Ways to seduce a guy Scorpio

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Seduce a Scorpio | Zodiac Love Guide
Video: How to Seduce a Scorpio | Zodiac Love Guide


Scorpion is a self-contained type of person. Even if you think you understand them, they are still enveloped by a layer of mystery. However, once this mysterious veil is removed, the guy Scorpio will show a deep penetrating emotion that is unmatched. If you want to know how to reach the hearts of these difficult guys, you should learn more about how to understand, chat and date the Scorpio guy.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Men Scorpions

  1. Learn to recognize Scorpio's characteristic personality. Scorpions are powerful individuals that show off the power and energy of Mars as well as the mysterious energy of Pluto. The boy of this bow has a tendency to be quiet and thoughtful. You will never see them making antics in class. In general, Scorpio will exhibit the following characteristics:
    • loyal
    • Resourceful
    • Crazy
    • Passion
    • Jealous
    • Serious

  2. Decide what you want out of the relationship. Do you want an unbound road relationship? Or a close and serious long-term relationship? Scorpion men exhibit a short burst of intensity and lust, and can progress this zeal into deep and lasting relationships, but reconciliation of these differences is essential to maintain affection.
    • Scorpio would be ideal for a sexually oriented relationship and that would make them the ideal lover. However, from time to time they will struggle because of the enduring attachment. No matter what you want, start in a bonding relationship, not with the prejudiced notion of how the relationship should be.
    • Sometimes, when it comes to finding a partner Scorpio, people are actually looking for feelings of tension or drama. That is, they want to find "bad boy." Instead, focus on getting to know him and contemplate where this relationship will go.

  3. Evaluate your own astrological chart. Dating with a guy Scorpio is a great choice if you are in the Water category, like Cancer or Pisces. This helps you to get in tune with his mood, secret feelings and difficult thoughts.
    • If you belong to the Fire category (like the Lion, the Aries or the Sagittarius), you will probably disagree with him often and feel angry that all the scorpion's bad qualities and weaknesses are exposed.
    • Normally, people who are inclined to the Qi group, such as the Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are not going to get along with the Scorpion Sun, because your carefree personality can make him suffer.
    • Earths will enjoy having a Scorpio mate. However, your materialistic and pragmatic desires may contradict his idealistic, dreamy, and philosophical nature. Combining at work sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't.

Part 2 of 3: Talking to a Scorpio guy

  1. Act naturally and show confidence in you. Scorpions will tell you straight if you lie. They are very good at detecting lies and appreciate the sincerity and trustworthiness of a prospective spouse. Know that they will keep the secrets you have shared with them. For your own sake, it's best not to claim any of their secrets.
    • Never lie Scorpions. Breaking trust is one of the fastest ways to make him lose interest in you and lose him. Even if you think the truth is off-putting, it's better to be honest.
  2. Show him how important you are. Talk to him about topics that spark your passion. Many Scorpions feel that this world is only superficial while they like to dig deep. Show him that you also do some in-depth research. Stop focusing on the problem properly and discuss the important topic. Scorpions can pick up lies very quickly and switch to another option if they see a fake smell around here.
    • This really helps if you are attracted to some of Scorpion's favorite topics, like science, political power and mystical spirituality.
    • Catch up with current events and world problems. Take a personal view of what's going on and ask what he thinks. Don't be afraid to argue actively. Challenge him by making a point where you disagree and defending your argument.
  3. Share some intense emotional secrets with Scorpion guy. Scorpio people are often motivated by a desire to immerse themselves in Nirvana and to join someone who gives them the feeling of rebirth, renewal, and rebirth to reach the mystical state of Kundalini. Scorpions want to get to know you on an informal level, but don't want to be proactive.
    • Be frank and answer his questions as honestly as possible. If Scorpion asks a question, what he needs is more than just politeness. He really wants to get to know you and understand why you are yourself. Give your reasons for this behavior.
    • Scorpio will appreciate learning more about you, because they often obsess about emotional honesty. They get the feeling that no one really understands them, but still makes an effort to express themselves without any encouragement.
  4. Spend time contemplating similar interests. The Scorpion boys are serious and will appreciate it if you want to have a sincere conversation or spend some time thinking together. They don't need any kind of entertainment or life chattering, but what they need is to spend a lot of time contemplating. When you are with him, you can comfortably be quiet. Don't look for any simple solutions or pastimes.
    • Talk about books you've both read recently, or that thriller you've seen. Don't ignore everything and say "I don't like it". Instead, think about it. Discuss it. Debate together.
    • Don't fill your time with chattering. During dialogue, emphasize the focus, that is, the sharing of hopes, fears, and dreams. Don't talk about new Twitter updates.
  5. Pay all attention to him. When you're with Scorpio, focus on being together and doing what you're doing. Turn off and put away your cell phone while you are out and talking to let him see that he hasn't been left out.
    • Look into his eyes when talking. Practice active listening skills, summarize what he says and reply back.
  6. Don't get curious in his life, but listen to what he says. Scorpion has always been proud of his mysteries and it will take quite a while to get to know him. However, he will appreciate the opportunities presented to you if you behave correctly. Listen as he talks and find opportunities to open up his heart.
    • When the Scorpion guy says something, it is trustworthy. This is very important for him if you remember small details, like remembering the name of his best friend from school or the name of his favorite childhood pet. These little details show interest in you.
    • Don't tease Scorpions. If you want a chat with a bit of humor, do it in moderation. Scorpio is rarely attracted to his goofy or naive personality because this will cool the conversation.

Part 3 of 3: Dating a Scorpio guy

  1. See each date as an opportunity to explore together. If you date Scorpions, focus on making things interesting. Try to make new experiences together, motivate him and he will surely be completely mesmerized by you.
    • Change the language used to talk about your appointment. Avoid ambiguous plans, like going to the "movies" or "hanging out". Instead, say you want to "See a great new documentary screening" or "Explore some new waterfront location". Your dating ideas should be specific and engaging.
    • Be ready to change his plans at the last minute, if something goes wrong or if he hasn't come up with a good idea yet. When you are dating a man with Scorpion, get used to their personality of what they think.
    • Try to plan things that are interesting. Scorpio has a strong passion. Even if he isn't as enthusiastic about a particular activity as you are, he is still excited to see that you put your full attention into it.
  2. Start appointments that keep you both physically close. Do you want to get closer to Scorpio's heart? Time to pump blood and warm up.Getting out together and engaging in physical activity is the fastest way to get physically and mentally together.
    • Couple massage
    • Yoga
    • Outdoor sports, like basketball, tennis, or golf
    • Swimming
    • Dance
  3. Make your appointments emotionally close. Scorpion men crave this kind of intimacy to help them get to know each other better. Planning your dates helps you really connect with him and build affection together.
    • Spend time alone together. Walking not only helps the two of you have time to confide, but also has a lot of time together. Keep quiet together and enjoy each other's presence.
    • Planning appointments allows the two of you to spend a lot of time talking. A romantic candlelit dinner is better than a movie because you have to be quiet while watching the movie.
    • Attend an intellectual event, like a reading program, lecture, or debate. Then let's discuss them.
  4. Beware of Scorpion venom. Scorpions are known for their sarcastic and sarcastic personality. To be with him, you need a little thick face and develop that quality. Try to remind yourself that when your Scorpion gets angry, it's your defense mechanism, not you.
    • Don't tolerate jealousy and possessiveness - the popular character of Scorpions. If your guy is overbearing and is in control of your personal life, it's better to end the relationship.
  5. Allow yourself to show your passionate feelings at the right time. It is not necessary to take the initiative to get intimate with Scorpions - passionate and hot guy. When the passionate feelings in your heart rise, show it. Allow yourself to express yourself and you can arouse the innate loyalty that Scorpions demonstrate to their closest loved one. For some, this may be the most sincere sentiment. advertisement


  • Pay attention to details. Notice how they drink their coffee, where they hang out often, the most-listened album on their iTunes player, or which animal they enjoy when they come across on the road. Scorpio loves the feeling of being valued and understood.
  • Sometimes the Scorpion guys want to be alone. At times like this it's best not to disturb them if you can do anything to prevent it. In many cases, being alone will positively impact Scorpio's mentality, helping them feel energized and ready to face the tough challenges in life.


  • Of all the zodiac, Scorpio is the most envious. In addition, they are violent, rarely forgive and even completely abandon you if they believe you don't really have feelings for them. Once you have lost the trust of a Scorpion man, you may get forgiveness from them but that doesn't mean they will forget what you did. They will never open up to you again.