Ways to Live Happily every day

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark
Video: How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark


Living happily has many benefits. You are rarely stressed, mentally clear, and always feel happy. In addition, it also has many benefits for the body such as stable blood pressure and better overall physical health. Many people are inherently happier than everyone around them but everyone has joy in life. Whether you are looking for a change or just want to smile more, there is always a lot you can do to make yourself happier every day.


Method 1 of 3: Understand Yourself

  1. Emotional awareness. Living happily every day doesn't mean always having to be happy because it's impossible and unrealistic. Instead, become an emotionally diverse person. Once you feel comfortable with a variety of emotions, you will learn how to be happy.
    • Self-confirmation is the process of perceiving an individual's feelings and reactions. We need to understand that everyone has a lot of emotions and it is normal to let them out.
    • Don't pressure yourself to be happy all the time. If you're frustrated by missing a promotion, that's normal response. Allow yourself to be disappointed. Then continue moving forward.

  2. Identify what makes you happy. Sometimes the things that make you happy are pretty obvious. For example, you know for sure that you will enjoy a day off. But you need to delve deeper into what really makes you happy. Take time to find out what makes you happy.
    • The way to find out what makes you happy is to think about your aspirations. Those who do it will feel happier.
    • Ask yourself the following questions: "What interests me? What am I passionate about? How do I want to be remembered?"

  3. Be aware of what is stressing you. As above, the self-learning process includes time to learn about the things that make you unhappy. Sometimes the cause is simple and clear. For example, no one likes traffic jams. But spending some time thinking about your life can have a dramatic impact on your happiness
    • Make a list of stressors in your life. Usually, writing things down can help us see the situation more clearly.
    • Work stresses you? Write in details "I feel stressed because my boss doesn't take me seriously."

  4. Write diary. This is one of the most effective ways to get to know yourself better and keep track of your emotions. Try keeping a daily journal. Not only are you recording daily activities, but also your thoughts and feelings.
    • Once a week, take time to reread your journal and meditate. Maybe you will start to discover things that make you happier.
    • Journaling has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Just write in your daily diary to make you happier.
  5. Breaks. Focusing on daily to-do tasks can be easier than focusing on your emotions. Try taking a few breaks a day. Break time is a time to review yourself and acknowledge your own feelings.
    • Take a 5-minute break every hour. You can go for a drink, stretch or meditate for a few minutes.
    • Taking breaks is good for both body and mind. As you relax, visualize something fun you want to do after work. This is an effective mood improvement way.
  6. Accept yourself. The key to happiness is learning to accept yourself. Although everyone has things to change, the most important thing is to respect who they are.
    • Realize the difference between admitting and giving up. You can learn to accept the things you cannot change without giving up on your goals.
    • Note that you appreciate something about yourself every day. You can dedicate a section of your daily diary to writing about your good points, such as working rules.

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. Change the environment. Do you feel panic? Or is everything fine, but do you want a better mood every day? Just a few minor changes. You can change your mood if you change your surroundings. Change isn't always scary.
    • Environment changes can be very obvious. For example, if you and your partner constantly quarrel about closet space, a larger apartment is the key to solving the problem.
    • Change the environment from the little things. Try setting up a vase of flowers in the living room each week. Watching flowers can also change mood.
  2. Out for lunch. Research shows that more than half of Americans eat lunch at their desks. Worse is that many people even fasted to lunch. Working through lunch can lead to extreme stress and reduced productivity. So leave your desk and find something "belly fat".
    • You don't have to go to a restaurant or a coffee shop to literally "go out" to eat. Just changing the location, you can try lunch in the room. If the weather is fine, you can find a place to eat outdoors.
    • Do what you love. Lunch time is recess. If you eat with coworkers, avoid talking about work. Instead, talk about your weekend plans or read magazines.
  3. Stay with the optimistic people. Happy moods can be passed from person to person so so can pessimism. If you want to have more fun then try spending a lot of time with happy people. Stay with positive family, friends or co-workers
    • Spend time with people who encourage, cheerful, and enrich your life. For example, if you have a friend who encourages you to try something new all the time, spend a lot of time with her.
    • Try daily contact with these types of people. For example, if there are two coffee shops near the company, it is likely that on one side there will be more friendly baristas.
  4. Change job. For many people, work takes up most of their time. And many admit that they are unhappy with their work. Sometimes, you find your work boring, stressful, and exhausted. Consider switching jobs if it is affecting your happiness.
    • Make a list of priorities. What is most important to you at work? Salary? Flexible time? Optimistic working environment?
    • Spend time figuring out what you enjoy doing. Then make a plan of action. Feeling in control of your own life will make you happy every day.
  5. Try a new activity. Maybe you are not happy that you are falling into the path. When people are bored they don't feel optimistic. If you try new things regularly, you can eliminate boredom and increase the fun. Trying new things also gives you a chance to find out what makes you happy.
    • Have you ever wanted to learn to play tennis? Sign up to study now. It's not just about trying new activities, it's about learning new things. Research shows that learning can increase pleasure.
    • If you enjoy reading, you can join a book club. You can read books of your own choosing and meet people with similar interests.
  6. Take in healthy habits. Physical health is directly related to mental health. To increase your level of fun, you can form healthy lifestyle habits. Exercise, for example, improves mood.
    • Exercise produces mood-enhancing endorphins. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise every day of the week.
    • You can split the workouts. Just 10 minutes of physical activity and you feel better. You can take a brisk walk at lunch break.
    • Rested. Many people get irritable and slow due to lack of sleep. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  7. Add new foods to your diet. The good news is that chocolate can improve mood. Research has shown that the chemical compounds in chocolate can activate the pleasure center of the brain. For example, the phenylethylamine in chocolate is considered the "love medicine" because it has the same effect as being with the person you love.
    • Try eating a small amount of pure chocolate each day, about 30g is appropriate.
    • Eat oysters. Shellfish has a high content of vitamin B12 that helps to fight depression. Other foods high in B12 are salmon and beef.
    • Eat walnuts. This nut contains alpha-linolenic acid that helps fight depression. You can eat it with oatmeal or make walnut butter.
  8. Increased physical contact. There's an important relationship between exposure and emotion. The more you interact with other people, the more content and secure you feel. If you love, please embrace your lover. Try to hug 10 times a day, you will both feel happier.
    • Have more sex. Sex, as well as any other physical activity, produces endorphins. It also increases the bond between you and your partner.
    • If you are not in love, there are ways to increase your physical exposure. You can take note of shaking hands when meeting new people, or when congratulating a colleague on a well-done project.
  9. Pet. Having a dog or cat can help you feel good. Pet owners rarely experience depression and anxiety. Raising animals also helps you to be mischievous and laugh more.
    • Choose a pet that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you live in a small apartment, you can have a cat or a small dog.
    • Adopt a pet from a pet rescue center. You will be happy to know that you are helping a creature in need

Method 3 of 3: Having an Optimistic Attitude

  1. Learn to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means doing something for yourself. Maybe give your body or mind a break. Caring for yourself has been shown to help people feel happier, less stressed, and work more efficiently.
    • Take a few minutes every day to take care of yourself. Spend time in a relaxing soapy bath or read a few chapters of a good book.
    • Examine yourself.Ask yourself, "Am I doing too much? Do I need a break?" If the answer is yes, then allow yourself a little break.
  2. Be good to yourself. Self-criticism is normal. When your brain is at rest (or stressed), you automatically think about a problem to be solved or task to perform. If you learn how to "silence" the critical voice inside you, you will live happier lives.
    • Learn to be positive. Set aside time each day to look in the mirror and say positive things. You can say, "Smile. You have a beautiful smile and it can go viral."
    • Make a list of your positive traits. When you feel down, you can read the list to cheer up.
  3. Nurture the relationship. Prioritize personal relationships. This is the key to stabilizing your emotions. Take care to spend time with friends and family to openly communicate with those you love.
    • Scheduling friends and family is the same as scheduling work. This ensures that you prioritize your personal relationships and have time to enjoy your life.
  4. Express gratitude. Set aside time each day to appreciate the good things in life. Not necessarily every day is the same as any other. You can be grateful from small to great things. Cherishing the things in life is the key to happiness.
    • Try to choose one big and small thing you are grateful for every day. You can say, "I'm grateful that my kids are healthy" and "I'm grateful that I rewarded myself with ice cream today."


  • Don't worry about the little things.
  • Be polite. Being rude doesn't make you happy. If so, you will get a lot of criticism. This is not fun at all.
  • Remember to be kind to yourself! You can't feel happy without brushing or bathing.
  • Be yourself. You can't be happy trying to pretend to be someone else.