How to Relax before an Exciting Event

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen
Video: How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen


You find yourself really excited at a big event. It is difficult to sit still, breathe evenly or sleep well. Preparing your mind and body for a relaxing event is very important. Entering the event comfortably will help you be more successful.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare for Events

  1. Avoid caffeine. Don't drink caffeinated beverages after 12 noon before your event date. Caffeine increases your response and awareness of stress. If you are really stressed out about the event, using caffeine will make your body react more strongly to the stress. You will feel more relaxed if you do not eat or drink caffeine (such as chocolate, tea, soda, coffee).

  2. Do exercise. Gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or gardening will help you feel more relaxed. Exercise increases the fun hormone endorphins in the brain, reduces stress and helps you sleep better. Make sure you work out in a form that you really enjoy. Exercise should not be seen as a burden, but should help you relax before the event.

  3. Listen to soothing music. Music can help calm you down and relax before an event. Avoid listening to fast-paced or hard rock music.Music distracts you from the event and lowers stress hormones. Play music out loud so you can immerse yourself in it.
    • If you don't like music, try other distracting creative hobbies like writing, sketching or drawing.

  4. Shower. The warm bath or shower will help you relax and get a good night's sleep before your event. Add chamomile, lavender or mandarin peel, or African Tram oil to your bath for added effect. When you soak in the tub, try not to think about your event. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
    • Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes for best results.
  5. Call family and friends. A good support system can help keep your excitement under control. Your family and friends know you well and they want what's best for you. If you don't want to talk about the event, they will take your mind off it, let them know how you feel. They will certainly give you words of encouragement.
  6. Positive thinking. Believe that the best possible results at the event will come true. If you have negative thoughts about events, counter them with positive and assertive thoughts. Find ways to create positive circles about the situation. Instead of saying "This is too hard" say "I'll do a good job of this."
    • Immerse yourself in optimistic people ahead of your event. Negative people can make you more stressful and make you suspicious of yourself.

Method 2 of 2: Use the Relaxation Method

  1. Try to take a deep breath. Find a quiet space where you won't get distracted and choose a comfortable position. It's best to sit or recline instead of lying down because you can oversleep. Now think about a point below your navel and feel the breath in and out through that point. Take a deep breath in, then exhale like a balloon. Slow, deep breathing improves the flow of oxygen in your body and helps you relax.
  2. To try on practice meditation. Go to a quiet location, choose a comfortable position and keep your back straight. Reduce the brightness or turn off the lights. Focus on your breathing. Notice the sensation of air entering and leaving your body or the sound of your breathing. Take a deep breath and focus on your breathing. There are times when your thoughts will be distracted, but direct them back to your breath.
    • Focus on awareness and bring your thoughts on your breath instead of forcing your mind to stop idling.
  3. Use your imagination. Visualize a place or a time where you feel extremely relaxed and peaceful. Close your eyes and imagine you going to that place. Think about the time of day, the colors, the smells, the sounds, the texture, and the people there. Use all of your senses as you visualize. Try doing this for a few minutes before you go to bed.
    • Sit in a quiet place and dress comfortably, comfortably as you envision.
  4. Muscle relaxation. Find a place where you won't be disturbed and set aside 15 minutes. During the exercise, you will focus on flexing and relaxing each muscle group (eg, legs, lower calves, entire legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, neck, and shoulders). Start with relaxing and tightening the muscles in your big toe and working towards your head and neck. Squeeze your muscles for 5 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds.
    • Once you have completed all the muscle groups, stop and enjoy the relaxation.


  • It's normal to feel restless and anxious about an event.
  • If your mind starts to get tense, try doing something unrelated to the event and it will distract you.
  • Maintain focus on your breathing, especially when you are short of breath.
  • It also helps to stretch your body parts as far as possible.
  • Preparing for events like vacation preparations can help you find something to do and help you feel more prepared.
  • Do something that requires concentration, like drawing or writing. In this way, you will gradually focus entirely on the activity, instead of what you were previously worried about.