How to become famous

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Steps to Becoming Famous
Video: 5 Steps to Becoming Famous


What do all famous people have in common? Are they wearing the same clothes, sharing the same hairstyle, or speaking the same? Of course not. There are many people around the world who make their own famous in school, at work, and wherever they go. There won't be any magic standards or rules of how to make you famous. But if you know how to draw attention, become closer, and engage in more activities, you increase your chances of making the people around you turn to admire you and receive their affectionate smiles everywhere. where do you go? If you want to know how to become famous, follow the steps below.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Others to Notice You

  1. Be confident. Nobody is perfect. So you don't have to be perfect in every way just to become famous. Even if you know there is a long way to go to reach that ideal, the first step to gaining confidence is to trust yourself first.
    • Don't hide in a certain corner. If the time comes, wake up and make yourself stand out from others! If you spend all your time worrying about how you look today or what everyone around is thinking about you, you can't go any further. Instead, learn to love who you are and all that you do. If you love yourself, people will love who you are.
    • In class, draw attention by raising your hands and completing assignments on time. The whole class will pay attention and get to know you better. Don't be afraid to speak up or ask what you don't understand!
    • Pretend confidence until you make it happen. Even if you “feel” not confident, acting as though you are confident is the first step to calm and relieve your anxiety.
    • Confidence is usually expressed through body language. Walk with your head up and arms relaxed beside your hips, instead of across your chest. Don't go stooped.
    • Increase your confidence by showing off your excellence in whatever area you love or even developing a new hobby. When you find joy in your hobbies, you will feel more proud of yourself.

  2. Get yourself out of the circle. That means you have to be ready to step out of your comfort zone. If you are not famous, it is because you feel uncomfortable acting according to what famous people do. Such as:
    • Communicate, gossip, make fun, flirt, and of course "attract" everyone's attention. Remember, kids are famous because they are known by their social community (and attracted a lot of attention) from them.
    • If everything you do still has not worked out well, then you should not sit and wait for someone to talk to you. Instead, try doing what you never dared to do, like talking to someone else.
    • You may be introverted, or ashamed and shy in front of others, but to get what you want, it is essential to change the way you communicate with those around you.
    • Maybe at first you look like a fake or superficial. But keep in mind that being yourself is really about discovering all you want to know in this life.

  3. Find your own style. To get noticed doesn't mean you have to dye your hair pink or have a tattoo on your face. All you should do is find yourself with your own unique look and style and let people see that you are comfortable with yourself.
    • If you're hiding your figure through gray sneakers, there's no way you can get your attention - at least you're not on the right track. So find for yourself a style that you feel comfortable with, whether it's an educated, elegant yet trendy style, or even a bit out of place.
    • You don't have to buy the most fashionable clothes that people around are flocking to wear unless you believe that they truly flatter your beauty and make you comfortable. If you buy the same Converse shoes that everyone in school is wearing but their measurements don't fit your feet, the people around you will notice.
    • Be confident in what you put on, no matter what outfit. Don't look in the mirror for an hour or ask a loved one on the street if you look okay. If not, they will also find that you are doubting your own abilities.
    • Focusing on your looks is a good thing. But the fact that you're trying to work hard to become famous may seem worse than you don't care. So, if you don't want to wear makeup, don't put anything on your face. Or if you don't want to break your collar, don't force yourself to do it because that's what other people are doing too.
    • If you want to shop for trendy clothes but don't have enough budget, consider going to shops that display eye-catching clothing samples at affordable prices (especially during discount events). .Try walking around the stores on the street where you are staying for the best choice and deals.
  4. Take a risk. To become famous, you need to take some social opportunities and of course they can make you uncomfortable. You should prepare yourself to become more reckless and daring!
    • Take the risk by introducing yourself to anyone you've never met before, attending a party you have been invited to (while you don't know most of the guests here), or even presenting a post. Speaking helps you stand out from the crowd.
    • If you've been taking a risk (not putting yourself in danger, of course), then you will naturally be more attentive.
  5. Don't act like you don't care about your surroundings. Of course, if you act like you're a cool person at school, people will notice you. But that's not a good idea. Even if you don't want to be seen as a teacher's favorite student and always answer all the questions correctly, participating in class activities and doing your best will help you gain more sympathy from everyone. Just shrug your shoulders or give a curt answer every time the teacher asks you a question.
    • Smiling more will make you feel like you are truly ready and interested in all that life has to offer. You don't have to laugh all day like some idiot. Just smile when someone greets you, or even smile before the person greets you. This will make people curious to know more about you.
    • If you're in high school, then you're probably in a moment in your life that everyone around you thinks would be cool if you look lifeless or indifferent to your surroundings. However, you may get more attention if you go against the trend.

Part 2 of 3: Being Approachable

  1. Be mindful of others, not actively grab their attention. Don't try to act in a fun way to get people's interest; instead, take action that shows you care about them. Ask them how their work and school work, what their families do, or how the problem they just talked about has been super pity. Then "bond" with your story. Share with them that you or someone you know fell into the same situation, and how you / that person handled them.
    • Stop thinking only about yourself and how to impress others. Of all the skills that celebrities have, empathy is compassion in the soul that requires no skill, and not all of them can do this. So how do you relate to other people?
    • Stop worrying about how you look, how you pronounce it, or how you compare with those around you. Instead, start thinking about what other people do.
  2. Learn to be friendly. For celebrities, being friendly means being kind and courteous to everyone - meaning not only to their peers of the same status, but also to their teachers, supervisors, and mentors. salesmen, security guards, parents, children, and even a tiny baby. They have such a good relationship with people that they are able to gossip or converse with everyone in the room in a friendly manner. And there's no reason you can't do it, right? Being friendly isn't about doing your best, it's about making a real impact on others.
    • Let things natural. The gossip is that you should focus on only "safe" topics. It's best to stay away from sensitive topics like religion or politics. Expressing your views on a sensitive topic means accepting hatred from people who don't share your opinion. Ideally, choose "moderate" themes.
  3. Do not interfere too deeply in other people's affairs. Remember there is always a difference between being friendly and going where you are not welcome. Respect each person's privacy; don't pry too deeply into their story. Learn to understand body language so you can recognize when your questions are making them uncomfortable. If the person looks away, sits away from you, checks the phone every 5 minutes, or whispers to another friend before you speak, then maybe not the right time to start a conversation. he.
    • Don't force yourself to go everywhere, don't stalk others, don't try to boast about anything, and don't interrupt others. In other words, do not disturb the people around.
  4. Please help those around you. Celebrities don't just "get to know" people - they also have good relationships with those people. They establish these relationships by helping people, and of course they won't show it out in public. To build a relationship, they will start with small things (and big things, like volunteering). A celebrity wouldn't hesitate to give someone a pencil if he really needed it, or shut a neighbor's door if it was open by some gust of wind, or even open and hold the door. to let the person behind them go first. But more often than not they will listen to what others have to say, and willingly help those people if possible.
    • If you truly empathize with the people around you, you will pray that everything they do will go well. If it is beyond your ability to help others struggle, you should at least show them that you always hope the best will come to them.
  5. Be realistically yourself. This may sound boring, but true celebrities will never bother about what they should do to "get along" with their surroundings. The reason is that they are comfortable with who they really are. You might think that to be famous, you need to be really charismatic and talented. However, the truth here is that while these qualities help you make a lasting impression on others, there are celebrities that are very ordinary while others are beautiful and excellent. "But" they are not the center of attention.
    • Remember, the only thing you need to become famous is your soft skills to be good. Other skills can be tailored to your environment, no matter what other people think.
    • Part of being yourself is knowing yourself so well that you have to laugh at yourself. Show everyone that you recognize your joke as well and don't worry too much about it, and of course everyone is fascinated by you by now.
  6. Don't try too hard. You will be surprised to learn that many celebrities do not put their all into being admired. Simply put, they are themselves. If you defy everything to be famous, your act will be exposed to the public, and people will think you are a scarecrow, or worse, a freak. A good way to get along with others is to find a group of friends who share similar interests and that makes you comfortable with being yourself every time you are with them. And as you become used to getting to know people, you can expand relationships on your own and start chatting with more different people. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Actively Participating in Activities

  1. Join a certain team. Of course, you don't have to be as good as Lebron James if you want to join the school basketball team. Signing up for a team is not only a great way to train your body and be proud of your abilities, but also a place for you to expand your horizons and make friends. . If your athletic talent is limited, try joining one of your school's sports teams or friendly league league in your vicinity.
    • Being on a team means your personality or abilities will be exposed to others, allowing you to learn how to get along with different types of people you may never have met. in class or everyday life.
    • Joining the team also improves your social skills. You will know what to plan for after the match or prepare dinner for your teammates before the match and or do other activities with your team.
    • Moreover, joining the team is also a good way for you to get out of the vicious circle and let people know who you are.
  2. Join certain clubs. It's also a great way for you to broaden your horizons and meet more people. Your teammates on the football team are not the guys you often meet on school press occasions. So, joining a certain team or club is really a good idea if you spend your hobby and time in your busy planning. Try to discover what makes you genuinely passionate or curious to know, and nominate yourself for the leadership of the team when you are confident in your experience. At this point you will be comfortable with the position of leader and have the opportunity to make friends with more people.
    • Don't worry too much about club membership being "too tedious" for you. Do what you enjoy and meet lots of people will make you more popular.
  3. Enthusiastically participating in class activities. You don't have to flatter your teacher or raise your hand to give out ideas throughout class just to make yourself stand out in front of class. You simply need to be friendly with your classmates as they sit next to you, answer your teacher's questions without being overbearing, and show everyone that you care about the class but not too much. that you no longer pay attention to the bustle of society around you.
    • If you are an active part of the class, there will be a lot of people who know your name and recognize you if you show up in a conversation.
  4. Always maintain your colorful preferences. Don't just become a professional athlete or be obsessed with school yearbooks. Instead, maintain a variety of hobbies by participating in many activities at the same time. Although you don't have to split yourself up, joining more activities will make you famous, make your name more widely known, and help you make friends with people on all levels. different classes in society.
  5. Join the community in which you live. Not only will this help you improve the lives of some of the people around you, but it will also help you learn how to interact with people of different classes, ages, and financial situations. The more you know how to get along with more people, the more experienced you will be in getting to know strangers and making them feel welcome at the right time. advertisement


  • Be considerate of people you know. Smile, say hi, and if they greet you back, ask how they're doing. Wherever you go, get in the habit of talking to strangers as well as acquaintances, even if it's only for a few minutes.
  • If you don't know how to choose good words or ideas to say, it's best not to say anything. It sounds like you've heard this from your parents, but this is really good advice. Even if the people around you are defaming someone, avoid being lured by gossip. If you're forced to come up with your own opinion, say neutral statements, like "Yeah she's always been nice to me, so I don't know" or "Maybe he is. has our own misery that we don't know. Who knows what happened? "
  • Be an easygoing person. Cute cheerful people are always a fun hub that makes others want to get close. And people who keep pacing back and forth like their dogs aren't that kind of person. Give others the opportunity to make you more excited.
  • Take part in a sport! Usually, almost all the stars are usually athletes and sports players! Some popular subjects include cheerleader, gymnastics, and dance. If you are not familiar with those subjects, try other fields such as hockey, swimming, racing, basketball, volleyball, or soccer. Most sports teams have a few famous players.
  • Remember, fame does not define who you are, it simply shines a light around you. So don't think you have to become a whole new person if you want to be famous.
  • In some communities it is imperative that you "be disliked". This is common in junior high and high school. In case you live in a community like that, think “carefully” before trying because you may lose friendships with some of your friends for example.
  • Always turn on your phone. People who are out of touch or are too cool are often not liked by others.
  • If you have a Facebook account, make friends with some of your school friends if they also have a Facebook account like you. Always talk to them. Just open up the conversation by saying "Hey, I feel bored!" After that, they will reply, "Me too." Things can then turn lame. Make sure to have something to say when you start talking to them.
  • No matter what you do, don't let yourself be turned into a bad girl. Everyone doesn't like very mean girls and no one in school will like you if you are mean to everyone.


  • Don't think too much. Becoming famous is more of a mood than anything else. If people find that you are doing your best to gain affection from others, they will turn away from your efforts. Fame is, in short, only part of how others think of you. That reputation will likely fade and change over time, and the only thing you can retain is how you treat the people around you.
  • Don't get upset if you're not the most popular person in school. Sometimes, things get better when there are close friends who care about you and they are really funny to play with with you, than it is to be a cool-looking kid. Because, after all, you still have good friends to share things with.
  • Realize that popularity has ups and downs, and is easily forgotten when you start studying at a new school or taking on a new job. Each situation is different, and sometimes you have to start over in a new environment.
  • Protect your privacy. When people begin to know you, that means your name will appear in some gossip associations or the curiosity of others. Think how hard it is for celebrities to suffer from being watched and invaded in their personal lives all the time. You should be well prepared as there will be a few people who will talk to you while you are doing some errands or sitting at the park reading. You can be questioned about many things. Please calm down and spontaneously answer their questions.
  • Don't get frustrated if you fail. Some people can gain popularity easily while for others it is impossible. There are many factors that hinder a person's popularity and friendliness, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.