How to get more energy

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways To Have 10x More Energy Throughout The Day
Video: 5 Ways To Have 10x More Energy Throughout The Day


Tired of being tired? Have you ever wondered why you are so sluggish during the day, and then imagine how to have a day full of energy, the better it is if you have a little extra? Here are some basic but essential tips for getting more energy that anyone can do.


Method 1 of 3: Get Energy with Diet

  1. Eat breakfast, even if you're not hungry. Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day in terms of energy. It keeps your metabolism going and perhaps a meal you can spend without thinking. Breakfast ensures you are ready for the whole day. Researchers have even found that a little bit of cereal at breakfast can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
    • If you're worried about your weight, don't skip breakfast. Eat a full breakfast, lunch less, and maybe a little snack for dinner will suffice. Breakfast is beneficial for people trying to lose weight much more than eating at night.

  2. Eat about every four hours to avoid a sudden spike in blood sugar. Eating three large meals five to six hours apart can take more energy to digest, causing blood sugar to spike and then drop again. The goal here is to keep blood sugar steady throughout the day instead of letting them go up and down.
    • Eat nutritious foods. For each snack choose starches (preferably complex), protein, or beneficial fats (omega-3s, monounsaturated fats…). These foods will keep you from feeling hungry for an hour or two after eating.
    • Eat the same amount of food three to four hours apart, or eat healthy snacks in between. Examples of healthy and energetic snacks include:
      • Nuts
      • Olive
      • Yogurt
      • Fresh fruit
      • Kinds of bean

  3. Don't drink too much caffeine after noon. A little caffeine is good, but that doesn't mean more is beneficial. People who drink too much caffeine have trouble going to bed at night because they have consumed an excess of caffeine for health or balance. 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine should be the maximal limit - with a little more, you'll have so much trouble sleeping that you stay awake all night and wearily drag yourself out of bed in the morning.

  4. Stay hydrated all day long. Doctors and scientists both believe that drinking water is a key factor to stay healthy and feel better throughout the day, though there is some disagreement over how much is enough.
    • One group says you should drink enough fluids for your body to feel satisfied. Drink it whenever you feel thirsty, but pay attention to the color of your urine: if it becomes too yellow, refill more fluids (especially water).
    • Another group suggested that humans should drink between 2 liters (for women) and 3 liters (for men) a day.
    • Since alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your body, you may need more water to compensate. If you regularly drink alcohol or caffeine, be mindful of this.

  5. Include more fiber in your diet. Unlike single starches, fiber releases energy slowly and steadily, providing more energy for the body to function for longer. Here are some high-fiber foods to consider eating or sipping:
    • Morning cereals like raisins, or oatmeal
    • Beans such as black beans or soybeans
    • Popcorn
    • Pears or apples with their skin intact
    • Noodles made from whole wheat

  6. Eat lots of beneficial fats. People are afraid of fat, and sometimes this fear is valid. But not all fats are created equal. Omega-3 fats in particular, as well as monounsaturated fats, are both healthy and even energy-rich. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, fish, and certain vegetable oils (canola), in addition to improving a healthy diet can also help keep your mind awake. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Recharge through Sleep

  1. Turn off the lights and TV screen after 8 hours. Bright lights can disturb the body's release of melatonin, which tells you when it's time to go to bed (and helps you fall asleep). Adjusting the amount of light before bed will help you fall asleep easier and sleep better.
    • Turn the light on one hour before going to bed. Buy an equalizer if you haven't already. Dimming lights help your body begin producing melatonin, which causes you to fall asleep earlier.
    • Turn off the computer screen and TV after 8 hours. If you have trouble sleeping early in the evening, your computer screen and brightly lit TVs are your enemy. If you do have to connect to the network, turn down your computer's light to limit exposure to light sources.
  2. Don't look at the alarm clock forever. Waiting for the alarm to hit a certain hour - and the stress of getting late into the night - can in fact keep you from falling asleep. It seems that the more you try to fall asleep, the harder it becomes to fall asleep.
    • Solution: set the alarm clock backwards on your side. Or a better alternative: put an alarm clock on the other end of the room so you can't see it and You have to get out of bed to turn it off in the morning.
  3. Sleep alone. For those who liked to snuggle into their loved ones at night, the results seemed alarming: researchers found that those who slept in the same bed when a loved one woke up at night experienced serious, and poor, disturbances. sleep better. If you suffer from chronic exhaustion, talk to your loved one about sleeping alone for at least a few evenings a week.
    • Don't let your pet sleep with you. A study by the Mayo Sleep Disorders Research Center found that 53% of owners who sleep with their pets experience severe sleep disturbances at night.
  4. Don't drink alcohol before going to bed. Research shows that people who drink alcohol before bed are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night when their body has finished processing alcohol. When you're awake, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) lowers your heart rate, causing you to sleep well. When the body processes alcohol, the sympathetic nervous system does not let the PNS rest, making you more tired than when you naturally went to sleep.
  5. If you can't fall asleep, don't try. If after 15 minutes you still can't fall asleep despite the effort, get out of bed and read, write, or find some comforting activity. (Remember not to leave the lights and TV screen on!) Not being able to sleep and still striving to sleep can be stressful, which ultimately keeps you awake longer. Finish your work and try to sleep again.
  6. Sleep at a low temperature. Cool environment makes the body sleep better. This is because the cool temperature helps to lower the body temperature to the right level for sleep.
    • What temperature is ideal for falling asleep? Scientists say that a relatively cool temperature between 15 and 20 degrees is optimal for sleep. Research has found that people with insomnia have a higher body temperature before they go to bed.
    • If you have trouble falling asleep, try lowering the temperature and soaking your feet in hot water. Hot water will dilate blood vessels quickly, helping to regulate internal temperature.

Method 3 of 3: Doing refreshing things

  1. Wash your face with cold water. A cold shower can also help. Splashing a little cool water on your face is a way to recharge people have been using for a long time. This is the most effective water therapy.
  2. Outfits to be successful. If you wear your pajamas, your sportswear or your picnic all day long, your brain has reason to be lazy. However, if you wear "casual" clothing, you are telling yourself there is a lot to do, have people to meet and happy to pursue. We all know how comfortable sportswear is, but they won't charge you up when you get out of bed and get active.
  3. Alleviate negative feelings by expressing them. People with problems keep them to themselves for many reasons: they don't want to bother others, they are afraid of others to judge, or they simply feel like they don't have time to vent. . Not being able to find an outlet for your emotions before your problems can put pressure on your energy.
    • Chat with a close friend. Talk to someone you trust. Please express all your feelings. Believe that the person you confide in is always thinking for your benefit and wants to help, not just listening. Getting rid of your worries in this way can help reduce stress and leave you feeling energized for longer.
    • Record your feelings in a daily journal. If you don't have someone you can talk to, a notebook can be the perfect substitute. Write about your feelings, hopes, and desires. Just pouring them down on a piece of paper can make you feel relaxed and strange transformation.
  4. Listening to music. Whether it's Beethoven or Black Sabbath, music can uplift your emotions. A recent study has shown that people who listen to music while running actually run faster than those who don't. Try burning a CD of your favorite music and listen to it when you want to cheer yourself up.
  5. Don't forget to practice. Exercise is almost the universal medicine that humans have. Exercise improves your health, mood, and ability to sleep and makes you feel energized. If you don't exercise often, try incorporating a bit into your daily routine. Walking 30 minutes a day can have huge benefits for your health and energy.
    • Take some time to practice at the office. Whether sitting on a training ball instead of an office chair, doing stretches in front of a computer, or spending time walking around during a lunch break, being in the office is no longer an excuse for inactivity.
  6. Think about ways to give, big or small. Generosity and altruism can improve mood, life satisfaction, and energy levels. Find a way to give out to those less fortunate than you in your community if you want to instantly improve your mood and energy. advertisement


  • To recharge in the morning, do leg-stretching jumps or specialized exercises that increase your heart rate and let oxygen circulate throughout the body.
  • Live well and be healthy.This will make you feel more comfortable and active.
  • Don't eat too much sugar, because you can gain energy in a short time but will quickly lose after that.


  • Don't be fooled by fake products that provide magical energy.