How to Treat Acne Scars Quickly

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!
Video: How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!


Acne is a skin condition that can be frustrating and confusing. Not only that, the scars left by acne are not really welcome. Although most acne scars will fade on their own after a few months, you can speed this process up and avoid hyperpigmentation with a few simple steps. You won't actually be able to make your acne scars go away overnight, however, the treatments, products, and skin care tips described below will definitely make a difference. received over time. All you need to do is choose the right method for your skin type.


Method 1 of 4: Remove concave or keloids

  1. Determine your scar type. If the scar is concave (a pitted scar), you may need the help of a dermatologist. Different types of scars have different responses depending on the type of treatment.
    • Round leg scars are usually deep. They can make your skin look rough.
    • Square-pit concave scars are usually broad with a marked line.
    • Pointed rock concave scars are usually small, deep and narrow.

  2. Treat with laser. Small to medium scars can be smoothed with a laser. The abrasive lasers evaporate the water from the scar so that new skin can form there. Non-abrasive lasers are used to stimulate collagen production to restore the skin around the scar.
    • This method is best suited for circular concave scars and square pit concave scars.
    • Make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss your options and ask about the potential risks and effects.
    • You can choose the abrasive laser method if the scar is deep, or the non-abrasive laser method if the scar is just on the surface.

  3. Ask your dermatologist to use a scarring method. If you have a square pit foot concave scar or a pointed rock concave scar, your dermatologist may be able to treat it with scarring. They will remove the skin around the scar and let it heal itself into a flat layer of skin.
  4. Consider injecting fillers. Acne scars can leave indentations in the skin that cannot be reversed. A filler injection can temporarily fill those dents to help smooth the surface of the skin, but you will have to do this every four to six months.

  5. Cover the keloids with silicon. Silicone or gel sheets can help minimize keloids. Apply silicon to the scar every night. The next morning, rinse with mild cleanser. After a few weeks, your skin should become smoother. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Topical Uses and Treatments

  1. Start with a cortisone cream. Cortisone creams help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Check with your doctor to determine which cortisone cream is right for you.
    • Cortisone creams can be purchased over-the-counter or purchased at a pharmacy. Only apply the cream to the affected area and be sure to read the directions on the label carefully.
  2. Try an over-the-counter skin lightening cream. Skin lightening creams containing ingredients such as kojic acid, arbutin, licorice extract, mulberry extract and vitamin C can help to safely brighten the skin and fade hyperpigmentation caused by acne scars. Does not cause harm or irritation.
    • Avoid using products containing hydroquinone. This common skin lightening chemical can irritate the skin and is on the list of potential carcinogens.
    • If you have darker skin (especially for blacks / Africans), avoid using lightening creams. They can permanently lose the melanin in the skin and cause worse damage.
  3. Use glycolic acid and salicylic acid treatments. Glycolic acid and salicylic acid are found in many skin care products such as creams, exfoliating masks and ointments because they are exfoliants that help the skin remove the stratum corneum, pushing up the skin. pigmentation on the surface, before making them completely disappear.
    • You can also make an appointment with a dermatologist for a glycolic mask. This method has the same effect, but can penetrate deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Use skin products containing retinoids. Retinoids are a derivative of Vitamin A that is widely used in many skin care products to treat fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and acne. Retinoids boost collagen production and accelerate cell regeneration, making them a great choice for attacking acne scars. These creams can be a bit expensive, but dermatologists recommend them especially because they can be quick and effective.
    • You can purchase over-the-counter retinoid creams, such as those manufactured by major skin care brands. However, more potent creams must be prescribed by a dermatologist.
    • The ingredients in retinoid creams are very sensitive to UVA rays in the sun, so you should only apply this cream at night to protect your skin.
  5. Laser therapy. If your acne scars don't fade on their own after a few months, then you may need to consider using laser therapy. Depending on the type of treatment you choose, a laser will be used to stimulate collagen production or "evaporate" the scar so new skin can form.
    • Make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss your options and the potential risks and possible side effects.
  6. Consider filling. Acne scars can leave permanent indentations in your skin that cannot be reversed. The filler injection can temporarily help smooth the skin's surface, but it should be repeated every four to six months.
  7. Consider microdermabrasion and chemical peels. These remedies do not fade acne overnight because they can be harsh and the skin takes time to heal. However, this remedy is also worth considering if you find creams and lotions ineffective or you are more concerned with uneven skin tone.
    • Chemical masks containing concentrated acids are applied to the face. They will burn the upper skin layer, leaving the skin underneath, fresh, healthy.
    • The microdermabrasion super abrasive flap treatment delivers similar results, but works in an exfoliation with a rotating electric broom.

Method 3 of 4: Using Natural Treatments

  1. Apply fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice has natural skin whitening properties and can help lighten acne scars effectively. You just need to mix lemon juice with water in equal proportions and then apply the solution directly to the scar, avoiding the surrounding skin. Rinse off after 15 to 25 minutes or you can leave the lemon juice overnight as a mask.
    • Remember to moisturize immediately after washing off the lemon juice as the citric acid in the lemon can dry out the skin.
    • Lemon juice also contains citric acid where necessary can be used as a substitute for lemons.
    • Since lemons have a pH of 2 while the skin's pH is 4.0-7.0, this method needs to be used with caution. Lemon juice that stays on your skin for too long or stays undiluted can lead to serious chemical burns. Citrus fruit juice also contains a chemical called Bergapten, which binds to DNA and makes it easier for UV rays to damage your skin, so you need to take extra care during sun exposure if you are applying it. lemon juice on the face. Rinse off the lemon juice and apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.
  2. Consider exfoliating with baking soda. Baking soda can be used to exfoliate skin and reduce the appearance of acne scars. All you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of water to create a thick paste. Apply this paste over your entire face and gently use a circular motion so that it penetrates the skin, concentrating on the acne-prone areas, and leaving for about two minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry skin.
    • You can also use a baking soda mixture to treat blemishes, apply it directly to the area and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
    • Some skin types are suitable for the method suggested above. The pH of baking soda is 7.0, which is much higher than the basic pH of skin. The ideal skin pH is between 4.7 and 5.5, which is an unfavorable environment for the bacteria that cause acne types. By raising the pH to a level higher than baseline, acne-causing bacteria are able to live longer, causing infection and inflammation. So be extra careful when trying this method and stop using it if it doesn't work for you.
  3. Use honey. Honey is a natural remedy to reduce acne and red spots because honey has antibacterial properties, helping to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Pure honey will be most effective. You can apply honey directly to the scarred area with a cotton swab.
    • For sensitive skin, honey is a great choice due to its properties like non-irritating, moisturizing rather than drying skin like other treatments.
    • If you have pearl powder (can be found at a health store or online), mix a little with honey to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Pearl powder is believed to reduce inflammation and scarring.
  4. Experiment with aloe. Aloe vera gel is a gentle, natural substance used to treat burns, heal wounds, and fade scars. Aloe vera also rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, making acne scars fade. You can buy aloe products at pharmacies, but it's best to buy an aloe plant and use the sap from the leaves. You can take the gel-like resin from the aloe and apply it directly to your face without rinsing it off with water.
    • For an intensive acne treatment, you can mix a drop or two of green tea essential oil (which helps to promote cleansing) with aloe vera gel before applying to your face.
  5. Use ice cubes. Ice is an extremely simple home remedy that helps to fade scars by soothing inflamed areas and reducing swelling. To use, wrap an ice cube in a clean towel or tissue and leave it on the acne skin for one to two minutes until the skin is numb.
    • Instead of making ice cubes from regular water, you can make ice cubes out of thick tea and use these ice cubes on the blemishes. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, complementing with the cooling effect of ice.
  6. Make a mixture of sandalwood. Sandalwood has healing properties and is easy to prepare at home. Just mix a teaspoon of sandalwood powder with a few drops of rose water or milk to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to the affected area and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this procedure daily until your scar is gone.
    • Alternatively, you can mix sandalwood powder with a little honey to treat acne scars.
  7. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to control the pH of the skin, improves the appearance slowly, and helps reduce the appearance of red spots and blemishes. Dilute the vinegar with water to halve the strength of the vinegar, then apply daily use a cotton ball to the affected area until the scar fades away. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Skin Care

  1. Always protect your skin from the sun. Ultraviolet rays from the sun stimulate skin cells to produce pigments, which can make the appearance of acne scars more severe. If you go out, wear sunscreen (with an SPF of 30 or higher), wear a wide-brimmed hat, and stay in the shade as much as possible to protect your skin.
  2. Use mild skin care products. There are times when people are so desperate to get rid of acne scars and skin discolorations that they "close their eyes" using all kinds of methods, including products that are abrasive to the skin or can irritate the skin and make the situation worse. bad. Try to listen to your skin - if your skin gets irritated to a particular product, stop using it immediately. Stick to soothing facial cleansers, makeup removers, moisturizers and exfoliating masks that soothe skin rather than cause it to become inflamed.
    • Avoid using very hot water when washing your face. Hot water can dry out your skin, so wash your face with moderately warm water.
    • You should avoid using towels, sponges and loofahs to wash your face, as they are too rough and can irritate your skin.
  3. Exfoliate regularly. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin, revealing the young, healthy, soft skin underneath. Because acne scars usually only affect the top layer of skin, exfoliating can speed up the fading process. You can exfoliate with a facial scrub, just make sure it's designed for sensitive skin.
    • You can also use a soft face washcloth and warm water by spinning the towel around your face to exfoliate.
    • You should exfoliate at least once a week and at most once a day, but if your skin is very dry, you should only maintain it 3 to 4 times a week.
  4. Avoid squeezing acne and scars. Although many people still like to squeeze acne and scars, this actually interferes with the natural healing process and makes the skin look worse. In addition, picking up pimples can cause your skin to get scarred in the first place because bacteria from your hands can spread to your face, making your face swollen and inflamed. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid squeezing acne at any cost.
  5. Drink plenty of water and stick to a balanced diet. While eating well and getting enough water is not the miracle that will make acne scars disappear, it will also help your body function at its best and help skin heal itself. Water will flush toxins out of the body and keep skin looking plump and firm, so you should drink 5 to 8 glasses of water a day. Vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E also help nourish the skin and keep it hydrated.
    • Vitamin A is found in vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and carrots, vitamins C and E are found in oranges, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and avocados.
    • You should avoid foods high in fat and high in starch as much as possible because these foods are not beneficial for the skin.


  • Make sure you stay hydrated. Drinking enough water keeps skin hydrated and healthy for a long time and also speeds up skin healing.
  • The earlier you treat a scar, the more effective it will be.
  • The most effective way to heal acne scars is patience; the scars will eventually disappear after a few months when the new collagen layer fills the damaged skin.
  • Try a homemade oatmeal mask. Take one teaspoon of oats mixed with water. Knead the paste into a paste and then apply it around your face, leave it on for 1 minute. Do not place an oatmeal mask over the eye and mouth area. Then wash your face. The oatmeal mask does not provide immediate results, but it works for some people.
  • You can apply turmeric powder to the affected skin area. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory that helps heal acne and scars on the face. You can use water or lemon juice to mix. Rinse off with cold water after 15 minutes. Applying potato juice is another method to help lighten skin and reduce acne.
  • Apply a mixture of lemon, flour, and milk.
  • Apply coconut oil to blemishes, and gently rub olive tip around the affected area.
  • Use cucumber and honey.
  • Squeezing pimples will cause dirt to penetrate deeply into your pores and cause more damage.
  • Apply a mixture of honey and baking soda and cover the affected area with a cotton swab.


  • Do not use makeup to cover acne. Makeup will cause redness in the surrounding skin, and make acne worse. Wash your face with an acne cleanser twice a day to clear up pimples.
  • Don't wash your face and then put on makeup again, unless you want the pimples to grow. The makeup will soak into the skin and leave a red scaly.