How to be attractive in the eyes of men

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Have More ATTRACTIVE Eyes (For Guys)
Video: How to Have More ATTRACTIVE Eyes (For Guys)


Being attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex means highlighting your strengths, whether mentally, physically or emotionally, and confidently pursuing what you want. Remember that being attractive is not about the guys you're trying to impress, but focusing on you, so consider yourself first. Please show off yourself in the best way and the boys will surround you!


Method 1 of 3: Possess Attractive Personality

  1. Confident. Confidence is one of the most attractive traits a woman needs, so the first step to becoming attractive is to learn to love herself, her flaws and everything!
    • Think about it - how could you expect a guy to think that you are beautiful, smart, and wonderful if you don't believe you possess those qualities?
    • Stop worrying about your flaws and focus on the things you love about yourself - make a list of factors that can help you positively affirm the problem if needed!
    • Another advice is to "pretend until you do it". This means you can pretend that you are confident even if you feel shy or anxious inside. Gradually, confidence will manifest naturally!

  2. Humor. Humor always is a good quality, especially during dating. No one wants to date an overly serious lady. In addition, you will look more attractive when you laugh or smile.
    • Having a sense of humor doesn't mean you have to be a monologue comedian (although making him laugh is to your advantage). At least you need to be able to laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously.
    • Imagine a guy accidentally spills a drink on you. Are you going to yell at him because he ruined your dress and turned away? Or would you laugh at him and tell him he could buy you another drink to compensate for the damage? What situation do you think will make the guy feel more attractive? (Hint: second situation).

  3. Kind. Sometimes, women think that being mysterious and aloof will make them more attractive to men, but this is really wrong. If you want to look for a guy who is kind and sincere, you better behave nicely.
    • Being kind means being polite and courteous and not treating your pursuer as if they were some dirt that you want to wipe off the soles of your shoes (unless the guy is really bad. currency).
    • If you talk to a guy, avoid talking about yourself too much. Show interest in him and try to listen to what he says. This helps to increase his ego, and inadvertently makes him more attracted to you!
    • Even if you're not excited, try to gently reject him. Think about how you would like him to treat you in the opposite situation.

  4. Clever. Remember one thing - you never you are allowed to look stupid just because you want to make yourself more attractive to a man's eyes.
    • This tactic won't help you attract good guys, because good guys often feel attracted to, or even excited, intelligence!
    • A good guy will be attracted to your sharp wits, he will appreciate your ability to lead a meaningful conversation and will be genuinely interested in your opinion. So don't just sit still with a blank expression and nod like a jerk!
    • If you feel that you need to increase your communication skills, the best thing you can do is to stay informed about current events - try to read the newspaper or watch the news (if you are not often viewed) and you will never have to run into a shortage of topics to chat with.
  5. Be yourself. You have heard this saying a million times - be yourself, be yourself, be yourself. Now you will have to listen again because this quote is so important - be yourself!
    • Don't try to copy a personality just because you think it will make you more attractive. This will usually not work and will end with fatigue.Also, if you think a guy doesn't like it real people What are you trying to do? This is going nowhere!
    • Of course, it doesn't matter when you embellish the truth a little more when it comes to small matters - "Yes, I love the Wall band!" "Yes, I usually go mountain climbing on weekends!" As long as you don't lie, you can exaggerate a bit so you can have a good conversation.

Method 2 of 3: Become Physically Attractive

  1. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable with. An undeniable fact is that the clothes you wear are quite important - the world knows you through what you wear.
    • So, wear clothes that make you feel good - clothes that help you express your personality while still making you attractive.
    • Men are not only Simple Pay attention to girls who dress up, wear tight skirts and stumble on spiky heels - though this is not a bad style!
    • Boys good will be absolutely attracted to girls who are confident in their bodies, no matter what outfit they are wearing - a discreet office outfit or a brassiere full of paint.
    • However, you can also wear outfits that flatter the striking lines you're proud of your body - whether it's big black eyes, slim waistline, or round butt. .
  2. Make up. Makeup is a great tool to accentuate your best lines, help conceal defects and help you feel more confident about your appearance.
    • Base products (foundation, foundation) will help cover a lot of skin imperfections - from acne to red spots, dark spots and dark circles under the eyes. Using volume powder on a face can make a round face thinner, or a long face shorter. Certain professional mascara can make your eyes look bigger and brighter. The list on this topic will be quite long.
    • You should not wear makeup so much that your face looks like it is covered with a mask - you should only wear makeup to highlight the lines on your face and cover spots that you are not too proud of. . And remember - makeup itself doesn't make you attractive to a man - the confidence you gain when using makeup is the reason!
    • Of course, if you are not a makeup artist and you feel satisfied with your "bare face", we are not asking for a change! Good for you!
  3. Hair styling. Beautiful, sleek, well-groomed hair can be an attractive trait for men, so it requires your proper attention.
    • First, make an effort to have freshly washed hair as often as possible. Can you imagine meeting the person of your dreams with greasy hair? It was a loss of face. If your life is quite busy, try to carry a bottle of dry shampoo in your carry-on bag - this will make it easy to clean your hair quickly in an emergency.
    • Trim your hair regularly to keep it healthy and well-cared for, rather than looking messy and messy. If you dye your hair, don't wait too long to start again - you won't want your roots to show!
    • Experiment with different styles to choose the right one and help you emphasize your outstanding lines. Are you suitable for pixie hairstyles or not? Or will you look better with hair dyed in an ombre style (from dark to light)? Consult with a hair stylist if you are unsure.
  4. Keep the body always fragrant. Of course, you can't just be alone looks so beautiful that you need to try to appeal to as many male senses as possible! That's why finding a suitable scent is so important!
    • Of course, the first step in keeping your body fresh is to maintain your personal hygiene. Look for a pleasant scented shower gel to use in your daily shower and then apply a similar scented body lotion - this will help your body retain the fragrance for longer.
    • Choose a fragrance that matches your personality and the time of year - do you like a light fruity fragrance, a warm floral scent, or a warm musky musk? Don't make a hasty decision when choosing a perfume, go to the store and use a sample first. Use perfume all day to see how the scent changes. If at the end of the day you still like the scent, you can buy a product.
    • Don't spray your perfume too much - you won't want your partner to be overwhelmed by the scent. Spray a small amount only on major points of the body - the inside of the wrists, behind the ears, the slits of the elbows, and the inside of the thighs. He will feel a seductive scent every time you pass!
  5. Become fit and healthy. You don't have to be too slim to attract men, but you do need to take care of yourself and take care of your health.
    • Men are often attracted to women who are confident and content with themselves - this is a fact.
    • So whenever you're trying to force yourself to finish your last run or trying to order a salad instead of a pizza, think about the guy of your dreams - this will get you more motivation.
    • Try to do an activity that you enjoy and that the exercise benefits will only add to your bonus. Take classes in dancing, horseback riding, surfing lessons - anything that excites you and motivates you. This will also help you gather interesting topics where you can chat with guys!
    • Remember that attracting a man is not the only reason or the best reason you can eat healthy and exercise (you should do it because myself), but if this motivates you no problem.

Method 3 of 3: Know how to Flirt

  1. Always smile. Smiling is an important part of flirting. Studies have shown that smiling helps to attract the opposite sex - so what are you waiting for? Show off your pearly white teeth!
    • Smiling and laughing will also make men feel like you're an easygoing person. This is fine if you were expecting the guy sitting across from you in the bar to come over and chat with you!
    • Smiling also helps friend Feeling happier and more confident, two emotions that are very important in flirting.
  2. Eye contact. Eye contact is a simple flirting technique that works today as well as hundreds of years ago!
    • Making eye contact with someone else's eyes creates a strange charm, so eye contact is a good way to show your interest without going through language.
    • One method that men often find attracted to is to stare at the person you're interested in until they catch your gaze. Look your opponent in the eye for a moment, then smile and turn away (blushing, if possible). He will "bite"!
  3. Become a good communicator. No matter how beautiful you are, how fragrant you are, or how bright your smile is, you won't be able to attract the other's attention if you don't know how to communicate.
    • Ask questions - this will help him talk more about himself and give him a chance to express himself and men love it. This method also prevents you from talking too much about yourself as this will make you become a self-interested person.
    • When you talk, try to mention the person's name as much as possible. This is a pretty simple method and it really gets him excited and forms an intimacy between the two.
    • Try to find similarities, whether it's a love for black and white movies or a passion for your home football team. This will help him see that the two of you are quite compatible and will make the conversation easier.
  4. Break the barrier of a collision. If you are having a good conversation with a man you are interested in, you can suggest that he go further by breaking the barrier of collision.
    • By being in physical contact, you are showing him that you care about him and this will give him a burning sensation and get him to notice you more.
    • The touch can be quite subtle - a light touch on the arm or shoulder, or "accidentally" the hand or gently leaning on his shoulder.
    • If you're really brave, you can go a little further by pretending you're fixing his collar, tie or hair so you can touch his neck or forehead. This will also give you a chance to become closer to him, and take advantage by smiling and making eye contact with him as you do these actions.
  5. Let him want to learn more. One of the most important tricks when flirting is to always let him crave more. This will turn you into a mysterious girl he can hardly get so he can experience the fun feeling of chasing you.
    • Do not wait until the conversation becomes clumsy or boring, always keep "fire" for everything. This method requires serious self-control, but the results will be well worth the effort.
    • Take the initiative to give him your phone number before you leave. You can write it down on a piece of paper and put it in his pocket, or you can take his phone and save your number in his phonebook. Men like open-minded women who are willing to try to get what they want.
    • When you leave, lean towards him as if you were going to give him a kiss, but at the last moment turn your head and whisper in his ear, "I've had a good time. Great time ". With that said, you have completely fallen for him and he won't be able to stop calling you back to arrange a follow-up appointment!


  • Always carry gum or mints with you.
  • Men love to see you laughing when they make jokes, even when their jokes aren't funny. However, don't over-laugh at all of their jokes or you will look like a fake.
  • Entering the room is like entering your own home. Hold your head high and think about a "confident and graceful" posture.
  • Be easy to get along but not to be exceed. Get attention and confidence, but don't pretend you're at the center of it all.
  • Don't pretend you're a flirtatious girl or you'll get a scandals for it.
  • Even if the guy likes someone else, be a good friend of his. You will find that you are exactly who he is looking for.
  • When a guy gives you a compliment, accept it gracefully and don't deny it. Just tell him a thank you.


  • Be careful not to become stalkers, who are just annoying others.