How to shrink calves

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: 3 MIN SLIM CALVES workout


  • Long walk
  • Run strengthens in flat area
  • Swimming
  • Cycling on a flat surface or on a training bike without applying high resistance
  • Use the treadmill
  • Do weights with small weights to reduce calf fat. If your problem is that your calves are not well formed then weight training will help with overall weight loss. Muscle burns more energy than fat. Light weight training will help build muscle and lose weight, so you can't look too muscular. If you already have toned muscles, your goal is not to build muscle.

  • Do squats. Uses body mass as resistance. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, put your hands on your hips and bend your knees, and your calves and thighs will have to work to become toned. To increase the effect on the calf, try to focus the mass on the heel, not the toes, so the fat is burned faster and lessens the calf muscle. Each exercise maintained for 2-3 seconds and then straighten back to original position. Do 10-15 reps with each exercise.
    • Doing squats with weights can increase the size of your calves.
    • For better balance, stretch your arms out in front of you with palms facing down, parallel to the floor.
    • Combined with the right exercise regimen, this exercise helps you reduce the amount of calories and fat you absorb, and increase muscle growth needed.

  • Practice lifting calves. To lift your hips simply stand with your legs hip-width apart, and hold your arms on a chair or table for balance. Then, lift your feet so that you stand only on your toes and the top of your feet, lifting your heels off the ground. Each lift you should hold for at least a second before lowering yourself onto your heels, it feels like your calves become firmer. Do 20 consecutive exercises to lift and lower the calf for each time.
  • Play soccer. The practice is as follows: stand in front of the surface about as high as a soccer ball. Place your hands on your hips and kick one foot up so that your toe touches the surface or "ball", while the other foot is about one foot from the front foot. Then you switch the kick foot so that the other leg touches the surface and the other leg is on the ground. Switch kick feet at a fast speed so that there is no time to stop between kicks, you will feel a fatigue in your calf.

  • Avoid exercises that put too much pressure on the calf. If you already have a toned calf, the exercises that put more resistance on the calf will make it grow bigger. Avoid any exercises that cause calf fatigue due to greater pressure. Here are exercises you should avoid unless you want your calves to grow bigger:
    • Walk or jog on a slope. Although walking and jogging puts resistance to your calves, you shouldn't avoid these activities altogether, instead walk or run on a flat surface whenever possible.
    • Climb high. Take a leisurely step on the stair treadmill, use the stairs or climb the mountain.
    • Skipping. Toe hopping is a great cardio exercise, but it also makes the calves bigger.
    • Practice lifting calves. Here's how to quickly increase your calf size if you already have toned legs.
    • Sprint. The sprinter has to run on the tips of the toes so the size of the calf will develop.
  • Method 2 of 3: Diet for fat loss

    1. Stretch your leg muscles. Although stretching the calf muscles does not shrink the calf, it can keep the joint in line. This affects the function of calf. Some good stretches for calves include:
      • Touch your toes. Sit with your feet close together and slowly lean forward to reach your toes with your hands. Continue moving toward your toes within comfortable limits, until you feel a fatigue in your calf. Hold for 15 seconds.
      • Stretch your legs. Stand with one leg stretched in front of your face and the other leg behind, as far away as you can get from within comfortable range. Bend your front knee and keep your back foot pressed to the ground. Look straight ahead before you continue to stretch your back calf. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
      • Foot stretches. Stand with one foot flat on the ground and the other foot out in front of you, half of your foot on the steps. Lean forward and feel the tension in the calf of the poles. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds and repeat for the other leg.
      • Dog face up posture. Lie on your face with your hands under your shoulders and your legs straight behind. Using your hands to push yourself off the floor, shift weight onto heels. The body must now form an inverted "V". Hold for at least 25-30 seconds.


    • Remember that genetics also influences calf size and symmetry. If you are born with large calves, it will take more effort and time to shrink the calf.
    • Walk on the treadmill.
    • Ask a physical therapist or doctor to analyze how you walk. There is a possibility that you are too focused on using your calves while walking, which is the cause of your calves being bigger. By increasing use of the shin muscles you can get thinner and firmer calves.


    • Consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen or new diet. This is especially important if you have a health problem like diabetes.

    What you need

    • Weight (light weight)