Ways to convince parents to drop out of school

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What To Do When Your Teen Wants To Drop Out Of School
Video: What To Do When Your Teen Wants To Drop Out Of School


Sometimes it feels overwhelming to go to school. Maybe there was a test that you hadn't prepared that day, or had to read something in front of the whole school and you were too shy, or you were afraid of being bullied. Generally, you want to skip school. There are many ways to pretend to be sick, simply making excuses for nausea, or more complex, acting and planning. No matter what disease you choose, you must try to pretend to be real.


Method 1 of 4: Ask parents for permission to leave school

  1. Take leave from school. Don't think you'll always be the one you want. If you want to stay home from school, whatever the reason, you should also ask your parents for permission.
    • Finding the right moment is when your parents are in a good mood. If you ask for permission at the wrong time, they may not accept your reason. If they are preparing to go away and you are still applying for a leave of absence, they can refuse.
    • Prepare to be rejected. Your parents won't want you out of school, unless you have a good reason to stay home.

  2. Keep calm. If your parents won't let you stay at home, don't get angry. This won't do any good, it just means you're not mature enough to be at home alone.
    • If you feel angry, take a deep breath. If you have time, you should ask for permission again that day.
    • Don't offend your parents or treat them selfishly. Perhaps they have a good reason to force you to school. If you scream in protest, it will only be in trouble.

  3. Get to do some chores in the house. You should find ways to compromise with your parents. They may accept your request to leave school if you clean the house. If you are willing to wash clothes then suggest washing some clothes for them.
    • If your parents allow you to stay at home on the condition that you do housework, accept it immediately. Don't give them reasons to not trust you. If not, it will be difficult to negotiate with them in the future.
    • Offering a good compromise proposition can boost your credibility in the eyes of your parents. If they see you as a responsible person, it will be easier to convince them later.

  4. Be truth. You may not be sick, but there is another reason why you don't want to go to school. If you are being bullied or feel uncomfortable at school, talk to your parents.
    • Maybe your parents still force you to go to school, but they will help you solve the problem.

Method 2 of 4: Pretend a cold

  1. Starting early. If the idea of ​​leaving school is not a last-minute decision, prepare early. Scream a lot to make your voice hoarse, or practice pretending to cough.
    • Make sure your parents aren't at home while you practice. If they find out, you must go to school.
    • Most people can feel they are about to catch a cold a day or two before it happens. Therefore, you can suggest to your parents that you are about to get sick.
  2. Symptoms of the disease. Sneeze and cough, but don't overdo it. It is also difficult to act as if you were standing up. Talk to family and friends in a very economical manner. If you say you have a headache, continue to complain like that, do not change the position of the pain.
    • Sleep often, especially while watching TV. Sick children often sleep very easily. If you said a minute ago that you were sick and are now excited about a certain TV show, your parents won't believe you.
    • Avoid complaining too much. The trick is not to give the impression that you are faking the illness. Limit whining and don't get sick of the staging.
  3. Pretend you're having a fever. A common way to pretend you have a fever is to place a hot water bottle on your forehead.
    • Another way is to put the thermometer under hot water to increase the temperature. This method takes little effort, but your parents should be easy to believe.
    • Be careful when pretending to have a fever. If your body temperature is too high, you may have to go to the emergency room and be exposed. Try to keep the temperature around 38 degrees Celsius.
    • Do not microwave the thermometer to heat it. This method will damage the thermometer.
  4. Dress up a bit if you can. This takes a bit of skill, but it will make your performance more realistic. Lighten your skin by applying foundation, and make your nose red with a little lipstick.
    • If you don't have your own makeup, be careful. If you are caught wearing her mother's makeup, it will be even more trouble.
    • When choosing lipstick for your red nose, don't use lip gloss or metallic lip gloss. You just use basic red lipstick.
    • Don't over-apply the powder if you want to make your skin look pale. Choose powder that is close to natural skin tone.
    • Use a red lipstick (used to make the nose red) brush around the corner of the eye. Be careful not to get the lipstick in your eyes, and just hit just enough to look like you rubbed your eyes.

Method 3 of 4: Pretend abdominal pain

  1. Sit for a long time in the toilet. When it comes to pretending to have a stomachache then the best way is to go to the toilet. Parents don't usually ask a lot of questions if you sit for a long time in the toilet. Besides general questions, people don't want to know what you are doing.
    • Don't whine or make disgusting noises. You should just act in a simple way.
  2. Makes skin wet and cold. Throw cold water on your face to make it colder. Wet your hair a little, but don't get your body wet. You just want others to see you have cold skin. When asked, you say you feel hot. This will make your parents think that you are sweaty due to a cold.
    • You can do some physical exercises like push-ups or crunches, but just enough to get the sweat off your forehead.
  3. Pretend dizziness. Nausea is often accompanied by a feeling of dizziness. Don't do any sudden movements. Try to sit as much as possible. If you have to walk, go slowly.
  4. Bald forehead. When you pretend to be nauseous, don't make yourself vomit. Say you are not hungry but have a stomachache. Try to eat as little as possible, but don't vomit whatever you do. This is not good at all. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Pretend headache

  1. Rub your hands over your forehead. To pretend a headache, rub your hands on your forehead and close your eyes. Lie on the couch or floor and keep your hands on your forehead.
    • When your parents ask you what is wrong, you say that the headache is right behind the eye. The more clearly you describe the pain, the more likely they will care for you.
  2. Reaction to light. People with severe headaches often can't stand the lights. If someone opens a window, or you are in a room with a lot of sunlight, turn away and complain about the light.
    • Don't overdo this step. Photosensitivity usually occurs with migraines, but normal headaches do not. You should consider when using this tactic.
  3. Show maximum laziness. If you have a headache, you definitely don't want to participate in physical activity. Stay in bed and go to bed as soon as possible.
    • To look more sick, keep the room quiet. Turn off the TV and don't listen to music. Rarely does parents believe that their child will accept to stay in a dark room all day without entertainment.


  • Performs consistently with what you have chosen. If you recently complained of a stomach ache and then a leg pain, your parents may be suspicious.
  • If you pretend to be sick for longer than a day and continue to be “sick” the next day, you will be taken to a doctor or taken to take medicine. Be careful about this.
  • You can avoid taking it, but if you go to a doctor, your doctor will force you to take it, or prescribe it for you and your parents to pay.
  • Pretend mild nausea the evening before. This shows that you are not making up the matter of being sick the moment you want to leave school.
  • Tell your mom or dad that you haven't been feeling well the day before. You have "awakened" several times that night that was unwell. If your mom or dad asks you why you didn't come down to their room to let them know, tell them you don't want to wake them up.
  • When you are late at night, tell your mum or dad that your stomach feels uncomfortable. If they ask why you didn't speak early, you say you don't want to disturb them.
  • If your parents don't believe you, or you don't want to lie, say that you need to take a day off school to relieve the stress.
  • If you pretend to be sick, don't exaggerate. Your parents will doubt your behavior.
  • Try staying up all night, and when it's time to go to school you'll look sick and tired. Mom or Dad will let you stay at home without you having to say anything. However, don't make it a habit. Sleep is very important for health.


  • Pretending to be sick can leave you in trouble with your parents. You need to be aware of the risks before you start playing truancy.
  • Don't do anything that is bad for your health. Do not take medicine to make yourself sick.
  • Do not take any medicine that your body does not need. This is not good for health. You could say that the stomach is not fine, and acting like medicine is not going to help either.
  • Don't pretend the illness is so severe that you will be taken to the hospital. You can deceive your parents, but not the doctor.
  • If you want to stay home because of school problems, seek professional help. You need to let your parents know if you are being bullied. Absence from school cannot solve your problem.
  • Leaving school regularly will cause you to lose your work and not keep up with your peers. That means when you return to school, you will have to face a mountain of schoolwork.
  • When school is over, you still have to pretend you're sick. If you've been sick all day and then get well again by the end of class, your parents will find out that you lie.