How to talk to your partner about oral "love"

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Most men view oral sex as an intimate part and bring a lot of pleasure during sex, but not all women are open to giving or receiving. That is why you should discuss it together to find any concerns and make your partner more comfortable. Starting a conversation on the subject can be difficult because both you and your partner feel uncomfortable and awkward, but discussing this sensitive issue will help build trust and bonding. Did she object as soon as you mentioned it. The first step is to ask (there are many ways to do this), you need to choose the most open and respectful ones.


Method 1 of 4: Mention with caution

  1. Roughly talk about your sexual desires and fantasies. This can be quite a shy conversation, but it can also be light and funny if you agree not to judge each other. What ideas or poses do you like? What funny but provocative ideas get you excited? Do you share with her? Remember, while this is not a deep and serious conversation, it does bring up intimate topics that can lead to the topic of oral "love":
    • Make a list of the five places you most want to have sex with, even if some of them are rather weird or funny.
    • Buy books about sex or go to adult websites, research interesting or weird poses you want to try.
    • Share any weird thoughts or secret desires with each other. If you can find a way to make you both happy, then you will be closer to your goal.

  2. If oral sex seems a bit far-fetched, gradually upgrade your sexual discoveries. If oral "love" is what you want, but it makes things happen too fast then start with smaller adventures. "Prelude" is a safe and low-risk way to explore each other. Or you can talk a bit more profane. Kiss the person's entire body, getting used to each other's body centimeters. Once these thresholds are exceeded, oral sex becomes more receptive and will gradually become the next inevitable step.

  3. Discuss regularly about your sex life. If you are in a bonding relationship but can't have a sexual conversation and never bring it up for discussion again. Why can so?! Whether you talk about sex or not, sharing your sex life is an important factor in developing and building a relationship. More than that, it will help you get closer to talking about oral sex once you have both openly and honestly discussed sex.
    • Once you become more comfortable with each other, is there something new that you'd like to try (oral sex or something else)? Please ask her the same question.
    • When it comes to sex, don't hesitate to bring it up. "How do you feel about our sex life lately?" It is an interesting and endless topic to discuss.

Method 2 of 4: Talk about how she feels

  1. Say what you want with simple, open-minded words. When you are talking about sex, don't try to “whirl around” or be skillful with her to bring oral sex. You need to take the initiative first if you want her to be the same. Remember, sex life is shared, not you alone, and this is for you both, not just her.
    • "I want to add both" love "mouth and try to see how."
    • "I think we should both start learning about oral sex, if you and I feel comfortable."
    • "I really want the two of them going under each other, I want to try and make it an important part of our sex life."
  2. Give her your stance, listen to her opinion without commenting. Listen fully, even if that's not what you want to hear. Concentrate on your partner's thoughts and concerns, whether she has a lot to say or not, and whether they are right for you. You must state your wishes so that if she disagrees, at least she knows what you like. She will remember that, and if you have sympathy, respect, and understanding she will probably feel more confident and I believe she will think about it from her standpoint.
    • Remember, all you can do is say what you want - be honest about them and she will do the same with you.
  3. Sex life is a shared thing, not a negotiation. Good comments like "I'll do the dishes a week if you agree to go down my way" cannot build trust and the need for a sexier life for a healthier sex. The problems in the office are common, not the services she has to do for you in return for a job done, no matter what the job is. If you want her to feel comfortable and loved (plus be able to find common ground), don't treat this as a transaction - treat it like a conference.
  4. Consider why your girlfriend or wife doesn't want oral sex. Oral sex can be scary for some women. They fear that their airways will be injured and as if they would choke or not breathe. She is in a vulnerable position and it's important to understand that. Some women fear that they do it improperly or hurt their partner. These activities make her feel anxious, uncomfortable and useless if she does not have complete confidence in sex. If you ignore her concerns and focus only on your own desires, you are making it difficult for her.
    • Ask her why she dislikes or dislikes oral sex and is prepared to answer. Remember that you yourself may not be comfortable with some other sexual activity.
  5. Ask her what you can do for her to make the experience more pleasant and comfortable for her. There are many things you can do to make things better. Maybe she likes more cuddles, walks around, or wants to shower together first to cleanse her body. Maybe she wants to talk about oral sex too and wants you to consider doing it for her. Whatever the reasons or the idea, you have no way of knowing without asking her.
    • Would you like to initiate a "rainstorm", then move on to something else? Oral "love" is an intimate act, it will become more exciting if you value and spend time with your sex life.
  6. Oral sex is not a monopoly. Men often move downward on women, so if you want to bring oral sex into a relationship, you need to be comfortable with implementing those techniques for her. This is a good way not only to comfort the person, but to add something new to your sex life gradually so that she won't be surprised.
    • Never assume that the "love" of the mouth is to "come through, get back" - "I did it for you, now it's my turn." This not only disrespects her, but also makes it uncomfortable for her to view oral sex with you as a permanent part of the relationship.

Method 3 of 4: Get together

  1. Try to keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable instead of being serious and demanding. Don't be obsessed with movies that portray sex as a very serious act of soul-shaking power. To put it more realistically, especially when it comes to bonding relationships, sex is a natural, a little awkward but interesting flow that only the two of you share. You may underestimate the possession of a gentle, cheerful attitude, but if the confusion as well as the initial problems are likely to be cleared up with a smile, people will boldly try new things. than.
    • If there is a moment you are enjoying yourself, let her know! This is the best way to build comfort, trust, and a great sex life.
    • If something is "not right," just smile! In the event of an unintended incident such as falling off the bed in some way, don't be afraid to laugh out loud - it doesn't take away your emotions.
    • A full sex life contains peaceful and pleasant emotions, so there is nothing easier than giving each other refreshing smiles.
  2. After discussing oral sex, let her initiate - don't put pressure on "we talked. Never demand, scow, force or ask her to "love" you verbally as a matter of fact, especially when things are stressful. You have finished your part, she has also expressed her opinion, and what you both need is time. When she is ready, she will begin on her own.
    • If you have discussed bringing oral sex into a relationship, and weeks or months have passed without a change, then you should bring the conversation back to a quiet and respectful time.
  3. Incorporate oral sex bit by bit into your sex life instead of making it the focus. Not all oral "love" applies to the "climax".A good way to make her feel good is to “love” the mouth during “foreplay”, then go into a position where you are both naturally comfortable. This will help her find her comfort level, keep the fun alive and move forward to a high level of harmony.
  4. Let her take control of her body, the speed and the type she wants. She needs to feel absolutely safe. Work with her that if you hold her head or hair while she “loves” you orally, you will always maintain enough control of yourself so you can avoid grabbing her head. in excitement. This is fine, even very erotic, you just need to lift her hair from falling, put your hand on her head or shoulders, but you have to be gentle and calm her.
    • If you feel uncomfortable and want to end soon, don't worry. For a woman who doesn't like oral "love", take the first steps of this article to help her become more comfortable over time.
  5. Ask her if there is anything exciting or exciting to try the next time she has sex. This is not a poll and you don't have to keep asking her every time you sleep together (it gets boring, quicker), but feel free to talk to her about sex life of both. Just like when you're dating or cuddling, after having sex, ask her what she likes. Find out if there was anything she could do outside the box, keeping things light and full of laughter. You two are lovers, and it's like talking about what you cook after a meal - there's no reason why you can't share your feelings after having sex.
    • If she's just starting to dig down the line, show her how excited you are! Keeping quiet could make her feel inappropriate or worse, she would think she was not good at this and should not continue to explore.
  6. These actions are of a high level of intimacy, so it takes time to adapt. Oral sex - if approached with love, trust, understanding and honesty - will become mutual sharing and bring a feeling of satisfaction for both. Sex life is a living and constantly changing part of a relationship, and if you notice it will evolve and become more diverse each day. Maintain the discussion, be honest and love each other and you will be happy.
    • Remember, if you spoke honestly, don't blame yourself. Her refusal or request not to go downstairs is not necessarily a sign that she "doesn't love you." Trust her feedback and find other ways to enjoy each other instead of panicking.
    • Disagreeing oral sex is not a good reason to break up, but can lead to sexual dissonance. Make sure that both are willing to listen, compromise, and try together.
  7. Understand that your partner will probably never be interested or interested in trying oral sex. Different people are stimulated by different sexual activities. Don't let her talk, listen, and do all of the above, but allow yourself to expect her to "accept" this after a while. You too. If she recommends an activity you don't like, you won't want to participate no matter how subtle the way she talks about it. Please respect her decision. She doesn't owe you oral sex or accept it just because you want to do it for her.

Method 4 of 4: Satisfy her

  1. Try talking about giving her oral sex as well as talking about your gratification. Oral sex is not just for you. Two lovers have an equal duty to satisfy each other's sex life, so ask questions about what to do and what she likes when talking about oral sex:
    • "Do you like it when I scroll down my bottom?"
    • "What should we do to make sex more enjoyable than me?"
    • "I mean the oral" love "for both of us - what do you think?
  2. Let her lead the discussion, put her needs first. This is not the time to talk about your desires and expectations, but about her. Oral “love” is something one person does for the other, so they should be comfortable while you are satisfied with them. This doesn't mean you don't have to be excited and comfortable (of course you will!), It means you need to put her needs first, as long as you stay in comfort zone. mine.
    • If she's not comfortable with oral sex, ask her why. In general, women often have the misconception that their pussy is "not clean" or "the most embarrassing place," and that no man would want to go here. Reassure her that you are not.
    • Do you know what you like or dislike?
  3. Be honest and proactive about your own desires, concerns and / or discomfort. If you want her to talk about her feelings, you need to do the same. Not all men feel completely comfortable with oral sex, and that's why you need to talk about it. You also have to relax to be able to "love" her mouth in a harmonious way. That means you have to admit, is there any part of oral sex that makes you unhappy, or on the other hand, do you really enjoy moving down her down more often than now?
    • Where is the "restricted area" for you?
    • Is there anything you want to try or add in the future?
    • What do you think about we try oral sex together?
  4. Using oral sex as a prelude to understanding each other's bodies. Don't put pressure on fully satisfying your partner through oral sex, especially if it's a relatively new move. Instead, “love” your mouth to “warm-up” first for the things you feel more comfortable with. If you are both volunteering to try a new method, you can slowly cuddle each other longer or be more intimate, rather than putting all of the pressure on one person to let them do things.
  5. Pay attention to the responses of the other party's actions. Only her knows if that's great or uncomfortable, so listen to her! Reassure her that you won't feel offended if she wants you to do something because this is the only way to learn effective ways with her body. More importantly, having her instructions about what you do well will help you focus more on her needs and interests.
    • Listen to her voice, moan, and body language. Remember, to have a great experience, you need to focus on your partner, not yourself.
    • If she doesn't like talking or making comments during sex, stick to simpler ways - maybe she will gently hold your hair when she likes something or patting you on the shoulder if you do something. Something is not too brandy.
    • If she seems to be enjoying it, continue what you are doing. Satisfying the person you love is not a complicated move in the game - so be bold!
  6. Always ask her for advice before proceeding, especially if it's something the two of you haven't done before. New poses, experiments, or games are a fun part of sex life, but that doesn't mean to surprise them! Asking for opinion won't distract or suddenly interrupt the fun - you can easily include it in foreplay or softly profane talk (eg. "I really want to ______, you Do you want that, honey? "). Asking is an ongoing act between a lover, not a separate conversation, so you can do this during sex. If you are trying to bring oral sex into your life voluntarily, first say:
    • "Do you want us to try ________"
    • "Do you want me to continue?"
    • "I'll _______. Tell me if you're uncomfortable!"
  7. Poll her about the part you like her the most. Based on what you think you did well to ask, such as "Do you like when you __________" or "Will you usually __________ more?" Don't force her to answer - sometimes she's focused on her pleasures and can't pause to think - but asking is a good way to show her that you prioritize her feelings.


  • Always dress neatly and keep the genital area clean. If you do the gathering regularly and are not clean, your spouse will worry about hygiene.
  • Remember that your girlfriend or wife is not a high school movie star. Adult movie stars are professional and adept at this, but the one you love is not. Never expect everything to turn out the way you see it in the movie.


  • Although oral sex is safer than other forms of intimacy, it can still spread sexually transmitted infections if it comes into contact with someone's fluids.