How to be a good host

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Ways To Be The Perfect Host, the ALUXER Way
Video: 15 Ways To Be The Perfect Host, the ALUXER Way


The host (also known as the MC or em-xi) is the person who leads the audience during the event, performance or party. Usually, the host is responsible for introducing speakers, announcing and interacting with the audience so that the ceremony schedule goes as smoothly as possible. While the host's job may seem daunting, there are a few ways you can successfully complete the MC role as well as show your confidence and be charismatic to create a happy atmosphere for everyone. people attending the ceremony.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare before the event

  1. Understand the event. For all kinds of celebrations, whether it's weddings, graduation ceremonies, Jewish maturity or television reality shows, it's important to be knowledgeable about the event. The type of event helps the MC know what kind of atmosphere to create. Knowing the situation, what needs to be said and what's going to happen is the key to becoming a good MC.
    • Consider meeting the organizer, grasping the agenda, and reviewing event scenario details.

  2. Be aware of your responsibilities. The MC was responsible for building and maintaining the ambience that was expected throughout the event. Such an atmosphere can vary depending on the type of event, although most programs that need an MC are usually fun and exciting. As an MC, your main tasks include:
    • Ensure events take place smoothly and lead the program.
    • Captures your audience's interest and makes them happy.
    • Make the audience feel respected and interact with them throughout the event.
    • Helping the speaker feel loved.
    • Make sure the show goes on at the scheduled time.
    • Keep the audience up to date with what's going on at the event.

  3. Understand your role. MC career requires great sense of humor, the ability to please the audience and experience in public speaking. That means you need to always be ready to improvise so that you can react promptly to any situation that arises. For example: Maybe the MC has to entertain the audience for a moment while waiting for the next speaker to go to the bathroom or replace the broken microphone.
    • Remember to always smile. Smiling brings a cheerful, comfortable atmosphere to the event and makes the MC look more energetic.
    • Always remember that the MC is also a member of the public. Your mission is to help everyone shine at the event.

  4. Research in details. Contact the key speaker, find out about their biography, and use that information to prepare your introduction. Biographical research makes the introduction you write to sound more intimate and genuine.
    • Find out if there is a special audience member that should be named during the event.
    • Be sure to look back at everyone's names and titles to get an introduction to the stage as you prepare to speak.
  5. Organize your work in a scientific way. Create or review existing program scripts and schedule minutes for events. Remember to take into account the time of going up and down the stage, introducing the speakers and the speech or thanks from the guests.
    • Consider drafting a draft script of what you're about to say the whole night of the show. This scenario is something the host can learn by memorizing, inside of which there are many pieces of prompts or gist that are outlined for the MC to follow from start to finish.
    • As MC, you should tell the organizer that you will only be run by the person in charge. If there is any change to the program, only when the curator approves, the MC will follow. This reduces clutter and inattention during the event, and at the same time makes the show go smoother.

Part 2 of 2: During the event

  1. Keep calm. MCs are usually under a lot of pressure. The event's success is due to MC's great contribution to skillfully driving the program. Although the atmosphere during the event may get vibrant, you need to stay calm and pay attention to maintain the MC image. To stay calm, try:
    • Continue to lead normally despite the error. Stopping only makes the error more obvious. Try to adapt to the situation and ignore the error to continue. If you do this, the audience will almost forget that mistake.
    • Find a point to look at while you speak. Watching your audience as you speak can make you even more nervous. Instead, try turning your gaze towards the top of their heads to reduce staring.
    • Speak slowly. Talking too fast is the clearest sign that MC is worried. Speaking at such a speed can lead to mispronouncing and stuttering, making people understand nothing. Avoid rushing and take a break between each sentence.
  2. Prepare for the opening event. Introduce yourself and welcome viewers to the event. Identify your target audience clearly and greet each person individually. The welcome screen doesn't have to be lengthy, but the information given should be accurate.
    • For example: You could say “Warmly welcome all members of the Central Vietnam Farmers Association who did not mind distant roads, took a moment to join our program today. now on".
  3. Introduce speakers. MC is responsible for inviting the speakers to the stage, as well as introducing important characters present at the event. The more special the speaker, the more detailed and impressive their introduction is. Once the introduction is finished, ask the audience for a round of applause on the guest character until they hold the microphone. When the speaker finishes giving his speech, continue to ask the audience to applaud as they leave the stage and on their way back to their seats.
    • One of the MC's biggest responsibilities is to make sure the show goes on on time, so don't be afraid to let the speakers know if they go over the time allowed. You can pass them a reminder or gesture, such as raising your index finger in the sky and spinning it around to try to convey the message "please hurry."
    • Before continuing to introduce the next part, be sure to thank the speakers for the speech and to repeat a bit about what they talked about while on stage. The re-mentioning can be fun, interesting, or exciting. This shows that the MC focused on and at the same time affirmed the value of the speaker's speech.
  4. Connecting parts. Let's play around a bit to make it easier to link the previous with the next.Before the event starts, try to prepare some material such as comments, anecdotes or jokes to use in between. Besides, you should make comments about what just happened. Try to find something funny and meaningful about the previous speaker or performance and use that as a prerequisite for moving on to the next speaker or performance.
    • If you are in a dilemma, try asking the audience a few questions. It should be a "yes" or "no" question type, so you can help your audience focus and pay attention, while strengthening your MC role.
    • The worst thing is that the host didn't know what just happened on stage. This left a bad impression, showing that the MC was not aware of what was going on.
    • If the event lasts only a few hours, it is advisable to briefly summarize the last performance or presentation in free time. You can also reveal what's coming next.
  5. Be prepared for any situation. As mentioned above, a good MC always has to be ready for any situation. Everyone knows that the live broadcast event often has some small problems such as: The waiter spilled water, the sound department played the wrong music or the speaker was late because he was busy going to the toilet. You need to take control of the show by distracting the audience or by fighting off a sudden incident to create a comfortable atmosphere.
    • If something goes wrong or someone behaves defiantly, the MC still has to keep an optimistic attitude.
    • Remember that it is the MC's job not to scold others, but to make sure everything goes smoothly though What happens. The MC's negative attitude in any situation is irritating and extremely inappropriate.
  6. End of the event. The end of the event should be as interesting and genuine as the opening. Usually at the end of the show, the MC sends thanks to all attendees, speakers, and performers. To keep polite, thank the team that helped organize the event. Summarize the main course of the show and draw lessons, then call on your audience to act according to the type of event.
    • This means seeing the audience again next time, campaigning to raise money or encouraging them to continue to pioneer in something. Whatever it is, invite your audience to join.


  • Confident and connect with the crowd.
  • Smile. As if you were happy to be there.
  • Prepare carefully before taking the lead, but don't make the audience think you're reading the script.
  • In the meantime, please tell some more events, jokes, news that are of public interest, etc. to avoid awkward silence.