How to have a sense of humor

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Improve Your Sense Of Humor & Personality  | 7 Tips To Be Funnier
Video: Improve Your Sense Of Humor & Personality | 7 Tips To Be Funnier


A lack of humor can become someone's strength. This skill will make it easier for you to interact with others, improve your health, and even help ease difficult situations. People often don't understand that they don't have to be funny in order to have a sense of humor, you just need to learn how to see the positives of things.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Humor

  1. Identify the benefits of humor. A sense of humor allows you to find humor in both positive and negative situations. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increases coping ability and self-esteem.
    • Humor has a variety of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social benefits, including: reducing pain and stress, improving mood and creativity, increasing friendliness, and building happier relationships with people.

  2. Know the difference between being funny and having a sense of humor. Being humorous means being able to express humor: perhaps telling a funny story, playing a witty word, or making a joke at the right time. Having a sense of humor is being able to ignore and not take things too seriously, and be able to laugh - or at least be aware of humor - in the absurdity of life.
    • You don't have to be a funny person, or be the one who tells jokes all the time, to have a sense of humor.

  3. Find your sense of humor. What makes you laugh? What makes you smile and feel happier? This is how you can help support your sense of humor. There are many types of humor, such as situational humor and the humor of making fun of life.

  4. Watch and learn. If you don't know how to make fun or look at things in a humorous way, observe others. How often do your friends and family laugh at the world around them and at what happens to them?
    • Watch movies of different genres of humor, including movies starring Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Kristen Wiig, Steve Martin, or Chevy Chase. Watch classic comedies like Meet the Parents (The Village Show Groom), Young Frankenstein (Young Frankenstein), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Monty Python and the Holy Grail), Blazing Saddles (Black Sheriff), Trading Places (Sword Floor), Finding Nemo (Finding Nemo), and Bridesmaids (Bridesmaids). And there are a variety of comedy shows by famous domestic comedians like Hoai Linh, Truong Giang, Tran Thanh, etc.
    • Observe other people carefully, but don't simply copy their humor. A true sense of humor will be completely genuine and reflect your personality.
  5. Focus on being happy rather than being funny. Having a sense of humor will make you happy no matter what life is like. This means that you can make fun of life and laugh at the situations you face. Remember to focus on having fun. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Learn to Laugh

  1. Learn a few jokes. Sharing humor with others is a great way to connect. If you want to socialize humor, you can learn some basic jokes. You can also search for funny pictures, witty sayings, and funny pictures online to share with others. You should choose elements that match your sense of humor.
    • For example, you can try a joke like: I only drink 2 times a year, 6 months each..
    • Don't be sad thinking you're bad. Always believe that you have a hidden beauty that the more you find it, the more hidden it is.
  2. Look for the element of humor in your resemblance. People tend to laugh at jokes related to their situation, place of residence, or beliefs. You can make light jokes about the weather or go back to the city where you live to break the awkward atmosphere with others. If you both have similar careers, make fun of it.
    • If you don't know what to say, you can comment on the weather. For example, "If it doesn't stop raining, I'll have to row to work."
  3. Surround yourself with a humorous person. Think about your funny friends. How do they put humor in the conversation? What kind of jokes do they use?
    • Watch comedians monologue or funny videos online. Focus on how they convey their stories, their topics, and how they turn everyday situations into something witty.
    • Observe the people you think are funny in life, and identify what you love about their humor and can add them to your own humor.
  4. Practice. Practice telling a joke that can help you improve and become more natural. You can start by showing humor with trusted family and friends. Tell them your goal and ask them to be honest with you. Listen to them when they say you need to improve your jokes. As you become more comfortable, you can broaden your comfort zone by adding humor to the conversation with someone who is not close to you.
  5. Remember to be careful not to offend others. As you develop a sense of humor, think about context. Are you easily offended when others make fun of you? Regardless of whether you are the joker or you are laughing at a joke, be careful not to offend or hurt the other person's feelings. Having a sense of humor means approaching life with a kind attitude. You don't use others to laugh, and you don't laugh when people make fun of others.
    • If you're telling a joke, think about the context. Is this joke suitable for work, for a date, or in the presence of a group of people? Would it offend anyone?
    • Recognize the difference between "teasing the rich and teasing the poor." Teasing the rich is challenging the status quo by redirecting teasing to a group of people in authority. Teasing the miserable is to reinforce the status quo by making fun of a group of people in need or oppressed.
    • Racism, sexism, and rude humor can be quite offensive. Laughing about religion, political beliefs, and other belief systems will lead you into the realm of humiliation. You should keep insignificant jokes, make them lose your mind or let them go to friends living with "whatever "ism.
    • Humiliation that humiliates others or aggressive humor is used to criticize and manipulate through teasing, sarcasm, and ridicule. They can be quite comical when directed at celebrities, but will hurt deeply if used in front of friends and can damage your personal relationships.

Part 3 of 3: Examination of the Positive Side of Life

  1. Learn to laugh. Laughter is the key to a sense of humor. Focus on laughing every day, even if it's just laughing at yourself. Enjoy the little things, find humor in everyday situations, and find humor in life's misfortunes. Smile as often as possible.And you should also try to bring laughter to others. Give your smiles top priority, to yourself, and to others.
  2. Laugh instead of reacting. When you are in a stressful situation, step back and laugh. Anger is a powerful emotion, but laughter also has the power to dominate your mind and body. Make a short joke, laugh off the situation, or use humor to calm the situation. It also helps you reduce stress and distractions.
    • Sometimes, a sense of humor can help relieve stressful or unpleasant situations. A joke can reduce stress and make people feel more comfortable.
    • When you know you're going to "go crazy" with someone, make fun of it. If you're arguing with your sibling, just say, "We've been arguing on the same issue for 10 years! Obviously we're stuck in our teens."
    • If someone teases your old car, you could say, "I bet you aren't as pretty now as you were 15 years ago!"
  3. Eliminate defense. Ignore all the factors that could put you on the defensive immediately. Ignore criticism, judgment, and lack of confidence. Instead, let them go by dealing with them through humor. People are not meant to criticize or oppose you. So, smile or laugh.
  4. Accept yourself. Being disinterested in yourself is one way to maintain a sense of humor. You should learn to laugh at yourself. Sometimes people need to take themselves seriously, but learning to laugh at themselves is a way to build self-acceptance. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Don't be too hard on yourself, and maintain a positive sense of humor in your life.
    • Laugh away from factors that are beyond your control, like your age and appearance. If you have a big nose, laugh at it instead of being upset. If you are getting old, laugh at your old age. Even if you don't feel comfortable with these, you should ignore them, especially when you can't change them.
    • Laugh on your slightest shame and mistake. This action will help you become aware of the humor in your human nature.
    • Think about embarrassing moments in your life. Find a way to present it in a humorous rather than humiliating way. You need to laugh at yourself, and perhaps exaggerate or increase the level of tragedy of the event.
  5. Don't put pressure on others. Part of having a sense of humor is transferring it to others. Just as you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, you should try to apply the same principles to everyone. Forgive and focus on positives when someone makes a mistake. Carefully laugh at everyone's mistakes like you would do with yourself. Not only will this make you feel better, but it will also make the other person feel accepted, and this will help your relationship.
    • Instead of getting angry because your employees are always late for meetings, turn it into a joke like "Luckily you don't have to run an airline".
    • While a colleague's joke can be bland or insulting, you don't need to be upset by it. Having a sense of humor means being comfortable with things and choosing for yourself what you want to be uncomfortable with.
  6. Spontaneous. Most people don't want to do something because they're afraid of failure or looking stupid. Having a sense of humor can help you overcome the problems that get in your way. A sense of humor will help you stop wandering and let go of your inferiority complex so you can experience life - regardless of whether your efforts are successful or not.
    • Having a sense of humor will help you realize that it is okay to look stupid. Even if you do look pretty dumb, laugh at yourself. Then, smile because you've tried something new out of your comfort zone. And finally, research the person's personality. Learning about their interests will help you put a smile on their face.


  • Enjoy things that make you laugh or laugh. This is the best way to develop a sense of humor.
  • Do not stop trying! Humor is an important part of life.
  • Remember to do something funny at the right time. This is a very important factor in making others laugh. Not all situations need humor.
  • Having a sense of humor will help you make more friends. People often like to surround funny people!
  • If you are feeling sad / depressed, think about something that has caused you to laugh in the past. You should feel better immediately.