How to Distinguish Implantation Symptoms and Premenstrual Symptoms

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Implantation Bleeding and Early Pregnancy Symptoms | Am I Pregnant?
Video: Implantation Bleeding and Early Pregnancy Symptoms | Am I Pregnant?


Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a series of physical and psychological symptoms that occur a few days before your period. Implantation symptoms, on the other hand, appear due to implantation of a fertilized egg in the womb, meaning you are pregnant. Both premenstrual syndrome and implantation eggs can appear at the same time during the menstrual cycle, making it difficult to tell the difference between them. However, if you pay special attention, you will notice a few differences.


Part 1 of 3: Recognize the signs of implantation and early pregnancy

  1. Watch for signs of blood spots. Spotting not before your period may indicate implantation of the egg. Usually, the blood will not be the same as during a normal menstrual period but only a few small spots, which can be almost the same as during the first few days of your period.

  2. Watch for contractions. Spasms (or cramps) can occur in early pregnancy. On the other hand, although often occurring during menstruation, contractions can also occur just before the onset of a period and are common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Implantation pain resembles menstrual cramps.
    • Pay attention to the extent of the contractions. See your doctor if the contractions are causing severe pain or the pain hurts to one side as this could all be a sign of a health problem.

  3. Note if you urinate more often. Another sign of implantation of a fertilized egg is an increased need to urinate in some cases. This is because the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) secreted during pregnancy increases blood circulation near your bladder, causing you to urinate more.

  4. Watch for signs of dizziness. If you are pregnant, you may experience lightheadedness or dizziness, mostly due to hormonal changes. However, some doctors think that this symptom may also be caused by the body making more blood for the fetus.
  5. Watch for signs of appetite. Sometimes, even early in pregnancy, you may feel more hungry than usual. A craving for more than 1-2 days could be a sign that a fertilized egg is implanting.
  6. Pay attention to nausea. Morning sickness is a term used for nausea during pregnancy; Nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of the day while you are pregnant. This symptom can appear as early as 2 weeks after pregnancy.
  7. Watch for signs of aversion to food or odors. Another symptom of early pregnancy is a sudden disgust for certain foods or fragrances. This symptom can cause vomiting, even for a scent or to a food you used to love.
  8. Watch for symptoms of difficulty breathing. This symptom mainly appears in the early and late stages of pregnancy. You may find it hard to breathe. No matter how you feel, talk to your doctor about the details.
  9. Pay attention to the taste of the metal. Some pregnant women experience a metallic taste in their mouth soon after becoming pregnant. This symptom is not related to premenstrual syndrome. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Understand PMS symptoms

  1. Pay attention to back pain. You can and will definitely experience back pain late in pregnancy. However, to distinguish the difference between early pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome, you can see early back pain is often a symptom of premenstrual syndrome.
  2. Notice your mental state. Although pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome can change mood, PMS is often accompanied by depression. Therefore, being depressed can be a sign that you are not pregnant.
  3. Watch for signs of bloating. Bloating can also occur early in pregnancy but is more commonly associated with premenopausal syndrome. You should feel a little tense when it is bloated.
  4. Pay attention to your period. You definitely need to take this step, and it's one of the most obvious signs that you're not pregnant. Keep track of your period by marking it on a calendar to know when your next period will come. This way, you will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period for about a month.
  5. Consider a home pregnancy test for a sure answer. The most effective way to find out if you are pregnant or if you simply have PMS is to have a home pregnancy test. A pregnancy test kit is available at drugstores and comes with a very simple instruction manual.
    • You can take a pregnancy test a few days before your regular period or when you want to determine if you are experiencing implantation symptoms or are having premenstrual syndrome. Some pregnancy tests deliver accurate results as soon as possible just a few days before your period. However, to be sure, you should wait about a week after your normal period.
    • Most blood tests can detect hormones only a few days earlier than the usual home pregnancy test. So if it's not necessary, you shouldn't ask for a blood test just out of curiosity.

Part 3 of 3: Recognize common symptoms of both phenomena

  1. Know the difference between implantation eggs symptoms and menstrual bleeding. No matter how much or how little you bleed, you will definitely know what a normal period is like. On the other hand, implantation-induced bleeding will be less than normal menstruation because it does not have to peel off the lining of the uterus, nor does it last as long as a normal period. Implantation bleeding usually occurs before normal menstruation. You should see small, lighter-colored specks of blood, usually pink or brown, different from the bright red of menstrual blood.
  2. Pay attention to your mood. Before your period, you may feel your mood change. However, mood swings can also be a sign of early pregnancy. In both cases, mood swings are caused by hormonal changes.
  3. Check for changes in breasts. Both early pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome alter the body's hormonal balance, which can both cause chest swelling or pain. Your breasts will feel more full if you are pregnant. ,
  4. Watch for signs of fatigue. Both premenstrual syndrome and implantation eggs make you more tired. If you're pregnant, you'll feel fatigued from the first week, largely due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone. However, PMS can also make you feel tired from hormonal changes.
  5. Watch for signs of headache. Hormonal changes can also cause headaches. As a result, you will feel headaches during early pregnancy and before your period.
  6. Pay attention to cravings. Cravings can increase during the pre-menstrual period. Likewise, you may also experience cravings during early pregnancy. In some cases, the cravings of pregnancy can make you feel a little strange.
  7. Watch for changes in the digestive system. Premenstrual symptoms can cause constipation or diarrhea due to hormonal changes. Pregnancy causes similar symptoms but is usually constipation and is more severe in late pregnancy.
  8. Know when your symptoms appear. Typically, premenstrual symptoms appear 1-2 weeks before normal menstruation. Symptoms usually go away after a few days of the start of your period. Implantation symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms appear at the same time, ie at the same time in the implantation cycle or the cycle of dissection of the uterine lining and the onset of menstruation. advertisement


  • If you are pregnant, make sure to take a daily vitamin for pregnant women to get enough folate - an essential nutrient for fetal development.


  • See your doctor if symptoms persist.