Ways to Increase Your Possibility of a Boy

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Ways Average Guys Can Be INSTANTLY SEXIER
Video: 9 Ways Average Guys Can Be INSTANTLY SEXIER


While many people disprove traditional methods of predicting the sex of a fetus because they think it is just baseless facts, it seems that some of them have been scientifically proven. Many theories are that it is more likely to control the sex of the fetus than we think. Read this article to learn more about how to increase your chances of conceiving a son.


Part 1 of 2: Increase Rate

  1. Mechanically. After all, the man plays a role in determining the sex of the fetus, because the woman always produces an X chromosome. Each individual sperm can carry an X or Y chromosome, and the sperm carries. Which chromosome moves to the woman's egg first determines the sex of the fetus (XX is a girl and XY is a boy). So, to increase the odds of having a son, we need to get the Y-chromosome sperm to reach the egg first.
    • Many scientific researchers believe that Y-chromosome sperm swim very quickly, while X-chromosome sperm swim more slowly but survive longer. To increase the odds of having a son, you must ejaculate very close to the egg so that the Y-chromosome sperm can meet the egg before you "run out".

  2. Talk about sexual intercourse. Many believe that the deeper a man goes into the woman, the greater his chances of having a son. This is not wrong, based on the belief that the Y sperm swim faster but give up faster than the X-chromosome sperm. With deep sexual intercourse, reaching the egg will be like a "water run. withdraw "rather than a long race, help sperm Y chromosome more win."
    • Deep intercourse positions such as: 'dog' type (or back intercourse), type of woman sitting above man, or man above and woman with legs extending towards chest .

  3. Alkaline rich diet. Foods high in alkali such as spinach, broccoli, kale, turnips, beets, lemons, and garlic not only keep the body's pH in balance, they reduce the acidity in the cervical fluid. woman's uterus, creating a more conducive environment for the Y-chromosome sperm.
    • Include the above foods in the days and weeks before conception to increase the odds of having a boy.

  4. Increase your daily calories. Numerous studies show that women who absorb a high-calorie diet before conception are more likely to have a son than women with a limited diet.
    • Even if you are following a diet, you can still increase your calories several times in the weeks before conception. Remember that you will gain weight during pregnancy after all!
  5. Add more potassium and sodium. A study by Oxford University found that women who consumed a lot of potassium and sodium before conception were more likely to conceive a son.
    • Bananas are a good source of potassium, plus sodium-rich foods like sausages and bacon, cheese, canned foods, sodas, and salty snacks like cookies and chips. .

Part 2 of 2: Sure Measures

  1. Consider IVF (in vitro fertilization) or in vitro fertilization. If you are really serious about having a son, the doctor can magnify the embryo on the screen to select the sex based on the PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) or Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis process. when transplanting. This process requires external conception, a rather expensive process, the egg is separated from the woman's body and fertilized with the man's sperm in a test tube.
    • PGD ​​was originally designed to screen for embryonic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. Using this procedure for sex selection or other bodily characteristics aroused a contradiction to nature and morality, so many doctors refused to perform PGDs for this purpose.
    • IVP is a time-consuming and costly complex technique that can cost you around $ 20,000. But keep in mind that it's not always 100% successful.
    • Although many doctors refuse to perform PGD to determine sex, many obstetrics and gynecology clinics in the US still offer suggestions of implementing PGDs for sex selection with clients in many hidden forms. Try to find obstetric and gynecology clinics that advertise "Family Balance" or "Family Planning", which means they will do PGDs for individuals or couples wishing to have children. with a specific gender.
    • Canada, UK, and Australia do not allow PGDs for sex selection, but more than half of all clinics in the US do PGDs for this purpose.
  2. Consider adopting a child. If you only like having a son but can't conceive one for yourself, adoption may be the right choice. Not only fulfilling the dream of having a son, but also saving an abandoned child from potential pain and a traumatic life.


  • The doctor advises patients that PGD is designed to screen for illnesses that are painful and have a high probability of death, and that gender is not a disease. Even though we often desire a specific gender, in the end our children are still children and we love them unconditionally.
  • Try a variety of techniques such as intercourse positions combined with a modified diet for maximum effectiveness.


  • Consuming too much sodium over the long term can lead to increased blood pressure and an imbalance of fluids in the body. Only consume a lot of sodium before conception, but don't make it a long-term habit.
  • Using IVF for sex selection is not recommended by many doctors, especially if you don't have fertility problems. It is best to conceive naturally if you can.