How to be a good writer

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become a Good Writer
Video: How to Become a Good Writer


Do you want to be a good writer? It takes time, but becoming a writer is clearly easier than being a sports star or professional singer. Writers have a bad reputation for their lack of confidence, whether they are world famous or just an anonymous soul. If you are committed to a progressive process, there will be no limits on your path.


Part 1 of 4: Write excellent sentences and paragraphs

  1. Use simple, clear sentences to express what you need to say. Good writer with coherent and concise language. They do not fall into expressions with many long, crooked words. They interrupt and illustrate their point of view in the simplest terms possible. Sometimes it is necessary to break a large sentence into 2-3 smaller sentences.
    • Original sentence: "The philosophy of Existentialism resists descending into the lofty, theoretical arguments that plague many early philosophies, and thus gains power." Translated: "The existentialist philosophy is against the argument favoring the lofty theory, influences many primitive philosophies, and thus is valid".
      • "Existentialism became powerful because, unlike earlier philosophies, it is much more grounded and practical than its theoretical cousins." "Unlike previous philosophies, existentialism becomes valid because it is more practical and feasible than similar philosophies".
    • Original sentence: "Was the bomb not to ever come to being, America might never have overcome the long, drawn out war in the Pacific." "If it hadn't been for the invention of the bomb, the United States would not have had a long war in the Pacific".
      • "Who knows how long the US would have to fight in the Pacific without the bomb." "Who knows how long America will have to fight in the Pacific without the bomb presence".
    • Original sentence: "Wandering in the desolate wilderness, Dave sat on a dusty, crepuscular rock and thought about his past while drinking from his almost empty canteen." Temporarily translated: "Wandering among the desolate fields, Dave sat on a dusty rock at sunset and thought about his past while drinking an almost empty water bottle."
      • "Tired of aimless wandering, Dave sat on a dusty boulder to rest. He opened his canteen, but there were only a few drops left. Tired and thirsty, his mind drifted to his past." Tired of wandering out of direction, Dave sat on a dusty cliff to rest. He opened the bottle, but only the last few drops left. Tired and thirsty, he minded my mind drifted back to the past ".

  2. Be as specific as possible. Humans have a visual mindset - we understand things when we read something and navigate towards the images. Give the reader enough specifics to visualize your essay whether you're writing a story, script, or speech. Use 1-2 effective visuals or senses to bring readers into your context, paragraph, or situation.
    • I felt tired → "My arms and muscles trembled, and my eyelids fluttered shut no matter how hard I tried to stay awake." "My arms and muscles trembled, and my eyelids moved and closed even though I tried to stay awake".
    • Gina is a kind woman. → "Gina was the kind of woman who baked you a plate of cookies (hot, gooey, smelling like home), just because you said you had a rough day." "Gina is the type of woman who will bake you a plate of scones (hot, sticky, taste at home), just because you said you've had a nasty day".
    • For him, this city was a terrible place. → "He could stand the city- the endless lights, the clatter of cars and pavement, the way all eyes turned downward when you looked at them, as if you were the ugliest man in Manhattan and not just another stranger." Temporarily translated: "He can't stand this city - endless interconnecting lights, the squeak of cars and the road surface, the way all eyes fall when you look at them, it's as if you were Ugly man in Manhattan, no other stranger. "

  3. Make connections to help readers understand your ideas. Comparing two things, either with a metaphor, a metaphor, or a direct comparison, helps the reader to relate and understand the article in depth. It gives them something to cling to with what they already understand, helping them understand your writing. You can even make connections to your own stories, like in the third example below:
    • "In many ways he was like America itself, big and strong, full of good intentions, a roll of fat jiggling at his belly, slow of foot but always plodding along, always there when you needed him, a believer in the virtues of trung and directness and hard labor "(The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien). In a way, he is like America himself, big and strong, full of good intentions like a swish of fat on his stomach, slow but always dragging forward, always face when you need him, someone who believes in the morality of direct, simple and hard work.
    • "Like the waters of the river, like the motorists on the highway, and like the yellow trains streaking down the Santa Fe tracks, drama, in the shape of exceptional happenings, had never stopped there" (In Cold Blood, Truman Capote). Temporarily translated: "Like river water, like a driver on a highway, and like the trail of yellow trains running down Santa Fe as in the movie, with a special kind of development, never stopped at there".
    • "Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice" (One-Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez). "Years later, when he was faced with firing squads, Colonel Aureliano Buendia should have remembered that distant afternoon when his father brought him to explore the iceberg".
    • “For poems are like rainbows; they escape you quickly "(The Big Sea, Langston Hughes). Temporarily translated: "Poetry is like a rainbow; they go away from you quickly ".

  4. Use adverbs and "fillers" sparingly. Adverbs are words that end with -ly and modify action, which is a problem for many talented writers. They create the feeling of writing with a uniform tone and slow down the process of understanding the meaning of sentences with a little useless modifications. In most cases, notice that adverbs and padding like "really" or "very" don't do much of the sentence.
    • "Jaime was really sorry, and ran Quickly over to his friend's house just to apologize. "Temporary translation:" Jaime really regret, and fast run to friend's house just to apologize ".
    • "What's up?" She said, happily. "Nothing much," he answered tiredly.She picked her face absently and said, "I wanted to talk about something." "I have time," he responded curtly. Temporarily translated: "What's the matter?" She asked happily. "Nothing", he replied tiredly.She hides her face absently and say, "I want to talk about something." "I don't have time," he replied curtly.
  5. Treat each paragraph, context, and chapter like a small argument. Great passages are always filled with information. They have an opening, body, and ending. On the other hand, they actually follow the course of the story or essay. Think of another way, each paragraph and context should end at a different point from the starting point.
    • Ernest Hemingway is an economist. It is difficult to find an extra paragraph or context in any of his short stories or books. All ideas have additional effects.
    • Formal journalism is a great way to see how each of the smaller elements pushes the story forward. Read your favorite article, but pause after every paragraph - what does it accomplish?
    • Although not too strict on the passage, Shakespeare's monologue is a major work in progress and in effect within a short period of time. Listen to Hamlet's first famous monologue - notice how different he is in the beginning and the end.
  6. Break all previous rules if it feels right. Sometimes the best way to express your meaning is to use long, winding sentences that contain lots of meaning. Occasionally, you really need adverbs and a meaningless accompaniment to express them fully. A direct idea may be better than an indirect comparison. A paragraph sometimes appears just to provide tone, to slow down progress, or to pause an excellent description, even if it "makes no sense". advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Practice writing skills

  1. Write every day. Perhaps you prefer to write a daily brief contextual description, or make an effort to write a long-term project. At least you can write one paragraph or one page per day. But if you apply the advice from this article, stick to one important habit: write every day.
    • If you don't have time in your schedule, try waking up early or going to bed late, and maybe even spend 15 minutes of free writing practice.
  2. Write your way through the writer's framework. Don't be afraid to write something "bad" that will make you end up staring at a blank page. Writing things down on paper can help get you started. Write about how you feel stuck and can't think of any idea to write, or describe an object in the room in full detail that takes you a lot of work, or exaggeration about something. that makes you angry. A few minutes like that will put you in "writing mode" and give you a fresh idea.
    • Search the internet, bookstores, or libraries for collections of great writing suggestions. They provide a starting point for starting to write, and are often ridiculous to kick off the imagination and get started.
  3. Challenge yourself. If you have been writing experience for a while, it is good to continue to maintain specific writing style, theme, or structure. Practicing your favorite writing style is a great way to keep yourself motivated, but sometimes it's a good idea to make an effort to change with a few different writing exercises. Carefully tackling new and difficult challenges is essential to improving skills in any area. Try those challenges as hands-on exercises, whether you are interested in doing well with the results:
    • If the writer's writing project or storytelling you read about the same tone, try a different style. Imitate another author, or combine the styles of two authors.
    • If most of your writing is intended for a personal blog, or a blogging project, stop. Think about a topic that you haven't written on a regular project, and try to write about it. (On the challenge after that, please rewrite that post in a different style to it may for your writing project.)
  4. Exchange feedback with a group of supportive writers. Ask them to comment on your writing, and actively read drafts of other writers. Accept sincere criticism offered as advice for improvement, but keep your writing away from anyone who acts disrespectfully or behaves negatively. There's a big difference between helpful criticism and discouraging negativity.
    • Look for online communities like Scribophile or WritersCafe, or look for a broader community of writing about a particular style of writing.
    • Check out your local library and community center for information on local writing clubs.
    • You can even practice wiki writing (a web application that allows users to freely create and edit content using any web browser and without any programming knowledge) such as wikiHow or Wikipedia. This gives you the chance to practice, and possibly become part of the largest writing community you have ever joined.
  5. Commit yourself to a writing schedule with others. If you're having trouble with a writing project, make a commitment to others to give yourself more outside motivation. Find friends to correspond with on a regularly scheduled basis, or start a blog with weekly updates. Find a writing contest over the next few weeks, and promise to submit your first post. Take part in a writing challenge, whether it's a simple writing process with a group of friends, or an annual "novel of the month" from the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo.
  6. Review the articles that interest you. The first draft of a story always gives you the opportunity to improve, and it eventually looks completely different after a few tweaks. Once you have written a piece that catches your attention, read through the "finished" piece and look for sentences, paragraphs, or whole pages that you are dissatisfied with. Rewrite the context from another character's point of view, try to figure out a new plot line, or change the order of events. If you are unsure why you do not like the paragraph, rewrite it in a different way without reference to the original paragraph, then see what you like best about each writing style.
    • Getting rid of a favorite passage and starting over can be difficult, so many writers refer to this advice as "killing a loved one" over the years.

Part 3 of 4: Learn essential skills

  1. Read a lot. Writers have a passion for languages, and the best way to develop that passion is to read a lot. Read articles in as many areas as possible, from magazines to young adult novels and historical essays, even though you don't feel the pressure to finish everything you choose. Reading builds vocabulary, guides grammar, inspires, and helps you understand what can be done with language. For new writers, reading skills are just as important as writing skills.
    • If you're in doubt about what to read, ask for a few suggestions from your friends, or go to the library and pick up a few books from each area.
  2. Expand your vocabulary. When reading, keep the dictionary and thesaurus in hand, or rewrite the strange words to look up their dictionary. World-class writers have debated whether to use simple words, or use long, complex words. That is what you decide for yourself in your essay, but only after you know what vocabulary you have available.
    • Dictionary definitions often do not provide clear instructions on how to use a word.Find the word online and read it in context to better understand it.
  3. Learn English grammar rules. There are certainly many great, well-known books written in non-standard grammar, but learning grammar is not just about memorizing a set of rules. Learn how a sentence is written, and how punctuation is used to structure sentences, giving you the knowledge needed to express yourself the way you intend to. If you think this might be your weakness, take an English textbook, or find a writing tutor.
    • Learn how to write with straightforward grammar if you are unfamiliar with formal English writing.
    • For grammar questions, consult English grammar books, like The American Heritage Book of English Usage.
  4. Tailor the article to your goals and your audience. Just as you change clothes because of weather and events, should also change the writing style for the reader and want to include in the article. For example, the fine capitalization style may be more appropriate in poetry than in status reports. Make sure word choice and sentence length are not too difficult (or too easy) for the reader, if you are targeting a specific group. Avoid using characteristic jargon when speaking to someone who is not well-informed about the topic being discussed. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Completing a writing project, from start to finish

  1. Have an idea before you start writing. When thinking about what to write, write down whatever idea comes up, even if it seems unnatural or unsuccessful. A rough idea can lead to a better idea.
  2. Select the topic you want to read. Find a topic that interests and interests you. Interest and excitement will make it easier for you to continue to write and maintain the quality of the article, and hopefully it will set an example for readers.
  3. Define a sketch layout for your project. A serious writing project doesn't have to be the length of a book. Writing short stories is also a difficult but rewarding challenge, and possibly a more time-effective way to practice the skill.
  4. Write down your ideas. Keep a notebook writing down observations, discussions you heard, and all the ideas that suddenly came up in everyday life. When you read or hear something that makes you laugh, think, or want to repeat it with someone else, write it down and think about what makes it so effective.
    • You should also use a notebook to write down unfamiliar words.
  5. Plan to write articles. Use whatever method works best for you, or try a few if you don't have an organized progress. You can create an outline, gather notes and organize them until you get the correct order, or draw a tree or chart. The outline includes only a draft of the order of the event or topic covered, or a summary of each more detailed scene. Creating some layouts in advance can help keep you going for a few days when you're feeling low on creativity.
    • There are many types of applications for complex writing projects used by many writers, such as Scrivener or TheSage.
    • It's okay to do something different from the plan, but if you eliminate it completely, stop and consider the underlying reason. Develop a new plan to guide you through the replacement work, and keep yourself conscious of how you want to get through the event.
  6. Research on writing topics. While prose work requires you to have a clear understanding of your subject, even fiction requires research. If the main character is a glassblower, read a book on glassblowing and use the correct terminology. If you're writing a book about your pre-birth period, interview people who lived at that time, or who talked to parents and grandparents who are appropriate.
    • In the case of fiction writing, you may need to dig into the first draft before you start research.
  7. Write the first draft quickly. Try writing without pausing if possible. Don't stop to change words or correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation. This is one of the most common hints to make sure you really get what you need to do first.
  8. Rewrite in another way. Once you have your first draft, reread it and rewrite it. You are looking for errors in grammar and spelling as well as style, content, organization, and coherence. If you don't like any of the passages, remove them and rewrite from the draft. Criticizing your work is an important skill, and takes lots of practice, just like writing.
    • Give yourself time to write and edit, if possible. It's better to wait for a reasonable amount of time, but even a short break can give you the time and peace of mind to correct it properly.
  9. Share your articles with readers. Get feedback on in-process posts from interested readers, whether they are friends, other writers, or readers of your blog posts. Try to accept criticism without being angry or depressed; Even if you disagree with something specific, knowing what other people dislike in your post can help you focus on what you need to edit.
  10. Rewrite many times. Do not be afraid to change a lot, even cut out the whole part of the article or rewrite the opinion of another character. Continue your circle of feedback and editing as you discover a way to make your writing perfect. If it feels like you're in the right place, remember that you're practicing skills that will help you in your next writing career. You can always take a break to write something funny and funny, doing so to remind yourself that writing can be incredibly fun. advertisement


  • Try reading the article out loud, even just reading it to yourself. There are many chances that you will discover an error that you did not realize before.
  • Always read other people's articles - share ideas. Besides, it is also possible to learn the writing style, writing style, and vocabulary of others.
  • Find the room or space that you best write about. Some people like to write in a quiet room, while others like to write in a bustling coffee shop.
  • Prepare yourself for the risk of publisher rejection. Instead of being harsh on yourself for the results, treat them as constructive references for better writing.
  • If you take the time to check your spelling properly and include a lot of details, people tend to believe what you are saying and take you seriously. This helps you show that you really understand what you are saying.
  • Create an outline or outline if you want constant success. Creating an outline and outline for your essay helps you become a better writer. Without an outline or outline, perhaps you write down a few good pieces, but rely on luck. Create an outline, you are relying on creativity and planning skills.
  • If you are stuck with ideas, go for a walk and you will have some ideas.
  • Sometimes the first draft is great. But often the first draft is very bad. This is true when it comes to spelling and grammatical errors, but may not be true when it comes to content.
  • Contact a good local writer or attend a book show in the presence of the author, to get expert advice. Although well-known authors receive a lot of email messages, many people still try to respond to emails and handwritten letters.
  • If you have a good idea, share it for free. Giving away ideas is what many great writers have done. If you just come up with the idea of ​​cross-copy and shame, then you are like all other writers in the world. Come up with your best idea and then you will be a great writer.