How to treat toenail fungus

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prevent and treat nail fungus
Video: How to prevent and treat nail fungus


Toenail fungus infection is a nasty disease that manifests itself in the form of discoloration of the toenail, has a bad smell and liquid oozing, and even a complete removal of the nail. Toenail fungus often worries you, but rest assured that it is completely curable and the entire toenail will surely recover, provided you have to take constant care and follow precautions to Avoid future infections. Although curable, the disease requires a long course of treatment and consultation with a doctor. The following article discusses some simple but effective methods to treat toenail fungus, as well as information related to the treatment.


Method 1 of 3: Consult a Doctor

  1. Get treatment early. You need to treat the fungal infection as soon as possible, as it is then easy to cure, has a low risk of recurrence and avoids the risk of having to remove the nail. It's important to remember this: the infection won't go away on its own, and home-made remedies are rarely effective.

  2. Learn about common treatments. There are many different treatments and your doctor will base your infection on the infection, along with other specific information, to choose the method that's right for you. Understand that all of these methods take weeks to be effective, and that you must adhere to a strict diet prescribed by your doctor.
    • In some cases your doctor may prescribe local treatment. These are the creams or lotions that the doctor will consider for each case. After you have sterilized your toenails, apply Canesten cream twice a day, which may take several months. This is a very slow but efficient process.
    • Oral medications are also commonly used to fight fungal infections. There are many drugs available on the market today, but many of them can cause complications for certain health conditions. So be sure to tell your doctor about your medication history.
    • You can sometimes use an antifungal nail polish to treat an infection. You can apply it directly to the nail like nail polish, which is easy to do but needs to be prescribed by your doctor.

  3. Follow your doctor's instructions. With that said, you need to follow your doctor's instructions, because as long as you stop treatment halfway, the infection will reappear or get worse at first. You should also consult your doctor before combining different methods of treating fungus. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Infectious Toenail Care

  1. Keep the infected toe exposed to air as much as possible. Wet socks or shoes are a good environment for fungus to grow, so wear barefoot whenever possible, or wear sandals. Do not wear socks or tights for more than a day without washing them. Better to use bleachable white socks when washing.
  2. Avoid tight shoes. Tight shoes tend to push the toes together and spread the fungus to healthy toes. It is also the airtight, warm, and humid environment that the fungus loves. If you like to wear heels, stay away from them for now if it's a shoe that ties your toes together. This is when you should wear "well-ventilated" shoes. Tight socks are also causing the same problem.
  3. Dry feet completely after getting water. After bathing, swimming, or any activity that causes feet to become sweaty or wet, dry your feet completely. This will prevent the fungal infection from developing. You need to pay special attention when going to public swimming pools, or any activity that could spread infection. You should avoid these places or find some way to isolate the foot. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Alternate Approach or Supportive Method

  1. Understand the importance of medical treatment. Fungal nail infections are extremely complex and take a long time to heal. If treated incorrectly, the disease will recur easily. You should see your doctor if you have an infection, but there are some additional methods you can use before or during your treatment to relieve pain and support the main one. Talk to your doctor about these support options to avoid a conflict with the medication they prescribe for you.
  2. Cut off excess nail. For a toenail with fungus that has grown underneath and is being pushed up from the base of the flesh, soak both the affected foot and the toes in warm water for 20-30 minutes, then begin cutting the nail. You will be surprised to see that the nail no longer sticks to the toe where the fungus was colonized, this is normal even though it looks a bit disturbing. Just cut off the loose nail and rub off the thick, spongy fungus underneath. Remove any abnormal visual material thoroughly, and push the cuticles around the nail back. From this point on, you need to take regular care of your toe hygiene.
    • Never use your fingers to tear your nails. Always use nail clippers or nail clippers with long handles. The best time to have your nails trimmed is after a shower, as the toenails are the softest.
    • Do not do it yourself if you feel any pain when cutting, consult your doctor or a pedicureist. The correct removal of peeled nails will help the nail grow back more beautiful, avoiding the new nail deformation.
  3. Use Vick's VapoRub ointment, or a similar brand. Always keep the bottle of "VapoRub" on the side of your bed and apply a little bit to the infected toes and toes before putting on socks. Be sure to dry your toes before applying them to avoid locking the moisture underneath the oil layer. This method is time consuming as with all other products on the market, but this ointment is cheap and reliable.
  4. Use water and vinegar. Every night, soak your toes in a solution of water and vinegar for at least half an hour. The vinegar solution will lower the pH of the toenail so that the fungus cannot survive. You should do this regularly every night for three to six months. Although this is a treatment that requires perseverance, it is effective.
  5. Use essential oils. The essential oil can be seen as a liquid medicine. You should apply essential oils every day, morning and night, until the toenail is completely healed. This is a natural and effective treatment for toenail fungus. You can buy essential oil pills at drugstores, but many people have found success using 100% pure green tea oil, or mixing 5% to 10% pure orange essential oil (Not wash made from orange essential oil) in a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% alcohol (cleaning type), shake well before serving. Use the dropper to the toe so that the medication is evenly absorbed over the exposed muscle and the edges of the nail. As your new nail begins to grow, you must continuously remove dead cells to create a clear environment for the new nail. advertisement


  • Take care to take care of newly grown nails after bathing and clean nail tools with alcohol to avoid spreading fungus to other nails. As a precaution, do not regret that you should always apply green tea oil on the nails that are not infected. It takes months to get your toenails back to normal, so taking care of them is the key to success.
  • Wear sandals, sandals or other shoes when walking around swimming pools and public areas, do not wear bare feet as there is the possibility of fungal infection of other people's feet.
  • Be patient because your nails grow slowly. In most cases the nail will grow back, so if you don't see any signs of new nails, see your doctor.
  • Dabbing iodine around the edge of the nail two to three times a day can kill the fungus.This method takes several weeks to be effective, but if you apply it patiently, it will cure the fungus and restore the nail condition.
  • Soak your feet in mouthwash for 30 minutes a day for two months.
  • Wash your feet with antifungal soap. Then dry your feet completely, paying special attention to areas that may retain moisture (between the feet, around the nails, soles of the feet). Apply an antifungal cream to your entire foot. Once your feet are dry, wear bleach-washed white socks, and be sure to only wear socks that are completely dry (bleach can kill fungus in your socks during washing).
  • Wet your feet in water mixed with a few drops of green tea oil for 20-30 minutes. Let the feet dry completely in the air and apply VapoRub oil to the toes. Wear socks to avoid evaporation (night or day). If you stick to it, you will see results in a few weeks to a few months.
    • This method also has the added benefit of eliminating bad odors in the shoes and feet, and avoiding fungal infections that cause "elephant foot" disease.
  • You may be more likely to get a fungal toenail infection if you have chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, blood circulation disorders or impaired immunity.
  • Using cedar shoe insoles is a very effective remedy for nail fungus. The cedar wood's natural antibacterial antibodies will decompose microorganisms and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors and the appearance of onychomycosis.


  • Sterilize all nail cutting or scrubbing tools.
  • Feet can sweat: this is the environment that encourages fungus to grow, while also cooling the feet as sweat evaporates.
  • Do not apply nail polish to infected nails.
  • Be careful if you wear socks while sleeping, wear clean, loose socks.
  • If your "cold" feet don't sweat, wear clean, thin, or loose socks when you sleep. Or, you can apply a thin blanket down to the knee, but make sure your feet aren't too hot to sweat.
  • If you have an infection bacteria In the foot, foot or toes, but the healing speed is very slow, you should have a blood test to check for diabetes. If you have diabetes without treatment or control, each infection will cause the wound to not heal, with serious long-term effects such as necrosis and surgery. (Diabetes can also damage nerves in any part of the body!).