Ways to Hypnosis

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Instant Hypnosis Secrets you WON’T BELIEVE! Learn Mind-Control Now!
Video: Instant Hypnosis Secrets you WON’T BELIEVE! Learn Mind-Control Now!


It is easy to hypnotize someone if they want to be hypnotized themselves, because after all hypnosis methods are self-hypnosis. Contrary to popular misconception, hypnosis is not the ability to control thoughts or some mystical power. As a hypnotherapist, you primarily provide instructions to help them relax and fall into a state of samadhi, or awake. Methods of relaxation in the process Outlined below is one of the easiest ways to learn, and can be applied to those who wish to be hypnotized without experience.


Part 1 of 4: Finding Someone to Hypnosis

  1. Find someone who wants to be hypnotized. It is very difficult to hypnotize someone they do not want or believe in hypnosis, especially if you are a practitioner. Find a partner who is willing and wants to be hypnotized, who must be patient and want to feel relaxed.
    • Do not hypnotize a person with a history of mental illness or mental illness, as this can lead to dangerous unintended consequences.

  2. Choose a quiet, comfortable room. To make your partner feel safe and avoid distractions, you need to have a clean room with soft lights. Make them sit in comfortable chairs and remove all distractions, like television or unrelated people.
    • Turn off mobile phone and music.
    • Close windows if there is any outside noise.
    • Let other people in the house know they shouldn't disturb them until you are out of the room.

  3. Tell your partner what hypnosis can do. Many people have the very wrong idea of ​​hypnosis, rooted in movies and TV shows. In fact, it is just a relaxation technique that helps people to have a clear awareness of their problems or problems subconsciously. In everyday life we ​​often fall into a state of hypnosis, like when we are immersed in music or movies, or when we are "dreaming". With real hypnosis:
    • You are not in a sleep state or unconscious.
    • You are not enchanted or controlled by someone.
    • You won't do anything you don't want to do.

  4. Ask about their goal of being hypnotized. Hypnosis has been shown to help reduce anxiety, and even boost the immune system. This is a great tool to increase your concentration, especially before going on a quiz or big event, or you can use it to get into a state of deep relaxation under stress. Knowing your partner's desired goal while under hypnosis will help you put them into samadhi more easily.
  5. Ask your partner if they have been hypnotized and how they feel. If so, find out what they have been asked to do and their response to it. This probe helps you predict how your partner will react to what you are about to ask them to do, and figure out what to avoid.
    • People who have been previously hypnotized are more susceptible to hypnosis.

Part 2 of 4: Leading into the Hypnosis

  1. Speak in a low, slow, and soft voice. You should speak at a slow, quiet, and calm pace. Extend the sentence a little more than usual, imagine trying to reassure someone who is scared and taking your voice for example. During the process of interaction you have to keep that voice. You should start with some of the following statements:
    • "Let my words ring with you, and do as I suggest if you want."
    • "Everything here is safe and peaceful. Sit back and relax in a state of relaxation."
    • "Your eyes feel heavy and want to close. Let your whole body naturally immerse yourself as you relax your muscles. Listen to your body and my voice when you begin to feel calm."
    • "You are in complete control of the time. You will only accept offers that benefit you and be willing to do them."
  2. Ask your partner to focus on breathing deeply and regularly. You must instruct them to inhale deeply and exhale at a regular rate, by modeling and asking them to imitate your breathing. You must be specific as follows: "Now take a deep breath until you are full of air in your chest and lungs." chest until the lungs are completely empty.
    • Focusing on breathing increases oxygen to the brain and creates objects to engage their thoughts, instead of letting them think about hypnosis, life stress or surroundings.
  3. Ask them to focus on a fixed point. Look directly at your forehead if you are standing in front of them, or ask them to look at a dimly glowing object in the room. They generally have to look fixed on an object. This is why hypnotized people often look at a pendulum watch because the image is not really boring. If they feel that it's best to close their eyes, let them do it.
    • Pay attention to their eyes once in a while. If your partner seems to be peeking around, you should guide him or her. "I want you to focus on the calendar on the wall," or "try to focus on the gap between my eyebrows." Tell them to "let their eyes and eyelids relax, making them heavier and heavier".
    • If you want them to focus on you, you have to sit still first.
  4. Instruct them to relax each part of their body. Once you've put them in a relatively calm, even, and rhythmic coordination with your voice, begin guiding them to relax their toes and feet. Ask them to focus on relaxing these muscles, gradually progressing to the calves. Tell your partner to relax the lower half of her legs, to the upper half, and slowly work towards your facial muscles. From your facial muscles back down to your back muscles, shoulders, arms and fingers.
    • Everything has to be done slowly, keeping your voice slow and calm. If they seem confused or stressed then you have to slow down the tempo and redo the process in reverse order.
    • "Relax your feet and ankles. Feel the muscles relax in your feet, imagining that no force has accumulated in them."
  5. Encourage them to relax. With your cues, you control focus and let them know you need to stay calm. Although you have a lot to say, the ultimate goal is to make them more and more immersed in their own thoughts, so they must focus on the inhalation and exhalation.
    • "You can feel the lids are heavy, let them slide down automatically."
    • "You are drifting slowly into a state of samadhi, peace and tranquility."
    • "You are feeling very relaxed right now. A deep sense of relaxation envelops you. And right now when you are listening to me it intensifies, it puts you in a state of peace. surf."
  6. Look for your partner's breathing cues and body language for their mental state. Repeat the above instructions a few times, trying to repeat as many times as if you were reading a poem or a chorus of song, until the other person is completely relaxed. Notice the signs of stress in their eyes (are they rolling their eyes?), Their fingers and toes (are they tapping hands or rocking their legs?), Continue to use relaxation techniques to induce them maximum relaxation.
    • "Every word I'm uttering will take you deeper and faster into a state of peaceful, quiet relaxation."
    • "Sink and close. Sink and close. Sink and close, complete shut."
    • "The deeper you sink, the deeper you can sink. The deeper you go, the deeper you want to go, the more engaging the experience."
  7. Take them down the "hypnotic staircase". This is a technique commonly used by hypnotists as well as self-hypnotherapists to bring about deep samadhi. Ask her to imagine standing on top of a staircase in a warm, quiet room. As she stepped down, she seemed to be sinking into a state of relaxation, each step would sink her deeper into her own thoughts. When you lead them, tell them the stairs have ten steps and guide her down each step.
    • "Step down to the first step and feel yourself sinking into a state of relaxation. Each step is a step closer to unconsciousness. Step down to the second step and feel yourself more and more calm. , and when you reach the third level your body feels like it's drifting away, etc ... "
    • You can instruct them to imagine a door at the foot of the stairs, leading them into pure relaxation.

Part 3 of 4: Using Hypnosis Helping Others

  1. You should know that it is very unlikely that it is very unlikely that you ask others to do what you want when they are under hypnosis, rather than abusing others' trust. Most people remember what they do when they are hypnotized, so even if you can make them act like a chicken when they are out of hypnosis they will be mad at you for it. Hypnosis, however, has many therapeutic benefits, not just the technique for you to perform. Use it to help him or her relieve stress and let go of all the troubles and worries in life, instead of trying to make fun of them.
    • Even well-intentioned suggestions can produce undesirable results if you don't know what you're doing. That is why a trained hypnotherapist can guide patients in the right direction, instead of just giving them hints on what to do.

  2. Use basic hypnosis to reduce anxiety. Hypnosis has the ability to reduce restlessness no matter what you suggest, so you should not have the thought of "healing" anyone. Simply put them in a state of samadhi and that is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. You do not need to try to "solve" anything, because deep relaxation occurs very rarely in everyday life, so that is enough to dispel any worries and troubles.

  3. Ask them to visualize problem-solving solutions. Instead of telling them how to handle the problem, guide them in imagining that you successfully solved the problem. How do they feel about success? How did they get there?
    • How do they want their future? What changed to get them there?

  4. Hypnosis can treat many different sorrows. While you should seek advice from a mental health professional, hypnosis has long been a remedy for addiction, pain relief, fear, self-esteem problems, and more. While you shouldn't try to "cure" anyone, hypnosis can be a great tool to help them fix the problem on their own.
    • Help them visualize a world where problems are free, such as going through a day without smoking, or a moment when self-esteem is high.
    • Hypnosis treatment process always it is easier if the person wishes to deal with his problem before they have completely fallen into samadhi.
  5. Hypnosis is just a small part of any mental health solution. The main benefit of hypnosis is relaxation and time to think through a problem. It is then that you are simultaneously achieving a state of deep relaxation and intense focus on the problem that needs solving. However, hypnosis is not a miracle, but a way for people to go deep into one's own thoughts. This way of thinking is essential for strong mental health, but serious or chronic problems always need to be treated by a qualified professional. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Ending Hypnosis

  1. Slowly bring them out of samadhi. You should not suddenly shock them out of their relaxed state, but help them gradually become aware of the world around them. Let him know he will fully recover his consciousness and return to reality after you count to five. If you feel that he is in too deep a hypnosis, then guide them with you up the "stairs", slowly regaining awareness after each step.
    • Start by saying, "I will count from one to five, and when I count to five you will be completely awake, alert and refreshed."
  2. Discuss hypnosis with your partner to find ways to help you improve in the future. Ask them how to be more appropriate, what risks bringing them out of hypnosis, and how they feel. Such research can improve your hypnosis skills more effectively the next time, and help your partner find what they like during the hypnosis process.
    • They should not be reluctant to speak as soon as they come out of hypnosis. Just have a casual conversation, and if they seem like they are still relaxed or want to sit still for a while, then wait a while.
  3. Be prepared to answer frequently asked questions. You should be prepared to answer the following questions in advance, as confidence and trust are so important to the outcome of the hypnosis process that follows. Here are questions that you may encounter at any time during hypnosis:
    • What will you do?. I will ask you to visualize beautiful and peaceful images and tell you how to use your mental strength more effectively. You can always refuse to do things you don't want to do, and you can get out of hypnosis on your own in an emergency.
    • How do you feel hypnotized?. All of us experience changes in our perception many times a day without knowing it. Whenever you let your imagination fly away with music or a few lines of poetry, or when you are immersed in a movie or play instead of just watching, you're in a state of mind. some ecstasy. Hypnosis is just a way to help you focus and recognize these changes in a state of alertness, in order to use your mental energy more effectively.
    • Is it safe?. Hypnosis is not status alertness is transformed (sleep is this state), which is experience be transformed while awake. You will never do anything you don't want to do, or be crammed with unwanted thoughts.
    • If it was all just imagination, what good would it be?. You should not misunderstand the word fantasies because in English or in many other languages ​​there is a tendency to assume that the word "imaginary" is the opposite of the meaning of the word "real", and should not misunderstand it with jutsu. term "image". The concept of imagination consists of a very real set of mental faculties that are currently only investigating this potential, which goes beyond the ability to simply create images in our minds. .
    • Can you get me to do something I don't want to do?. When you are in a hypnosis, you still have your own personality and you are friendSo you won't say or do anything that you wouldn't want to do in that situation without being hypnotized, and it's easy to turn down any suggestion you don't like. (That's why we call it "hint".)
    • What can I do to make hypnosis better?. Hypnosis is a lot like letting your mind drift while watching a sunset or looking at the embers of a campfire, or feeling like you are participating in the role of a movie, rather than simply a spectator sat and watched. It all depends on your ability and willingness to follow the instructions and hints provided.
    • What if I am too excited and I don't want to go back?. The hypnosis hints are basically mental exercises and imagination, just like the script for the movie. But you still return to your everyday life after the session is over, just as you do at the end of the movie. However, it may take a few attempts by the hypnotist to bring you out of the hypnosis. It feels great to be completely relaxed, but there's not much you can do then.
    • What if hypnosis fails?. When you were a child, did you ever love playing to the point where you couldn't hear your mother call home for dinner? Or are you one of those people who can wake up at the same time every morning simply by deciding to wake up the night before? We all have the ability to exercise our mental strength in a way we don't realize it, and some have developed this ability stronger than others. If you allow your thoughts to respond freely and spontaneously to words or images during hypnosis, you can go anywhere your mind wants.


  • Remember that relaxation is the key to success. If you can help someone relax, it is easier to put them in hypnosis.
  • Not letting themselves be deceived by the hypnotic exaggeration in the media, they often want people to think that hypnosis can make others act like a fool, with just the snap of a finger.
  • Before you start, you must make them feel like you are in a peaceful and happy place. For example, at a mineral spring, a beach, a park, or you can play music and play the sound of waves, the wind blowing, or anything else that feels soothing.
  • Make sure your partner is not in a rushing mood. They don't have to be tired, they just don't have to be too crazy.
  • Keep calm and relaxed.
  • Do not regularly hypnotize a person as it can affect their health.


  • Do not use hypnosis to treat physical and mental health conditions (including pain symptoms) unless you are a trained professional to deal with those problems. You should never use hypnosis as a remedy instead of, replace for medical examinations or psychotherapy, or to salvage a troubled relationship.
  • Don't ask others to do the same things they did when they were kids. If you want to tell them, 'act like a ten year old'. Some people have repressed memories that you really shouldn't arouse (like abuse, bullying, etc.). They lock them up as a natural defense.
  • Although many people have tried it, do not believe that post-hypnosis is a way to protect the hypnotist against their wrongdoing. If you try using hypnosis to get someone to do something they don't normally want to do, they will usually come out of hypnosis.