Flirt with women

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Confidently Flirt With Women
Video: How To Confidently Flirt With Women


Flirting with women can be quite intimidating. But learning a few tricks to get you started will make the process a lot less daunting. The more you practice the following steps, the easier the flirting will become. Feeling more comfortable flirting will make you more confident and ultimately lead to more success!

To step

Part 1 of 4: Being aware of your own presentation

  1. Be clean and hygienic. This may sound simple, but it's amazing how many guys don't take hygiene seriously. Physical attractiveness isn't the most important thing when it comes to being able to approach a woman you'd like to flirt with. Even if you don't consider yourself attractive, a little personal grooming can go a long way in getting you started.
    • This includes things like changing clothes, showering every day, using deodorant in the morning, brushing your teeth, keeping your hair looking well-groomed, etc.
  2. Radiate confidence. This means not that you come across as arrogant or boast about how wonderful everything is in your life. But it does mean that when you start flirting, you are convinced of your self-worth as a person so that the subject of your flirtation will pick it up.
    • Women are sensitive to how people feel about themselves and they will notice if you don't believe in yourself.
  3. Laugh! People will be more attracted to someone with a smiling face than someone with a neutral or frowning look. Laughing sends a positive signal and can also increase the first impression a woman has of you, even before you decide you want to flirt with her.

Part 2 of 4: Understanding body language

  1. Use body language to your advantage. Research has shown that about 93% of our communication is non-verbal, with no more than 7% of communication going through words. That's why body language is by far the most powerful weapon in your romantic arsenal. Understanding how to use body language to your advantage will eclipse any other mistakes you make while flirting.
  2. Practice mirroring body language. This means that you imitate the sound in the voice, facial expressions, etc. This will make the other person feel comfortable with you and create some kind of understanding between the two of you.
  3. Be aware of the position of your arms. A Open attitude is what you should strive for when flirting with women. This means that you will have to avoid crossing your arms (that's it shut down of your body) or legs. Crossed arms can be understood as trying to place a barrier between yourself and the other person. Try to let your arms hang loose at your sides when standing. And when you are sitting, open your legs towards the woman, if possible, and rest your forearms on your legs, with your hands hanging between your legs. This attitude indicates self-confidence and an openness.
  4. Turn your body towards her. This goes back to creating one Open feeling between you and the woman you are flirting with. By slightly turning your head towards a person you let them know that you are listening. Turning your body towards a person lets you know that you are fully involved in the conversation.
  5. Touch her in a playful way. A quick touch lets a woman know that you are interested in more than just talking. Try to compliment her necklace and touch her arm fleetingly or lightly as you laugh at something funny she said.

Part 3 of 4: Think about your approach

  1. Suppose you already have have become acquainted with the wife. The first initial interaction with a woman will determine the rest of the encounter, so it's important to choose your approach wisely. It's possible to
    • Research shows that women are more receptive to third-party introductions or direct introductions than light-hearted comments, compliments, or attempts to be funny. So your best bet is to find someone who is friends with the girl you want to flirt with and ask if they want to introduce you.

    Understand the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication. We communicate in many different ways. Body language, as we've discussed before, is very important, as is verbal communication. Both types of communication can be very powerful, so both deserve attention.

    • Studies have shown that women make more use of nonverbal flirtation signals than men, but they tend to anticipate and assume verbal flirtation by men.As a result, men who send non-verbal flirting signals while flirting with women may not be received as positively as men who make more use of verbal flirtation, something that women often expect. In fact, these men can be considered less masculine as they employ flirting techniques that are considered more feminine.
  2. Pay attention to her body language. Notice if she leans toward you or throws you small, fleeting smiles. Both are good signs and indicate that you should continue. However, if she's not smiling or looking elsewhere, take it as an indication that she's not receptive to your advances.
    • Recognizing these types of physical cues is primarily an instinctual skill. Since reproduction is necessary for the survival of our species, we can naturally notice when someone is a good potential mate. In animal / instinctual terms, these signals indicate that you do not intend to dominate or flee - both useful messages for potential partners to have before engaging in intercourse / reproduction.

    "If a woman turns around or walks away from you, rolls her eyes or doesn't smile much, you may seem too aggressive."

    Walk up to her. Remember, women are more responsive to direct introductions, so keep that in mind. When you approach her, smile and maintain an open, confident body position.

  3. Introduce yourself. Say hello and tell us your name. Or, even better, let a mutual acquaintance introduce you to each other. Give her a firm hand to show that you are confident and that you respect her.
  4. Make her laugh. There are many ways to make a woman laugh. You can try to take a somewhat dangerous path by combining two things that usually wouldn't work out well on their own: arrogance and silly humor.
    • If you're arrogant, she won't want anything to do with you, and if you're making funny comments all the time, she'll think you're no longer a clown and not take you seriously. But when you use these two tactics together, the combination will become something that draws the girl's attention to you like a magnet.
    • You've often heard and seen that nice guys finish last and the jerks always get the girl. This is often because nice guys don't use this technique, but the jerks do. This technique is effective because it shows the woman that you are funny and that you can laugh at yourself (by laughing at your own pretended arrogance).
  5. Keep the conversation going. Do this by asking her questions!
    • Ask questions about the environment (What do you think of this band? or Have you tried the food here yet?) or about things that happen in the world (What do you think of that new comedy?).
    • And remember, when they get to pick a topic, most people prefer to talk about themselves.


  • Self-confidence is very different from arrogance. Never be arrogant; it is extremely unattractive.


  • When you're flirting with a woman, it's easy to lose sight of the line between confidence and arrogance. This can result in a premature end to the encounter or a slap in the face. So keep that in mind.