How to become more confident in sex

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to be more confident during sex
Video: how to be more confident during sex


Confidence in sex comes from yourself, and learning to show it can take a lot of effort. Maybe you lack confidence due to inexperience in your body or inexperience. However, confidence plays an important role in taking your sex life to the next level! You need to know yourself well and know what you want in order to be truly confident in sex. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or single and ready for fun, building your confidence both inside and out will help you feel more fulfilled in life.


Part 1 of 4: Developing confidence

  1. Change your mindset. To be confident in sex, you need to form confidence from within your thoughts. Change negative thoughts about your self-image or values ​​into positive ones. Tell yourself, "I am very attractive", "I can do it", and "I am very beautiful".
    • When a negative thought comes to mind, switch to a positive thought immediately. For example, when you look in the mirror and think, "I hate this body", you can find good points and be proud of it, such as "My eyes are so attractive" or "When are my legs also take me everywhere ”.

  2. Build a positive self-image. You must look in the mirror and be satisfied with your body to develop confidence in sex. Look in the mirror in the nude and show love for yourself. Accept who you are and tell yourself that you are always beautiful.
    • Think about what your friends or admirers would say about your body. Maybe they won't criticize you. Practice observing yourself with positive and compassionate eyes. Your friends won't judge you, so don't treat yourself either!
    • Always keep yourself clean and choose clothes that make you feel comfortable in order to create a positive self-image.
    • Be nude as much as possible.The more often you take off your clothes, the more confident you will feel in your body. Body satisfaction is the most effective way to build self-confidence.

  3. Do exercise. There are many benefits to physical exercise, including improving how you look at yourself, fighting illnesses, reducing stress and, in general, feeling happier. Physical activity produces hormones that bring feelings of excitement and build confidence. Exercise also helps you have good health and good body shape, as well as becoming more confident in sex.
    • There are several simple methods you can apply to incorporate exercise into your routine using your imagination. Walk or cycle to school or work if the distance is not too far. Take a sports or gym class. Ask your friends to play basketball at the beach on weekends. You have countless opportunities to train your body.

  4. Wear underwear at home. Underwear make you feel sexy thanks to it accentuating your natural physique and body size. Choose a set with your favorite color and give it a peek. When you get into the habit of wearing underwear at home, you will find that you are a sexy and sexy woman, helping you to be more confident.
    • Wear underwear in your casual clothes when going out. This is a "little secret" and you will walk confidently. When you know what you are wearing, your mind will generate sexual thoughts and desires, helping you to increase your confidence.

Part 2 of 4: Recognizing physiological needs

  1. Observe the "private area" in the mirror. Everyone has a different "little girl", and you need to learn your exact structure. Enter a private room and close the door. Use the mirror to handle and start observing. The clitoris is the most enjoyable place, so take some time to explore this area.
    • Once you have a grasp of the structure of your genitals, you can guide your partner to touch the areas most stimulating.
  2. Masturbate. Selfie helps you shape your physical and mental experiences. Self-satisfaction with physiological needs is also an effective way to reduce stress. You can masturbate in many different ways. Use a variety of strategies to find out what you like and dislike. Once you have a grasp of your interests, you can instruct your partner to do it to achieve the same pleasure.
    • Inspire yourself with a hot bath, massage yourself, or light a candle. After mastering your hands, you can use a sex toy like a dildo or a vibrator to increase your euphoria.
  3. Study human sexual performance. Read graphic novels and sex books (such as the Kama Sutra) and learn about psychoactive techniques. Researching many postures, techniques and methods of experiencing "sex" to equip knowledge related to your own abilities and interests about some content.
    • If you are interested in the opposite sex, you can learn about men's sexuality. Cultivate the right knowledge to help you increase your confidence when participating in sexual activity.
  4. Train your pelvic floor with a kegel exercise. This article helps improve weak pelvic floor muscles caused by birth, weight gain, surgery, or stiffness caused by constipation. In addition to these physical activities, kegel exercise also increases blood flow to the genitals, arouses libido, relaxes vaginal muscles, increases secretions, and promotes pleasure.
    • First, locate the pelvic floor muscles. Tighten your muscles like when you are stopping urination. You can also place your finger in your vagina and squeeze these muscles. The vagina will cling to your fingers if you do it correctly. If you put one hand on your stomach, the area won't move.
    • To do kegels, you can sit or lie down comfortably. Deep breath. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for 3 to 6 seconds. Then relax your muscles for the same amount of time. Repeat 10 to 20 times and do a few times a day.

Part 3 of 4: Demonstrating confidence in public

  1. Choose clothes that boost your confidence. When you hang out with friends, go on a first date, or meet your partner, you can dress up to feel most comfortable. If necessary, you should go shopping to choose the right outfit. Find colors, styles, and materials that complement your figure.
    • Dress options are based on individual style. You can wear a dress, a delicate leather jacket, high heels, or stylish jeans. Just put on the outfit to help you shine as you want.
  2. Be yourself. You should be true to yourself when you show confidence in "sex". You can pretend a little bit of confidence to increase your excitement, but still maintain your qualities and values. If you don't feel comfortable in a situation, give up and try something new.
    • Do not compare with other women. Accept yourself and be honest with yourself. You will find other women with thinner bodies or better hair, and will feel envious about it. However, you should consider your strengths as well as be happy with who you are.
  3. Don't listen to social norms. In music clips, magazines, or in movies on TV, the woman's body is always shaped with a sexy charm. Men were allowed to honor the attractiveness of women, but women were forbidden. Even to this day, women are still punished or discriminated against for showing their gender.
    • The prejudice to keep chastity causes some women to conceal their sexual needs. You need to ignore any social gossip when it comes to your sexual activity. It is you who decide your feelings. Listen to your personal needs and values ​​and give them the opportunity to determine your sexuality.

Part 4 of 4: Communicating with a sexual partner

  1. Action decision. If you control your sexual behavior, you will feel confident from within and this will show from the outside. The woman knows what she wants and is not shy about eliciting a need that is always attractive in the eyes of others.
    • Approach the target in the bar, and ask them to dance with you. Look at the other person and blink. Send stimulating messages to your long-term partner to evoke emotions before spending a rainy night together.
  2. Express your desires. Saying what you like and dislike during sex will help you feel more satisfied. Action communication, such as whining, body movements, and facial expression, has an impact on a person's confidence and satisfaction with their needs. However, a few words such as "Yes, right there" can help your partner get more excited.
    • Are you uncomfortable talking about your interests? Everyone is like that. So you can try this method: Stretch your hand out and ask your partner to rotate her finger into the circle inside the palm of the hand. Tell the other person how you like to feel and what you want to continue. After completing this exercise, you can apply the technique during sex to see if you say what you want.
  3. Listen and respond. Keep in mind that demand communication comes from both sides. Becoming a more skilled partner can improve your sexual confidence, so take the time to teach and learn. In addition to talking to your partner about your interests through actions and words, you need to take note of their responses and make changes as needed to enhance the experience for both of you.
    • Even if your partner is critical, use constructive information to refine your skills.
  4. Consider past experiences. The people who are good at sex often take the time to talk about it after the relationship ends. While you are cuddling with your partner, talk about what you like and find interesting. Instead of mentioning failures, just give your partner more specific guidance next time if you get a chance to get together.