Ways to Live Happily Forever

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Live Happily? Sadhguru Answers
Video: How to Live Happily? Sadhguru Answers


The writers of fairy tales often make us believe that living happily ever after is inevitable. In fact, we all know: life is a balance between joy and its opposite emotions - sadness, depression, and discontent, for example. However, there are things you can do to increase your happiness in your relationships, at work, and in yourself. Set more realistic expectations, forgive, and stay optimistic. These are the factors that help you lead a happy life like dreams.


Method 1 of 3: Have a Happy Love

  1. Love all the people of the other half, including the bad sides. When you make a commitment to someone, you have to accept their limitations as well as the great things about them. You may feel uncomfortable when your partner doesn't know how to fit in parties, or he doesn't know how to fry eggs, but when in love, don't expect to change them. Maybe they will, and maybe not. But if your expectations do not match reality, it is you who will be disappointed.
    • Trying to change your partner will lead to more disagreement. You might hurt their egos.
    • Realize that love is about who you are and they will accept who you are. Instead of focusing on the points that you want them to change, you should be grateful for having found someone who can accept "your" bad sides.

  2. Let go of the fairy delusions. Many scientific studies show that: those who believe in romantic love like Cinderella will have difficulty in accepting the truth about love. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey." If you want to find someone who fulfills your utopia, chances are you will be very disappointed. Talk to your partner about what makes you happy, and find out what makes them happy.
    • Realize that: fairytale love versions are only present in movies, but they do not reflect reality. After a brilliant wedding, there will be days of stress and hardship. That is real life.
    • Love can be very magical. But in reality, they do not exist based on miracles but also on effort, especially after the first few years.

  3. Keep your love passionate with surprises for each other. The flames of passion may weaken a little at first after a couple of years washing dishes together, but that doesn't mean it's gone. Studies show: Surprising your partner by creating new interests and experimenting with new things will help you both find the other person interesting. When the two of you surprise each other, you will feel the same restlessness in your stomach as when you first got acquainted.
    • Regular dating activities are fine, but you should try something new as well.
    • Don't feel sad to know that early infatuation can't last forever.Many couples have realized that they appreciate the deep trust and companionship of their partner after a few years of ups and downs, and that is even more wonderful than the joy of the first kiss.

  4. Always be ready to make an effort to strengthen love. Every couple will experience difficulties such as losing a job, getting sick, losing loved ones, raising children, and financial difficulties. All these situations will stress love. When encountering such obstacles, try to overcome them, and thanks to that, the two of you will be stronger than ever. Even though you don't agree with your partner at the time, don't let your love and respect for them fade away.
    • Research shows that couples who have a habit of saying offensive statements when quarreling can cause permanent damage to a relationship.
    • Instead, argue in good faith; Focus on talking about immediate problems instead of attacking each other's abilities or wisdom.
  5. Try to get along with each other. This is quite difficult, because no relationship is perfect, and you have to work hard. It's okay to improve a relationship instead of finding a new partner. It's hard to take an objective look at privacy matters. Use the following criteria to gauge how well you are both in harmony:
    • Confidence: It will be difficult if you two don't share some basic values. This does not mean that people with different beliefs cannot live happily together, but often they will also have to try harder than others.
    • Politics: Political beliefs are deeply core values, so your differences in political views will show the difference in how you see the world between the two of you.
    • Social: If your partner likes going out every night and you just love to hold books at home, it will be difficult for you two to find common interests to maintain love.
    • Financial: Up to half of divorces are caused by financial disagreements. If one person is working hard to become a billionaire, and the other just needs a small house and likes to take the time to walk, that could be the source of future conflicts.
  6. Don't live forever in the past. People often say things like "We don't talk to each other like before," or "He's no longer like the man I married." In a long-term relationship, you need to be ready for the other's growth. In life, we always grow up, and you can't expect someone to behave like a decade ago. Likewise, they can't look like they were a decade ago. Instead of focusing on what you've done together in the past, see who you are in the present, and focus on the things you two will do together in the future.
  7. Don't depend on anyone for happiness. Love can make us happier, but it can also become a source of sadness. You can still be happy single. Don't think that you just have to find the prince or the princess of your life to live a happy life, especially when you feel that something is wrong with your love life. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Improving Worldview

  1. Invest your time in people instead of things. Studies show: spending time with loved ones makes us happier than focusing our energies on making money, fighting for power and wealth. When you need to make big decisions, prioritize family time so you will feel happy in the long run.
    • Find ways to spend more time with friends and family. If needed, make a plan so you can meet more people.
    • Remember that close friends are just as important as family. If something goes wrong with your family, you can still find happiness with close friends.
    • Helping strangers can also make you feel happier. Every week, please help others by participating in volunteer activities.
  2. Be respect to anything you have. You have heard that before, and this is a very important way to make you happier. If you are someone who "stands this mountain, looks like a mountain," you are losing your chance to live happily. Think about the times you change jobs, or move houses just to find out that there are problems everywhere. Instead of dreaming of other things, appreciate what you have.
    • Make a list of things that make you feel grateful. Writing it down will make you realize how happily you are living. Hang the list in a visible place so that you feel happy every day.
    • If you don't know what to write about, find a way to add fun to your life. Make new friends, or learn a skill you enjoy. Always be optimistic and do not be saddened by unpleasant things.
  3. Do not keep resentment in your heart. If you carry your anger everywhere it will affect you more than the object you are angry with. Even if you have a good reason to be angry with someone, keeping it to yourself won't make you feel any happier. When you can't change the situation, let the problem go away on its own, no matter how difficult it may be.
    • Be forgiving and open. Put small things - like negative comments - aside instead of frantically thinking about it.
    • Let go of the feeling of jealousy. You cannot control others, but you can control your responses. It's okay to feel unhappy sometimes, but if you keep them in your heart for too long, they will make you very miserable.
  4. Be with people who make you happy. Emotions are contagious things. If your friend is melancholic and complains, you won't be able to be happy with them. That doesn't mean you should abandon them all of a sudden, but most importantly reach out to people who make you feel relieved and happy.
    • If someone is making you feel bad, talk straight to them. If this doesn't work, you may end the relationship with the person for your own health and pleasure.
  5. Please choose a suitable job. Not everyone can make a living when pursuing their passion, and even those people feel dissatisfied at work. When it comes to the right job, make sure you feel respectful to your boss, that you are inspired to work, and that your efforts are recognized.
    • Even if it's not your dream job, you can still feel satisfied. Your work, like any other in life, will not be perfect. Accept both the good and the bad, what you can and can't accept, and change as necessary.
    • If you cannot find a job you like, you can seek out a job counseling service.

Method 3 of 3: Make Positive Change

  1. Take time to get out. Studies show that spending time outdoors, even just 20 minutes a day, will make you happier. Walking in the park or lying on the beach are important activities to have a healthy mind. Do not assume that these things are a luxury. That is the need.
    • If you're not used to spending time outdoors, maybe because you're too busy, it's time to make it a priority. Take time to take a walk before or after work, or you can relax at night in your backyard.
    • Find a place close to nature. Crowded streets won't be as effective as parks.
  2. Move your house closer to the workplace. Many studies show that people who have to work far away are not as happy as those who live near the company. The difference is so great: if you dare, you should choose a normal job with a lower salary, as long as your commute is shorter. It's a special way to feel happy, of course, if you're brave enough to do it.
    • The shorter commute will allow you to spend more time with your family, cook a delicious meal, or go out for a walk. All of these activities reduce stress and make you more happy.
  3. Get enough sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, you become sensitive to bad things. A comment that you would normally let go of, at this point, it might make you cry or lose control. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night for best results. You will feel cheerful and ready to face all the problems of the day.
  4. Exercise regularly. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, a hormone that makes you feel better. When you practice regularly, the effect will be enhanced. If you don't like sports, try to do it little by little. Try to get 30 minutes to 1 hour of practice a day, even if it's just walking.
    • Exercise will also make you more confident and feel like you can control your body better.
    • Exercise effectively increases feelings of happiness, so it is considered one of the effective treatment of depression.


  • Do something special for the person you love. Don't focus too much on details. Taking the time to do something for them is enough to make both of you happy.
  • Romance is never wrong, unless you're not romantic at all.
  • Remember: "forever" is a very long time. If it's 75% of the time you're feeling happy, you've done a lot better.
  • Romance is a personal thing. Classic gifts like teddy bears or chocolates are all great, but a gift that suits a lover's taste is even better.