How to know when your best friend loves you

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 May 2024
7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You
Video: 7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You


At some point in your friendship, you may begin to wonder if your best friend wants to go beyond the friend level. While affection can develop at any time, you may see some noticeable changes in their behavior and how they treat you. These signs can help you determine if they are having a crush on you, or if your relationship is still on a friendship level.


Method 1 of 3: Notice the change in the person's behavior

  1. Compare how they treat you. When you hang out with mutual friends, see if they treat you differently than your other friends. They may be more affectionate with you, try to talk to you more, or make comments about your relationship.
    • When your best friend treats you in the same way as other friends, it is less likely that they are giving you romantic feelings. A friend who treats you the same way as your ex may be concerned about this.
    • This will help you determine if they're just acting as friendly as they are, or if they're just being in love with you.

  2. Notice when you both spend more time together. It is natural that you spend a lot of time together because you are best friends. However, you should ask yourself if everything you do together is the same as a date. For example, do the two of you go out to dinner and watch a movie together? If so, is it common for the two of you to travel together?
    • When someone develops feelings for another person, they will want to be with that person more. If you find that the two of you are spending more time together than usual, and these encounters start to feel like a date, that person is probably paying attention to you. .
    • You should also notice if they begin to talk about their joy of being with you. This may be their way of trying to tell you that they are looking for something beyond the friendship level.

  3. Listen to what they say. Listen to how they talk about you to others and how they say it while talking to you. When someone is attracted to someone else, they will speak in a tone that is specifically reserved for this person. They will probably worry a little while around and blush.
    • Pay attention to how much the person laughs at your joke or at what you did. If they laugh more often than usual, it might be because they like you.
    • Friends won't feel awkward about each other, so if you begin to notice that the person looks shy and shy about a topic, this could be a sign that they care about you. . For example, they will become shy when you talk about the dance or school date you attended.

  4. Listen to what the person says. The person might try to tell you how she feels in a subtle way. They will want to talk about a romantic topic or ask if you are interested in someone. They may also try to build deeper connections with you by asking profound questions about your life, dreams, goals, and desires.
    • Since this is your best friend, they are probably paying attention to what you say. But you will find that the person begins to memorize small details about your life that they will often forget, like when you have a test or special appointment. They will also let you see them remember them by wishing you good luck or commenting on the big day ahead.
  5. Watch for flirting. Flirting can be a sign that the person is attracted to you, or maybe his or her nature is a flirtatious person. You need to distinguish their flirting behavior, but you already have an advantage because you know their personality well. Look for flirting cues like:
    • The person compliments you often.
    • They smile and stare at you as they talk about you.
    • They touch their hair or face while talking to you.
    • They laugh at all your jokes, even when they're not funny.
    • The person gently teases you or teases you mischievously.
  6. Observe how they present themselves. You may find that they begin to pay more attention to how they look when they know they'll be meeting you. For example, the person wears nice clothes they know you like or wears makeup and hair. When someone is attracted to others, they often try to show who they are at their best.
    • If you begin to notice that the person seems to be spending more time on their looks while you're together, they may be paying attention to you.

Method 2 of 3: Observe the person's body language

  1. Watch for signs of body language for signs of attraction. When people are attracted to someone, they often express it through body language. There are quite a few different body language signs that show this, and when you notice your best friend does it on a regular basis, it can be a clue that they like you. You should look for signs like:
    • They maintain eye contact and stare at you.
    • They unconsciously smile when talking to you.
    • They try to get close to you by initiating physical contact.
    • As you two talk, the tips of their feet are facing you.
    • They mimic your body language when you are talking.
    • They touch your hair and face while you are talking.
  2. Notice the increase in physical contact. When someone notices you, they will try to make more active physical contact. You can change from not hugging often to hugging each other every time you meet.
    • The physical contact between you two can be different as well. Instead of hitting your hand affectionately, they will initiate a hug. Or, they may touch your knee or arm.
  3. Pay attention to when they take the initiative in physical contact. It is normal and healthy to have physical contact between friends, but you may begin to notice that the person is doing this more often. They may try to show affection by hugging you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, or touching your hand.
    • They may also "accidentally" touch you lightly when you are together. This may mean that the person is anxious to initiate any kind of touch, such as a hug, but wants to be with you.
    • If you feel uncomfortable with a certain level of touch, let the person know gently and gently.

Method 3 of 3: Evaluate your relationship

  1. Determine how you feel. Do you have love for your best friend? Ask yourself if you would be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with this person if they really like you. How you feel about your partner affects how you react to their behavior.
    • If you do have feelings for them, be honest about how you feel. If there are signs, they are probably paying attention to you as well. You can open up that you are vibrating in front of someone to observe their reaction, or ask if they are liking someone.
    • For example, you could say "Trang, I have been thinking a lot about our friendship, and I think we will be a very good couple".
  2. Watch your actions. You may be sending them signals that show you care about them without your knowledge. For example, perhaps you will flirt with them, show affection through your body, or open up to them more emotionally. If you don't see your friend as your partner, stop these overly emotional behaviors, as they can send confusing signals to the person.
    • If you care about them, you can keep suggesting to them that you're interested as well.
  3. Chat with friends. You may still be confused about whether your best friend is really for you to have a crush. You can chat with a good friend to get their opinion and see if they know who the person is watching.
    • You should do this carefully, you don't want the news to reach your best friend's ears that you're talking about behind them. Only talk to friends you trust who have a good view of the situation.
    • You can also casually chat with one of his friends to see if your best friend is liking someone. You could say something like "Hey, I see Nam doesn't talk about Chau anymore. Do you know if he's looking for someone else?".
  4. Talk to that person. If you're still unsure, ask them directly. This is the most reliable way to determine if the person has feelings for you, but it comes with some risks. One of them is that the person will not want to ruin the friendship, and from there, they will feel uncomfortable letting you know.
    • Make sure you want the relationship to turn to love before asking questions. If not, it's best to avoid asking questions and letting your emotions slowly fade away. If your best friend suddenly acts or tells you, you can talk.
    • If you want to confess, say something like "I don't want to make you feel weird, but lately, I've noticed a little change between the two of us, and wonder if our relationship is. Are you changing or not ". This will give them a chance to share their feelings.
  5. Approach the topic carefully. If your friend can't open his heart, or says something with a denial like "No, are you crazy? We're friends, that's all", stop thinking about it. You can defuse the situation by saying, "Hey, it's okay, I'm just curious. It's fine no matter what."
    • If your ex is afraid to tell the truth, or is struggling with his or her feelings, it may take a while for them to tell you clearly. Be patient and understanding, and don't push your friend on.
  6. Let them know how much you value your friendship. Let them know that your friendship is important to you and that you care about them. Whether you and your best friend become a couple or not, your friendship is special and you won't want to lose it.
    • If the person has feelings for you, and you don't feel for them, they may end your friendship. This will be painful, but they need time to process their own feelings and move on.
    • Let them know that you are interested in your relationship by saying "Bao, your friendship means a lot to me. You are a great friend and I'm glad to have you involved. live. I don't have a crush on you, but I hope we can still be good friends. "


  • Be yourself. Don't act differently around the person if you like them. If they like you, they'll like who you are and you won't need to change for them.
  • Get comfortable and relax, no matter what.Whether or not you have feelings for the friend, it's important to determine if the person will be romantically involved in you if you notice the person behaves differently from you. Let the person know that it is okay for them to express these feelings to you.
  • Try to communicate with the person more than just chatting on Facebook or texting each other.
  • Be yourself and enjoy their friendship.


  • This should not be discussed in a place where everyone can hear it. The feelings and the things you two say to each other are personal and should be talked about separately, no matter what they are. Whether you decide to maintain a friendship or explore a deeper relationship, you need to make a decision together.