How to develop thigh muscles

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Bigger Legs FAST (3 Science-Based Tips For Bigger Quads)
Video: How To Get Bigger Legs FAST (3 Science-Based Tips For Bigger Quads)

Tips: Include plenty of dance exercises, squat sumo, and skater lunges to your workout session to build muscles.

  • Remember to practice properly. Any exercise will not lead to the desired results if you do not exercise properly. Watch videos online or ask a trainer to teach you thigh exercises. When exercising, you must remember that it is mostly only felt the heat in the thighs. If you see the energy being burned in other places, the posture may not be correct.
    • You need to have correct posture to ensure safety. When you practice in the wrong posture over and over again, you can injure your muscles.
    • Also, make sure that the weight is not too heavy to affect your posture. If the dumbbells are too heavy to complete the exercise, then you need to lose weight.

  • Gradually increase your weight and number of exercises. After a few weeks the muscles will develop and soon get used to the weight lifting. In order for them to continue to grow larger, you must increase the weight of the lift every few weeks. The new mass is the mass that you can only lift 10 times in a row without stopping in the middle.
  • Work out different muscle groups on different days. This exercise gives your muscles the opportunity to rest and rebuild while you are training other muscle groups. If you do thighs today, move on to back, chest and arm work the next day, then go back to thighs. Recovery time is also essential for muscle growth, no less important than training time.

  • Squats. This is the perfect thigh workout as it trains the hamstrings in the back and the quadriceps in the front. If you haven't used this practice yet, do it now. You can work out without adding extra weight, or you can hold extra dumbbells or barbells if you prefer heavier.
    • Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes forward. Relax your knees.
    • If using dumbbells, hold them in your hands in front of your chest, at the height of your rib cage. Stand in a position so that your weight is focused on your heels, not on the arch of your feet.
    • Bend your knees and lower your buttocks backwards as if you were sitting in a chair, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Then you slowly straighten up. Repeat this movement 15 times in a row, rest for a while and continue to practice 2 more times. Do this exercise 3 to 5 times a week for bigger and stronger thigh muscles.
    • Repeat this cycle 6 to 10 times in a row, rest, then do 2 to 4 more times. You can do 2 to 3 workouts a week for stronger, bigger thighs.

    Step knee bend. This is also a classic thigh exercise, you can hold more dumbbells to increase weight. The knee flexion also helps the calf muscles enlarge. The posture of this movement is as follows:
    • Stand upright with dumbbells at your hips.
    • Take a long step forward.
    • While walking, bend the knee of your other leg so that it almost touches the ground.
    • Straighten back to starting position, then repeat with the other leg.
    • Repeat this movement 15 times in a row, then rest for a while and continue with 2 more sessions. Exercise 3 to 5 times per week to develop larger thigh muscles.
  • Pull the dumbbells straight and bend at the waist. This is a hamstring exercise, to do it you need a hand dumbbell, a loaded dumbbell or barbell with enough mass for you to lift 10 times in a row.
    • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the dumbbells in front of you.
    • Bend at waist and grab the dumbbells. Remember not to bend your knees, keep your legs stiff and straight.
    • Lift the dumbbells up but at the same time keep your back straight.
    • Then bend over to place the dumbbells on the floor.
    • Repeat 10 times, then rest and practice two more times.
  • Lap thighs. You need a machine to do this, but the results are worth the effort to go to the gym. The thigh pedal machine allows you to adjust the amount to use, so you can add more weight as your thigh muscles get stronger.
    • Sit on the treadmill and place your feet on its support, your knees will then bend. You can grab the handle if you want to keep your body steady.
    • Push your feet forward. As you push on the tripod to lift the weights at the same time, you should feel your thigh muscles working with this movement.
    • Lower the dumbbells to the starting position by arching your knees.
    • Repeat the movement 15 times, rest and practice two more times.
  • Part 3 of 3: Eating Right for Muscle Growth

    1. Eat more than usual. Building muscle requires a lot of fuel, so you need to eat three more meals a day than you are supposed to. Some bodybuilders recommend eating 5 meals a day, with each meal having more ingredients than usual. It may feel uncomfortable, but your muscles need nutrients to grow bigger.
      • Eat before and after exercise. This way of eating will make the muscles never lose energy.

      Tips: Eat a lot of carbohydrates before training. Quinoa, brown rice and whole grains are high in carbohydrates.

    2. Get energy from clean whole foods. Eating a lot doesn't mean you are allowed to eat unhealthy foods. You must eat foods that are naturally grown that are clean, are free of salt, sugar, and preservatives.
      • Try to cook yourself as much as possible. Don't eat protein bars or drink energy drinks to fuel your workout. Eating real foods is much better for muscles.
      • Stay away from fast foods, salty snacks and desserts, as they only make you feel tired, and it's difficult to exercise.
    3. Certainly all meals contain protein. Protein is the foundation of muscle, so it should be a staple of every meal if you want to focus on muscle growth. In addition to eating whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, you should eat meat, fish and eggs for a sufficient amount of protein each day.
      • Buy farmed animal meat that has no growth hormones, because you certainly don't want to absorb more hormones or chemicals when you eat more meat.
      • If you don't like meat, eat tofu, beans and protein-rich green leafy vegetables.
    4. Consider taking supplements to help build muscle. You should be careful when taking supplements, as many do not stimulate muscle growth. Even expensive protein powders can be a wasteful investment, so you need to do some research to find out which supplements are right for you.
      • Creatine is a muscle growth booster that is considered safe if taken in the correct dosage.
      • Remember never to rely entirely on nutrients to increase thigh muscles, but forget about exercise and healthy eating. Supplements only help you reach your goals early, but there are no magic pills that can make your legs bigger.
    5. Stay hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 cups per day. Water helps the body digest protein, healthier and more active. Drinking plenty of water also provides more energy to make muscle building easier. advertisement