How to Be a Mystery Girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be a Mysterious Woman ? How to keep an Aura of Mystery ? | Femininity
Video: How to be a Mysterious Woman ? How to keep an Aura of Mystery ? | Femininity


We are often prompted to open up to people - what if, after all, let everyone around us know a ton of things about you? But if you really want to get someone's attention, acting mysterious is a good tactic to use. If you want to make others wonder what "who is she really", please continue to refer to the article.


Part 1 of 3: Mysterious Thoughts

  1. Be yourself. Have you ever met someone different from you? So different that the way they see the world becomes ... quite intriguing? The nature of these people is not mysterious, they are only mysterious because of them different with you. Do you know what methods make you different from everyone else? That is the method 'being myself'.
    • Really, you should think about this. When a man dates a woman, an element of mystery is primarily formed from how each person views and interacts with the world around them. The man realizes that the woman is immersed in her feminine world, and knows that he cannot be part of that world and vice versa. The same goes for your unique world, regardless of your gender and relationship.

  2. Be confident. To be truly yourself in today's world (a media-influenced world emphasizing the need for inclusion and acceptance of fleeting trends), you need to confident. When the world tells you "swim or sink?", The only way you have that choice is to swim. And also, ordinary people prefer confident people; they have a pretty strong charm. Confident people are persuasive, engaging, and admirable, and it's often difficult to understand why.
    • Lowering one's self-worth is not an act of mystery. When you fall into this situation, all your actions will be driven by the thought "Will everyone accept me?" A) This is not a way to become attractive and B) people can easily see through your thoughts and see this. Confident people, people who are content with themselves, will assert themselves, are ready to defend the things they believe in, they are people people often surround themselves with, who people will look and say " What makes them so special? "

  3. Keep calm. People who often express their feelings do not make others think. After a few days, you will be able to easily see what hurts them, what makes them happy, and what makes them withdraw from the people around you. But if you keep calm, no one will know your true feelings. However, this can be counterproductive - they'll try harder to find out!
    • Be a carefree person when faced with tragic situations. And if it is imperative that you express your feelings, present them to people unrelated to your situation. It's cold outside, but doesn't snow fall? What's going on, Mother Nature ?! What is she trying to do ?! This year's winter is not fun at all. Ideally you should move to Saigon.

  4. Show a polite attitude. Often, being enigmatic means being "bleak" and "aloof", so it's important to avoid these negative traits by being polite. Becoming mysterious are not means you become rude or indifferent. Don't confuse these two! The people around you deserve to be treated with kindness, regardless of the type of person you are trying to be.
    • Keeping a gentle smile on your lips is a great way to start. Not only do you look friendlier and more approachable, you also make people wonder, "What is she thinking?". If you've ever passed someone smiling themselves or laughing at themselves, you will understand this feeling.
  5. Don't be afraid to be ridiculous. As we mature, we gradually become more aware of what society expects of us and how we should behave in public. You can put a whole chicken wing in your mouth, chew it, then spray the chicken bones on the floor, but you won't (probably). Though you don't need to take such as examples đóThink about the not so bad impulses you used to be have. When a waiter comes up to you and asks you about what you want to eat, you will sometimes want to say, "I can tell you - but then I have to kill you". Completely immobilize them. And you can.
    • While this is not the most subtle tactic, it will make people wonder and want to know what you're thinking. And this can be quite hilarious! So the next time you order a shrimp salad, start by saying "I am allergic to seafood". And when they ask you why you ordered this, tell them that you will work hard to get through the allergy.

Part 2 of 3: Interacting With Others

  1. Should not be too detailed. When others ask us questions about something, we often know how they are expecting the answer. When someone asks, "Do you have a boyfriend?", We all know that they are really want to ask, "Do you have a boyfriend? If so, how is your relationship with that guy and who is he?". Instead of answering "Yes, I have a boyfriend - his name is Sơn". Just say, "Yes, I have a boyfriend". With this answer, they won't know if they can ask for more information - and they will certainly want to do more!
    • Try to summarize the story as honest and accurate as possible, but not in too much detail. Don't add comments - try to focus on what really happened.
    • For example, your boyfriend asks questions about your ex. Instead of chattering about why the two of you were unable to continue the relationship, tell your boyfriend, "We don't match. When we break up, I don't want to think about it either. " Simple. Concise, perhaps, but completely honest and to the heart of the matter.
  2. Becoming unpredictable. Most of us often interact with others through actions. We have dozens of "stories" going on at the same time to show others how we felt at the time. Be careful and try to take advantage of this. Have you noticed that agent James Bond always looks serious when he's joking? Likewise. When he flirts with women, he is also quite restrained in his actions. And he is a very mysterious person.
    • Recognize where your body is when interacting with others. Experiment with changing positions and observing the opponent's reaction. Change the tone of the voice. Change eye contact. Make the other person feel curious about your feelings.
  3. Shift your focus to the other person. This method really It's surprisingly easy. Talk to someone and all you need to do is give them questions so they can start talking about them. At the end of the conversation, they will feel that you are a very good communicator and they will never realize that they really haven't learned anything about you yet. In short, people like to talk about themselves, so take advantage of this!
    • Ask open-ended questions. When you notice that the other person is getting excited, take this opportunity. Get them to talk more about the topic to get them interested. Show sincere attentions so they can talk more. You will become a kind person, a good listener, and quite happy even when you hardly need to do anything. Do you see? Easy.
  4. Please tell the truth. When the story begin redirects towards you, tell the truth about things that happened. Don't state your views, beliefs, or experiences. This way, you can add the value of any conversation without necessarily stating details about yourself.
    • Instead of saying "Hey, the other day while I was waiting for Ngoc to come to drink, I read the information on the Internet about the effective weight loss effects of drinking 1 liter of filtered water every day and I will definitely give it a try. Just exercise doesn't seem to be enough! ", say," Some studies have shown that drinking plenty of water can help with weight loss. It is certainly quite possible. exam ". This way, you are still discussing the main subject without revealing too much about yourself.
  5. Mysterious absence. In order to be invited to the party, you need to actually go to the party when you are OK invite. But once you've succeeded in the beginning and made people fall in love with you, you can be mysteriously absent. Do not attend some events. Let everyone wonder where you are. Be late. Go home early without an explanation. Make people curious.
    • Don't do this regularly. If you leave the party regularly without a word, this will gradually become an annoying habit for others. If you don't go to parties often, people will stop inviting you. So, like any other, choose wisely.
  6. Keep your past a secret. If you are new to your neighborhood and you want to maintain people's curiosity about you, avoid discussing your past. You will be quite amazed at what you will get! When someone asks you where you live before you move, say something like, "It doesn't matter where you used to be - where you are going is." Or, as you know, keep things simple by replying "Hanoi" but not going too detailed about it. This will make people less likely to think you're weird.
    • If keeping the past a secret is not possible, make it a game. Tell everyone about the time you used to live by raising mink in Thailand. Then let's say that you used to be a chef at a pretty famous restaurant in the past. And later added a random story about a time when you and Phương Thanh were friends. This method will surely be effective for the mysterious image you are nurturing, right?

Part 3 of 3: Cultivating a Mysterious Personality

  1. Possessing perfect posture. The shoulder slopes show you are low self-esteem, and instead of helping you create a mysterious image, it will make you look like a shy person, or a lonely person, and you must be will not want that. Perfect posture is when you hold your chest out, push your shoulders back, keep your stomach flat. If your body shape is not good, exercise to improve your posture. Having the perfect posture will make you more attractive and confident, and this will help you generate positive attention from men and women, making people want to talk to you more.
  2. Develop your own style. Unfortunately, fashion trends make it easy for us to be "marked" - or at least give the impression to everyone that we can be labeled with a certain stereotypical style. A scarf and thick black glasses? You are a hipster. Do you wear a bra and a short skirt? Needless to say, you can also understand the meaning of this style. Do you wear knee-low pants and don't tie your shoelaces? This is bad. Therefore, instead of following a certain pattern in style, create your own unique style.
    • If you like, don't hesitate to do it. You can mix different styles together to create a new style, or you can use different styles at different times. Today you use black-rimmed pairs, the next day is Levi's fashion. The next day is a shirt that you design yourself. Or use all three at the same time. All options are dependent on accommodation friend.
  3. Choice of preferences does not match style. If you meet someone who has the typical style of a high school soccer player, you would think, "Well, he must be a sportsman, go to school like go out, like to party. on weekends and there are well-off girls. If you meet someone who looks like a member of a band in high school, you might think, "This person has an introvert personality. Smart. Probably not have many friends. Family. Overall quite nice. Maybe he likes to play games too. " While these observations are based on prejudices that are already in your subconscious mind and are not always accurate, put the two together. Be a girl who likes to wear lipstick and short skirts but always carries the book The Story of Kieu. Be the kind of guy who looks like a saxophone player but becomes a pitch star on weekends. Do all of this.
    • The more active you are, the more difficult it will be for others to control you. Because once others can control you, you will no longer be a mystery. So go for the things that "you" don't normally do. This way, you not only become a mysterious girl, but you can also find new hobbies that you didn't think you would like before.
  4. Don't expose your emotions too much. Once the people around you feel that they might easily provoke you, they will try to do so. When they become aware of the things that make you angry as well as the things that make you happy, they will feel that they "know" who you are. Don't expose your emotions too much to avoid trapping them. Once others cannot perceive your true feelings, they will not be able to know the truth about you. When you show up, they won't even know what you like, what you hate, and what to defend. Remember, most people cannot keep a secret!
    • Keeping the volume of the voice to a minimum is also a good idea. Have you ever noticed that noisy people can never be mysterious? No one is going to announce "Hey everyone, that person is truly a mysterious person!". Instead, whisper into the ear of the person next to you with a blank, expressionless expression. The people around will probably think you are talking about them. This is really a pretty good game.
  5. Stop using social networks ...too much. Do you know of people who regularly update their status on Facebook every few seconds with phrases like "Oh my god, I forgot to eat dinner" and frequently like to like everything on Facebook? . You should not imitate these people. They are destroying Facebook on our behalf. Do not post pictures of every dish you are about to eat, do not post "selfie" photos that you take in the bathroom when you are bored, do not write status sentences just to express your feelings. your most delicate, flowery. When you want to talk about something online, write it properly.
    • The truth is we don't need to know about everything others are doing at any given time of the day. The less you know, the better. If you want to be mysterious, let people wonder where you are, who you are going with, and what you are doing. So avoid updating your location at Starbuck every morning. Avoid writing the status lines like "Send others etc and so on". Avoid adding hashtags after every online post. While social media is a useful tool, don't overdo it to let people know about all of your thoughts as well as keep you informed about what's going on with you.
  6. Make an effort to go beyond your limits. The world has thousands of ideas that you can leverage if you do really want to be mysterious. You can do dumb things like wearing dark glasses. You can also decorate your room in Gothic style but still retain the nobility. You can use the "air quote" style when talking about things like "I went to the" airquote "today. You can wear a robe. How far are you willing to go?
    • Would you like to have some fun with this method? Pretend you are someone else. When you go to a party, use a different first name and try asking people if you (using your real name) have ever appeared in this place. This approach is the opposite of being yourself, but it gets pretty cool!


  • Don't open up to too many people when you're trying to be mysterious. If not, then you will have no more mysteries!
  • Try to use words that people learn after talking to you.
  • When texting others, avoid using the word LOL (laughs). Instead, text them "That sounds fun". This may be a bit uncomfortable, but it will add a level of mystery to you, and people will take this more seriously.
  • Avoid making yourself the image of the "mysterious" person. It sounds strange, but once you do not stop acting according to the pattern of mysterious people, your "mystery" disappears.
  • The key to being outstanding is knowing how to fit in. This means that you will make others aware of your unique personality without being too bold.
  • Know the reason why you want to be mysterious. Is this your one game or not.
  • Do not hesitate to use big, delicate words! Use words that make others say "What?". And if they really say this, shrug your shoulders and smirk. No one can defeat a mysterious person with intelligence.
  • Use confusing words such as "sassy" or "cheesy". These are words borrowed from the Chinese language and they will make others think "What is a cocktails?"
  • When you become mysterious, don't let out too much emotion. Don't talk too much, and be quiet a little. You can be a quiet girl who likes karate and anime (Japanese anime), or a noisy but shy girl! Please combine many personalities together.
  • Smile and make sure this is a smirk or a slight smile.


  • Some people will see you as a "freak". Don't feel offended, take it as a compliment.
  • Being mysterious doesn't mean you can't have friends. You can still have dozens of friends and remain mysterious. It all depends on how you do it. (such as in: expressing myself).
  • Being too enigmatic can lead other people - especially your parents - to think you are having a bad scheme. Keep things under control and don't go too far.
  • People may begin to think that you don't like them and that they will stop talking to you and continue with their everyday lives. If you still want to maintain a friendship with someone else, don't do this for a long time. Even being enigmatic can be fun, not worth being a lonely person.
  • Other people can also see you as a often 'sullen' '.