How to Bake Asparagus

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Oven-Roasted Asparagus
Video: How To Make Oven-Roasted Asparagus


  • Cut off the hardware at the end of the stem. You can either cut off 2.5 to 5 cm of bamboo shoots with a knife or break it by hand. When the hard part of the stem has been removed, the bamboo shoots will now be left with only the soft young stem.
    • Some people like to peel the body, but others think this step is not necessary. If you want, just peel the body off.
  • Drain the asparagus if necessary. To prevent the roasted asparagus from turning into steam, discard any excess water before baking - this is a dry grill. Pat the asparagus dry with a paper towel or roll it over with a clean towel. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Bake Asparagus

    1. Put foil on the cookie sheet baking tray. If you don't have a cookie sheet, you can use a baking dish. When using a baking dish, you don't need to use extra foil.
      • Simply throw away the foil and skip the post-baking cleaning step to focus on the delicious food coming out. This way, you will have delicious food without much cleaning up.
    2. Roll the asparagus in olive oil to coat them evenly. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml) of extra virgin olive oil in this step. If you do not see enough oil, you can add more until all of the bamboo shoots are covered with oil.
      • Do this in a baking tray! Because it is not necessary to contaminate another plate. When you want to coat the asparagus with olive oil, use a fork or chopstick to roll the bamboo shoots back and forth. Try to get the olive oil evenly attached to the asparagus.

    3. Place a layer of bamboo shoots in a baking tray. This will allow the bamboo shoots to cook evenly. If the bamboo shoots are stacked, the bamboo shoots will not ripen evenly.
    4. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and other spices according to taste on the bamboo shoots. If you have sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, even better. When you season fresh spices, the taste will be even more wonderful.
      • Minced garlic is also recommended to be added to roasted asparagus. If you like the smell of garlic, add a few finely chopped cloves to your dish.

    5. Place the asparagus tray in the heated oven. Bake bamboo shoots for 8 to 10 minutes. If you are using asparagus that is large or heavy, you will need more time to cook. Pay attention during baking and check the taste after 10 minutes.
      • It is best to place the asparagus tray on the grill in the center of the oven. Because the heat is most uniform in the middle area of ​​the oven.
      • After half the time, use a fork to flip the asparagus or shake the baking tray.
      • Some recipes also instruct to bake bamboo shoots in 25 minutes. This depends on the size and quantity of the shoots.

    Method 3 of 3: Enjoy the Food

    1. Remove asparagus from the oven. Asparagus ripens when the stalks become pliable, but not completely soft. Then, place the grilled asparagus on a plate.
    2. Add garnish to the dish. Sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on asparagus or shake with lemon juice if desired. Add a few slices of lemon juice to make the dish look good.
      • You can replace it with red grape vinegar. If you haven't tried this vinegar yet, give it a try. You will feel its special taste.
    3. Enjoy grilled asparagus when it is still warm or at room temperature. The special thing about this dish is that when it cools, it still tastes good. Keep leftovers and you can eat them right out of the refrigerator.
      • Store asparagus in an airtight container. The shoots will last 1 to 2 days. You can combine asparagus with other recipes - asparagus can be combined with a variety of spices.


    • Grilled asparagus can also be eaten with sauces, such as hollandaise.
    • Leftover asparagus can be chopped and mixed into salads.
    • If you bake asparagus and it's not too soft, you can use it as a dipping appetizer with cream sauce.

    What you need

    • Baking tray
    • Silver paper
    • Fork / chopsticks
    • Plate
    • Knife (if needed to cut)
    • Clean paper towels or towels