How to be cute

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Cute
Video: How to Cute


You don't have to dress like a third grader or braid your hair to be cute. Being lovable doesn't mean you have to be young and cute, it does mean you have to have a sweet, friendly, and funny personality. In order to be cute without being too obvious, there are a few steps you can take.


Part 1 of 3: Adorable manners

  1. Use kindness to treat people. Lovely people have a generous heart and always give people the kindness and care they deserve. Be kind and compassionate to others, whether that person is your best friend, your mother, or a stranger. Don't be rude or irritable, even if you're in a bad mood. A lovable person needs to enjoy life and be loved by everyone, and you can only possess these qualities once you are kind to others.
    • Ask about other people's feelings and how they are feeling.
    • You shouldn't just treat it well human. You should also be kind to animals like dogs and cats! You'd better play with them. Many people assume that pet owners will have their personalities, and pets are usually pretty cute!

  2. Maintain a positive attitude. Adorable people do not lose their passion for their youthful life or hope. This means that they often maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and are a playful person. You don't have to be fake when you have a bad day, but you do need to work to be as positive, cheerful and optimistic as possible so that everyone around you can feel more at ease. . You don't want to be a lovable person but whining, grimacing, or always having negative thoughts, right?
    • Adorable people will not allow the world to let them down and keep hoping for the best. And the more good you hope for good things, the more things will be able to turn out as well as you want them to be.
    • If you want to be a positive person with a good attitude, don't talk badly behind others. Focus on presenting the good things of others or you could have a bad reputation.
    • A likable person can also help others see the world in a more positive way when they are in a difficult situation.

  3. Be curious about the world around you. Adorable people possess an innate curiosity about life and want to learn about everything in life; Just like when you were a kid, you would sit on your father's lap, point out everything and ask, "What's that?". This is the attitude you should maintain if you want to be lovable and keep an interest in life. Be alert and discernible so you can appreciate the new things life brings to you.
    • If a friend finds a new job, ask him how he works; If you notice a piece of news in the newspaper, read through it to see what's going on. If a friend of yours mentions a band you've never heard of, ask them what they are like - and ask if you can attend their show.

  4. Flirting a little. Usually, likeable people like to flirt a bit (after a certain age) because they're warm and friendly people. So get into the habit of flirting a bit when you talk to the opposite sex, or even "flirting for fun" a bit, by making fun of others, keeping your attitude happy, and short. You won't want to go overboard and be as sexy as you want to be; Just flirting a little.
    • Speak in a quieter way than usual.
    • Make eye contact and look away for a while when your eye contact becomes overwhelming.
    • Play with your hair. This gesture shows that you are flirting with the other person.
  5. Keep your own clarity. This doesn't mean you have to be shy or act like you don't know what's going on. However, if you want to be lovable, you don't want to be the rude person who likes to talk about the cruel, brutal aspects of life. You should roll your eyes a little, be a little curious, and feel insulted when others talk about vulgar and offensive matters. You should also avoid profaning too much or you will become like a misfit and won't be cute. Be as naive as possible without becoming like the perfect angel.
    • This is a tricky balance. You don't want people to think you're too naive and they can say anything about you. On the other hand, you wouldn't want them to think you're a pea-brainer.
  6. Laughing loudly. The likeable person laughs or smiles and enjoys every moment (remember the step of keeping a positive attitude?). You need to have a good sense of humor and not worry about laughing when you notice humor in something, and that can be either silly or a pretty old joke. People should often see you with a smile on their face, or hear your laugh coming from the other side of the room. A lovable person is open to humor, and often laughs or jokes.
    • This means that you have to go back to maintaining a youthful innocence and a humorous attitude. Children are often not ashamed of having to laugh out loud at things they consider to be funny; As children get older, they are expected to feel ashamed of their laughter and gradually change laughter to become more in line with adult standards of humor. If you want to be lovable, you need to let go of these expectations and honestly accept what makes you laugh.

Part 2 of 3: Having a Lovely Look

  1. Lovely hairstyle. If you want to create a cute hairstyle, you should avoid hairstyles that are too complicated or modern. You can have long hair, wavy hair, short curly hair, or a short bob that goes a little over your ears. If you have the right attitude, you can create a pretty cute hairstyle for yourself. You should also consider having flat bangs or cross bangs as they will make your hair look more adorable, as long as they flatter your face shape.
    • You can strip your hair, tie it in half, braid it loose, pull it up in a ponytail, or use a headband. You can also use a few extra hairpins for a lovely look.
  2. Lovely style makeup. For girls who want to use cosmetics in order to become more adorable, remember not to use too much. You just need some lipstick, light eyeshadow, and some mascara. You need to look natural, not like you've spent hours trying to look like a model on a runway. And if you don't use cosmetics very often, maintain your own simple, cute appearance.
    • Keep lips soft by applying lip balm or lip balm after a few hours.
  3. Maintain body hygiene. Remember that no one can become excessively clean. If you want to be lovable, you should keep your teeth white, wash every day, and use soap with a subtle fragrance. Use body lotion to keep your skin supple, and wash your hair every other day if possible. Wash your face every morning and night and keep your nails clean.
    • Your body must also be fragrant and fresh without having to use too much perfume or perfume too much.
  4. Wear lovely outfits. If you want to be cute, you should use adorable outfits. This means that you should avoid wearing clothes that are too tight, too revealing, or too attractive. You can wear simple colors, polka dots or simple textures. Make sure they are in shape and that they are clean and tidy at all times. Some cute outfits include doll dresses, cute tops, strapless sandals, sweaters and socks, or button-up shirts in bright colors.
    • You can use a t-shirt printed with pictures related to your childhood, such as the one from the My Little Ponies cartoon. This will give you a sarcastic and adorable look at the same time.
    • Use cute accessories. If you want to be cute, you can use a few more accessories on your outfit. You don't have to use too many accessories. Wear only simple silver or gold earrings, large size bracelets, or stone rings.
  5. Cute expression on her face. Your face should also look lovely. This means that you shouldn't frown, or look like you're in pain, or frown too much. Instead, act as though you are happy to live and that you can smile any time. Your eyes should be wide open and curious. You can also lightly bite your lips from time to time as this will make you look pretty cute.
    • When you talk to other people, make sure to make eye contact and pay attention to the story. This attitude shows that you really care about them, and this is a sign of cuteness.
  6. Lovely display of body language. If you want to be cute, always keep your back straight, not curl, use sweet and friendly gestures, and hold your head up instead of looking down at your feet. You can also touch your hands or the hem of your shirt a bit as these gestures show restlessness and they are quite cute. Don't fold your arms across your chest or people will think that you are difficult to get along instead of being cute and open. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Possessing Adorable Qualities

  1. Always help others. Adorable people often enjoy helping others, whether you are just helping an old lady cross the street, helping your brother with his homework, or helping find a new family for the puppy. Look for opportunities where you can help people, whether they are someone you know or a stranger who needs help. Every time you talk to someone of your friend and find that he really has a problem in life, let him know that you can help him even if he isn't. asks you to help.
    • This does not mean that you allow people to take advantage of you by always helping them without expecting anything in return. If you help your friends, they should also know how to help you when you need it. If you give away your time, the universe will give you the help you need.
  2. Become young. Being youthful is different from acting as a teenager or completely like a child. Being youthful means you shouldn't worry too much about the world around you, or look so tired and pressured that you forget the cheerful, humorous nature of yourself as a kid. Remember how happy you are, how you are attracted to the world around you, and embrace new opportunities. Laugh out loud jokes, learn to dance, or simply chase your best friend around the park. You can still become wise while maintaining the youthfulness of your heart.
    • Young people don't complain about having to walk or do something they don't want to do; they are so busy appreciating life that they don't have time to complain.
  3. Have a good attitude. Adorable people know when they need to say "please" and "thank you" and keep things positive and positive. They are always polite, respectful of elders and those working in the service industry, they keep the door open for others and do not burp in public. They spread napkins on their lap before eating, they know how to speak properly when using the phone, and they manually clean up their "battlefield". If you want to be cute, you need to improve your manners.
  4. Always sweet. Cute people are sweet people. Being sweet means being kind, happy, and generally grateful to others. If you're sweet, you'll want to make others feel loved and feel that they're special, and you'll want to let them know that you care about them even if you've just met them. These actions shouldn't look fake or forced, and you shouldn't be sweet for a minute so you can turn bad right after. Being sweet takes practice, and you can learn how to show love to others during the training process.
  5. Always happy. Adorable people are usually quite happy because they are curious about life and love to explore. They love to play soccer on the beach, they love to ride on someone else's back, and they love to tease their friends and enjoy life. If you want to be happy, you need to be open to new things, don't hesitate to explore the world as a child, and find ways to reuse old objects. If you want to be cute, having fun will help you maintain a sweet and playful image.
  6. Be friendly And warm. The lovable person treats everyone with warmth and friendliness. They wave their hands when meeting people they know (or sometimes people they don't know), they remember people's names, and they give praise to others when they deserve it. They ask about people's lives, they show others that they care about his / her thoughts, and lovable people can even invite others to watch movies or party for them. my bestfriend. Warmth is what you need to give people; You want people to feel your kindness, positive energy, and sincere attitude. Even if you're a shy person, you can learn how to be more friendly.
    • Friendly people often enjoy making new friends and don't forget to introduce them to their old friends. They are not afraid to be kind to people who are completely different from them.
    • A warm person is usually someone who is always welcome; people will just want to be with warm people whenever they can.


  • Don't worry too much about the size of your body! It is simply a number! Make sure you wear clothes that suit you and help you style your own body shape.
  • Let's talk about random things in a lovely way.
  • Every day, tell yourself that you are great! Because you really are!
  • In any case, make sure that once you've decided to be cute, take action to show this cuteness.
  • Don't try too hard!
  • If you're shy and you're secretly in love with someone, don't hesitate to give them a gentle smile or wink at them.
  • Volunteer to help with anything you can.
  • Be kind to everyone and everything: especially animals, children, and the elderly.
  • Never let someone else tell you that you're not nice enough. Just because you're cute doesn't mean people can trample you!
  • Be yourself, don't try to be too stupid or snobbish.


  • People may tell you that you are acting artificially ... But as mentioned in the previous section, you should not allow them to trample you.