cup of water first, then dip it into the root stimulation powder to cover a stretch of about 2.5 - 5 cm.
    • Dip the branches in water first to let the powder stimulate the roots to stick to the branches.
  5. Plug the branches into the soil in a pot about 7.5 to 10 cm deep. Plug the cut end of the branch into the center of the pot. Spread more soil on top to keep the branches in place. Squeeze the soil around so that the branches don't wobble or move while rooting.
    • Plug the branches 7.5 - 10 cm deep into the soil to give the roots enough room to grow.
  6. Stakes to support the large branches. If the branch is too big and falls down, you can use a stake to support the branch upright in the pot. Stick a stake deep in the pot of soil, then tie the branch to the stake with a rope. This will help keep the branch in place while the roots are forming.
  7. Place the pot in a warm place and wait for the branches to take root. Usually, porcelain takes 4-8 weeks to root. You can place the pot on the nursery mat to increase the soil temperature and stimulate root growth. Shoots on the tops of the branches of the tree are a sign that the plant is growing.
    • Porcelain plants like environments with temperatures above 16 degrees Celsius.

Part 3 of 3: Caring for porcelain plants

  1. Water the porcelain plants at least 2.5 cm of water per week. If it rains often, you don't need to water outdoor porcelain plants, but if the weather is dry or if you have indoor plants, then you need to water them so that the water flows through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot once a week.
    • Don't over water. Porcelain plants can die from being over watered. You do not need to water if the soil 2.5 cm deep below the ground is still damp.
  2. Place the plant in the sun for 6-8 hours a day. Porcelain plants will not flower if they do not receive enough sunlight. If you are placing the pot outdoors, choose a place with direct sunlight.
    • You should plant porcelain plants in pots even if you plan to place them outdoors.
  3. Bring plants inside when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. Porcelain plants are not good at tolerating cold. They can do very well in room temperature, but frost and cold can kill plants or put them into hibernation. To prevent this, you should bring porcelain plants inside when the weather gets too cold.
    • If the porcelain plant has been planted outdoors, it will go through a 3-month hibernation period when the temperature gets too low.
  4. Spray the plants with liquid fertilizer once every 1-3 weeks during the growing season. Buy an organic fertilizer that is specifically made for porcelain or tropical plants. You can buy liquid fertilizers online or at nurseries. Spray the leaves and branches thoroughly in spring and summer; Stop fertilizing during autumn and winter.
    • Mix or dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the product label.
    • Spraying a liquid fertilizer on the porcelain plant during the growing season will stimulate flowering.
    • The diluted fertilizer will also help the plant grow healthy. Avoid over fertilizing, but regular fertilization every 1-3 weeks is necessary for the plant to flower.
  5. Prune porcelain to shape the tree or remove dead branches. Disinfect the pruning scissors with alcohol and cut the branches away from the trunk, leaving a distance of about 2.5 cm. Make compost or throw them away. You can prune the porcelain tree to prevent the spread of the disease, or fix the branches that are not growing as desired.
  6. Spray your plants lightly with garden oil if they are infected with pests. If your porcelain plant is infested with spiders or flies, you can use a mild garden oil (1% solution) on the leaves and main branches of the plant to protect it.
    • Spray the plant with Malathion solution if the leaves are curled, as this is a sign that the plant has aphids infection.
    • Do not leave the plant in a place that is too hot before and after spraying.
    • Insecticidal soap can be used to prevent pests, but should be sprayed weekly.

What you need

Cut and dry the branches

  • Tree pruning
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Scissors or pruning scissors
  • Gloves
  • Food wrap (optional)

Growing porcelain plants from branches

  • Big trees planted
  • Perlite
  • Woodland
  • Country
  • Growth hormone (optional)
  • Vermiculite (optional)

Take care of the porcelain tree

  • Country
  • Garden oil (optional)
  • Pruning sterile plants
  • Liquid fertilizer for tropical plants