How to Be a Vlogger

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to VLOG - Beginners Guide
Video: How to VLOG - Beginners Guide


Perhaps you've heard of the term "vlogging", or "video blogging" before. Many people enjoy making videos on interesting topics, presenting their opinions and opinions, or simply recording their daily life.Let's take a closer look at the world of video blogging.


  1. Thinking about the topic of doing vlog. You can choose any subject, as long as it is not boring, offensive, or illegal. Inspired by other vloggers like Casey Neistat, Katersoneseven, Charlieissocoollike, Nerimon, Frezned, Italktosnakes, or Vlogbrothers. For your vlog to be successful, create unique content that fits your personality. Do not imitate content from other videos.

  2. Create a YouTube account and give your channel an attractive name. Make your channel interesting. Make sure you choose your username carefully, as you cannot attract others with a mixed name and difficult to pronounce with a sequence of numbers!
  3. Make at least 10 quality videos. They have to be really great and interesting videos. During the start of the vlog, you can post one or two videos a day, then every day or every other day. Do not delay uploading videos for two days, as viewers will check your channel when you schedule a video to be posted.

  4. Post a response video for a well-known and relevant video. That way, you will get at least 1/5 of the views of the original video. Awesomeness TV on YouTube lets you submit response videos to the series on how to be a star on YouTube.
  5. Become an active YouTube member. Your channel will not be accessed if you post the video every few years. WRITE FLOW the title of the video to attract viewers' attention. If possible, try to choose a fixed date to post the video. To be a vlogger, post at least 3-4 videos per week. If you have trouble making videos, try making one video per week.

  6. Edit video! A edited video will engage viewers. Read the manuals for the video editing software you have available. Windows computers with Windows Movie Maker pre-installed, Apple computers with iMovie. Android phones come with the Movie Maker app available.
  7. When learning how to edit videos, it's a good idea to set video banners, thumbnails, and avatars. If you're a YouTube partner, you can use many new options for video editing. You can easily manage your avatar, but if you want to upload a banner, you need to select and edit an image to match it. If you are a YouTube partner, you can also create custom video thumbnails. While editing, make sure the full text, face close up, and background are interesting.
  8. Once you have a reputation in the YouTube community, try to apply to become a YouTube partner. To subscribe, your video must have at least a few thousand views. When you become a YouTube partner, you can make money by allowing YouTube to show ads on your videos. That's how vloggers monetize their videos! Additionally, videos from YouTube partners will appear more frequently in search results.
  9. Communicate with your followers. Don't turn away or ignore them. Take the time to respond to the comments, messages and video responses you receive. Then, you will leave a good impression on your followers, and they will definitely appreciate this. advertisement


  • Create Facebook and Twitter accounts to interact with followers and notify content updates. You can also share images on both social networking sites.
  • Do not send video links in a row, because they may be considered spam. Try asking your friends to spread the word about your channel. Before sending the video link to someone's channel, make sure you contact that person first.
  • Don't worry if you don't have 100 followers in the first few months. All successful vloggers start their channel like you do!


  • Don't be too hasty! You will look pathetic or bewildered by creating a bunch of accounts and immediately go asking for subscriptions and likes. Wait until you have a certain following!