Ways to Wake Up In the Morning

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Stop Feeling TIRED Every Morning
Video: How to Stop Feeling TIRED Every Morning


If you find yourself constantly pressing the snooze button of your alarm clock each morning, take a few simple steps in this article to help you get out of bed quickly. Just try to establish a habit of doing some things before bed and set a goal of getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. By placing your alarm clock away from your bed, opening curtains to let the sun shine in your room, or using an app to help you wake up, you'll wake up and get out of bed in seconds.


Method 1 of 3: Wake up on time

  1. Avoid pressing the alarm clock snooze button. It's important to wake up as soon as the alarm goes off - pressing the snooze button repeatedly not only changes your sleeping habits, but also makes you tired.
    • If you schedule your alarm at 7:00 am but want to wake up at 7:10 after pressing the snooze button, set it at 7:10 so you can go to sleep for a few more minutes.

  2. Turn on the lights as soon as you wake up. This helps the eyes adjust to daylight and motivates the brain to wake up to start the day. Keep a light next to your bed so you can easily turn it on when you wake up.
  3. Keep an alarm clock away from your bed so you have to get up and turn off the alarm. This way, you will avoid pressing the snooze button many times and being forced out of bed to turn off the alarm.
    • You can place the alarm clock on the bookcase, next to the bedroom door or the window.
    • However, make sure the watch is placed at a reasonable distance so that you can hear the bell ringing.

  4. Open the curtains or blinds as soon as you wake up. Usually, you'll want to sleep in the dark when the room is still dark; So, open the curtains or adjust the curtains to catch sunlight in the room each morning and wake you up.
    • If your room is not getting sunlight, you should buy a natural alarm clock. This product simulates the light of sunrise so you naturally wake up.

  5. Schedule your coffee machine so you can have a cup of coffee when you wake up. If you have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning, setting your coffee machine on a timer so that it will brew itself at a certain time is a good way to help motivate you to get out of bed. Not only do you wake up with a fragrant coffee scent, you also don't need to spend extra time preparing.
  6. Put a warm jacket or sweater next to your bed for easy access. The main reason many people find it difficult to wake up in the morning is that they feel warm and comfortable under the covers. By having a jacket, a warm shirt, or a long-sleeved shirt ready, you will no longer be afraid of the cold feeling when you wake up in the morning.
    • You can also have slippers or socks ready to keep your feet warm when you get out of bed.
  7. Use the app if you don't have an alarm clock. While you can always use the watch app on your phone, there are plenty of apps to help you wake up and get out of bed. Explore the app store on your phone to find the right one.
    • Try apps like Wake N Shake, Rise, or Carrot to help you get up each morning.

    Alex Dimitriu, MD

    Psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist Alex Dimitriu, PhD in medicine, is the owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, a clinic in the San Francisco Bay area, with a specialist in psychiatry, sleep, and transformation therapy. Alex received his doctorate in medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from Stanford Medical College's Sleep Medicine Boarding Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex is accredited in both psychiatric specialties. and sleep medicine.

    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist

    You can try a variety of apps and devices if you find it difficult to wake up in the morning. For example, try bedroom lighting that makes you wake up. You could also try a sleep tracker or an app that makes you wake up when you fall into REM sleep (when your eyes move quickly) so you can wake up more easily.

  8. Schedule a morning appointment so that you will be motivated to wake up on time. You will get out of bed quickly when you know you have something to do. Schedule a meeting or exercise schedule with a friend early in the morning so that you will be motivated to wake up and start the day. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Get a good night's sleep

  1. Establish a routine before going to bed. In addition to things like bathing or brushing your teeth, you need to build a routine that will help you get ready for the new day so you don't have to do a lot of morning work. Try to do these things regularly every night to form a routine.
    • Some things you can do before bed include showering, dressing for the next day, preparing lunch, and reading before you fall asleep.
  2. Eat a healthy meal a few hours before bed. Eating the wrong foods can upset the stomach or interfere with the brain's resting process and affect the body's ability to fall asleep. Choose healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, protein or nuts.
    • Avoid alcohol or caffeine before bed. Drinks like coffee can keep you awake or make it difficult to fall asleep.
    • Eating before bed will affect the digestion of food by the stomach; Therefore, you should eat at least 2 hours before going to bed.
  3. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. That means you should set an alarm clock so that you can get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep each night makes a big difference to your productivity throughout the day; Also, it will be difficult to wake up early if you sleep late.
    • For example, if you set your alarm clock to ring at 7 a.m., try to go to bed at 11 p.m.

    Alex Dimitriu, MD

    Psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist Alex Dimitriu, PhD in medicine, is the owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, a clinic in the San Francisco Bay area, with a specialist in psychiatry, sleep, and transformation therapy. Alex received his doctorate in medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from Stanford Medical College's Sleep Medicine Internship Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex is accredited in both psychiatric specialties. and sleep medicine.

    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist

    Experts agree that: You should not wake up in deep sleep - you fall in the first 1/3 of your sleep. These are the times when it is most difficult to wake up, but when it is almost morning it will be easier.

  4. Turn off the screen of electronic devices at least 1 hour before going to bed. Screen light is more harmful to the eyes than other types of light and also makes it difficult to fall asleep. Try to stop watching TV, using your computer, or texting at least an hour before bed.
    • Better yet, you should set a rule not to watch TV or use the computer in bed.
  5. Turn on white noise to help you fall asleep. If you have difficulty sleeping or wake up easily during sleep, use a noisy device or turn on a fan to create a soft background sound.
    • You can also get white noise apps on your phone.
  6. Adjust the temperature for the perfect space to sleep. If you feel too cold or too hot, you will have difficulty falling asleep and not be able to sleep well. The suitable temperature for sleep is about 18–20 ° C, depending on the preference of each person. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Stay awake in the morning

  1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. This way both energizes and hydrates the body.Put a glass of water by your bedside before you go to bed, or just wake up and grab a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed.
  2. Personal hygiene, such as brushing teeth, washing face and combing hair. Cold water is very effective in keeping people awake; So try washing your face with cold water or take a quick shower with cold water (if needed).
    • Try to take some steps of personal hygiene on a regular basis to get into a routine.
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. A nutritious breakfast can keep you awake and feel healthy and full of energy throughout the day. Choose foods like eggs because they're high in protein, or toast and some fruit if you're in a hurry.
    • Granola and oats are also healthy options.
    • You can also try making smoothies with a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables and yogurt.
  4. Do exercise. This is a great way to get physically active, "charge" your energy and make you feel more energetic. If you don't have time to practice properly, you can go for a brisk walk or jump with your arms wide open to allow blood to circulate.
    • Take small steps around the neighborhood or do a morning yoga exercise.
  5. Starting the day is energetic and productive. Instead of starting the day by watching TV or lounging indoors, get something done in the morning like chores or simple tasks. This way, you will feel complete and motivated throughout the day.
    • Make a list of things to do before going to bed or when you wake up in the morning to find out what to do.
    • Some things you can do are take your dog for a walk, wash the dishes or drop by the post office.


  • Keep a pen and paper by your bed so you can easily take notes on work or sudden thoughts that pop up while you are in bed. This is a way to relax your mind so you can rest.
  • Avoid going to bed angry or upset as this makes it difficult to fall asleep. Take care of any negative thoughts before you put your back on the bed.
  • Try to think about the things that motivated you to wake up when the day started.