How to feed a swallow bird

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to feed baby Swallow Birds (Super Worm)
Video: How to feed baby Swallow Birds (Super Worm)


Bird's nest song likes to live alone and is relatively easy to take care of. They will be happy with fresh food and space to fly. Even if you only keep one bird, it needs a large cage and basic supplies. You must feed and drink water once a day and encourage them to get plenty of exercise to keep them healthy and happy!


Method 1 of 3: Make a home for the bird

  1. Buy a large rectangular bird cage. A good nest for a bird's nest will help them fly back and forth many times. Buy a bird cage that is at least 40 cm high and at least 75 cm wide with a distance of 1.3 cm between the spokes. The birdcage should be wider and longer than the height so that the bird has space to jump.
    • Do not buy round or decorative cages. These types of cages do not have enough space for birds to fly.
    • Choose a metal cage or a powder coated iron cage.

  2. Find a safe place where people visit to place the birdcage. Choose a room that is normally occupied so that your bird's nest won't feel lonely. Place the birdcage close to a wall or corner, away from windows, doors or vents where direct sunlight or drafts is present.
    • The family room, home office or dining room can be good places to place bird cages. Do not place bird cages in the kitchen.
    • Do not use sprays, room sprays, wood polish sprays, scented candles, smoke cigarettes, or use fragrance products in the birdcage room.
    • Do not leave bird cages on the ground. The birdcage should be placed at least eye level.

  3. Use newspaper or padding to line the cage. The newspaper liner will make it easy to remove the droppings, and the mat is also great. Change newspaper or padding every day so the cage does not become too dirty.
    • Avoid using cat litter or shavings as lining material.
  4. Install a perching plant for the bird. The pea tree will provide a place for the bird's nest to fly and sleep. Two perching plants attached to the birdcage will help them stay active and happy. Look for a bean plant about 1 -2 cm in diameter.
    • The branches of the tree can be used as a great place for birds to rest.
    • Place the pea plants in the cage about 40 cm apart. Attach two opposite trees at either end of the cage to allow maximum room for the bird to fly.

  5. Place in the cage the bird's feed, water and bath water trays. Usually, swallow birds need 3 plates - one for food, one for water, and one for bathing. Do not place the tray under the perching branches or bird droppings may fall into the tray. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Take care of bird's nest

  1. Give the bird a variety of food. Bird nests need a varied diet of nuts, pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can find a mix of bird's nest nuts and pellets at the pet store. Give them one teaspoon of mixed food each day.
    • Some good vegetables and fruits for bird's nest include kale, apples, broccoli, grapes, dandelions, oranges, bananas, beans and watermelon.
    • Attach the cuttlefish and mineral rock for birds to the wall of the cage. Birds will eat gradually to get calcium and minerals.
    • Never feed the avocado swallow bird, as it is toxic to birds.
  2. Daily water changes. Bird nests always need clean water. Take out the water bowl from the cage every day, pour out the old water, rinse the dishes with warm water and soap. Rinse well and dry with a towel before filling with fresh water.
  3. Wash the birdcage weekly. Birdcages should be thoroughly cleaned once a week. Place the bird in the carrier, and then remove the cage liner before cleaning the entire cage with hot water and soap. Rinse all plates and beans. Let everything dry before putting it back in the cage.
    • The cage liners and plates should be cleaned daily.
  4. Cover the birdcage at night. Bird's nest is sensitive to sunlight. They can stay awake if light enters the cage. To prevent this, cover the bird cage with a blanket or cover after sunset.
  5. Watch for signs of the bird's illness. Bird's nest have quite sensitive lungs, and they are also susceptible to aphids or parasites. Take the bird to a bird veterinarian if you see any signs of illness.
    • Common signs when sick birds are ruffled or thinner feathers, inactivity, discolored stools, discharge around the eyes or beak, squinting.
    • In the United States, you can use the data on the following page to find a veterinarian who specializes in bird disease Association of Avian Vets.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain bird activity levels

  1. Attach a few toys to the birdcage. Give the bird 2 or 3 toys to play with. Singing swiftlets are particularly fond of swings, and can even play with balls, bells or sticks attached to trees.
  2. Let the bird fly freely in the room. Open the door of the cage to let the birds fly around for about 30 minutes, then lure the bird back into the cage by adding fresh food or bird favorites to the cage. Close the cage door once the bird is in the cage to prevent them from flying again.
    • Close all windows and doors before releasing the bird. All windows and mirrors should be covered to prevent birds from hitting them.
    • Be sure to turn off the ceiling fan before releasing the bird from the cage.
  3. Teach the male to sing. Usually the young male will learn to sing from the larger males, but if there is only one bird you will have to teach it to sing. You can use the CD or bird song videos to teach them.
    • Sometimes the female can learn to sing, though this is rare. Usually, however, the female only chirps.
  4. Avoid holding the bird in your hand. Bird's nest singing often do not like people who touch them. You should only pick up the bird when it is necessary to clean the cage or check if the bird is sick. Bird nest singing is completely happy while in the cage watching you and singing to you. advertisement


  • Building a bird's house and properly feeding the bird are two of the most important factors in keeping the bird's nest healthy and happy. With good care, your bird can live up to 14 years.
  • You may want to find friends for your bird, but swallow birds often prefer to live alone in their cages.