How to Know She's Deceiving You

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Osie Revealed She’s the Thrall Instantly! - DREAD HUNGER
Video: Osie Revealed She’s the Thrall Instantly! - DREAD HUNGER


Just a little distrust is enough to split a perfect couple. Even so, if you have enough reason to suspect your girlfriend is "taking a lot of fish" with you, the earlier you know, the better it will be for you. You can tell whether your girlfriend is faithful or not through the following signs:


Part 1 of 4: Observing Her Actions

  1. She suddenly dressed more. Suddenly, her wardrobe has doubled or doubled in just two months, although recently the two of you rarely date or schedule a trip to each other, she may want to be more beautiful in her eyes. someone is not you. That person could be a colleague, classmate, or just someone in her life. And if she suddenly invested more time in beauty even though she told her to just go to the grocery store to buy things or go for coffee and chat with her friends, it might be a problem.
    • She suddenly spends more time at the gym and is suddenly interested in keeping fit, she may be taking care of herself for another man.
    • It needed to be clear - maybe it was just that she wanted to look better and more balanced. But we are discussing dating with others, this must be a sign of betrayal.

  2. Notice if she stays away from your family. Although in the past, she used to be very excited to attend the barbecue parties your aunt organized every month. But lately she's been busy. She probably went shopping with her sister all the time, but this week the two of them felt like a cold war. What about hanging out with your whole family? She used to be very open and close, lately has been quiet and expressed her desire to leave.
    • If you are really cheating on you, seeing your loved one is a reminder of her infidelity, she will instinctively avoid meeting your loved ones.
    • Whether or not she's cheating on you, being away from your partner's family is a sign that she's ready to end the relationship with you.

  3. Pay attention if she is indifferent to your friends. Your "comrades" share the same fate — she must have enjoyed going out on a picnic or camping all night with your group. But suddenly she's no longer with the group, most likely because she wants to be separated from you. If she has a new person behind you, she may feel she is no longer in a position to participate in your social relationships, or she doesn't want to remember your happy past.
    • If this becomes clear, boldly ask her why. She may have other reasons for not wanting to spend time with your friends.
    • And when she joins the group and your friends change how she treats her or appear uncomfortable with her with her, they probably already know something you don't know. This is a typical sign of the story of a guy being "cuckold" and he is the last to know about his "horn".

  4. Frigid about "having sex". While adulterous men are still excited to "make love" with their official women, unfaithful women are the exact opposite. If she has a crush on others, she will either feel guilty, or simply lose interest in sleeping with you. If your sex life used to be very full and regular, but lately she used to excuse "so tired!" or "not feeling well" all 10 times that you try to provoke and do something, it must be a sign that she must be "satisfied" somewhere.
    • If she is cheating on you, she will gradually close to you. She doesn't want you to see her naked or she will be discreetly dressed in bed.
    • Of course, a decrease in sex drive could also be a sign that she's not satisfied with the relationship, or that she's having trouble in her private life. Even so, if she acts joking, flirting when she leaves the house and shuns you, that's a real problem.
  5. Watch if she stops being interested in you. What is worse than having a girlfriend that eats you at night? It is when that girlfriend no longer cares about you. When she no longer loves you, you will be willing to trade everything to get her back to the way she was and nag you with the little things. In this case, ask about her work or her studies, or suggest an important occasion in your life. If she turns away, she already has someone else or may have stopped loving you.
    • This is the time to be frank with each other. There's no reason to continue if she doesn't care about you.
  6. Watch if she doesn't spend time with you. In the past, Sunday was your date for snacking and cuddling, but now she goes missing every weekend? Before the two of you used to watch your favorite show every Tuesday night, now she seems to be busy the rest of the night! But she doesn't have any guilt because she doesn't have time to do the things you two normally do? She suddenly falls in love with work, "and" spends a lot of time with her friends, "and" often confines herself in the salon, there must be another guy taking up all of her time.
    • Notice what she does when she leaves home to "meet friends". Does she look more "hotter" than necessary, humming playful tunes and trying to pose a voluptuous flirt? If so, she is going to meet someone very special.
  7. Check if she has many secrets in her phone and on the personal computer. In the past, she used to turn on the phone to show you the jokes she just found or ask you to check her messages for help and did not set the phone password. Now, she quickly turns off the computer whenever she sees you walking into the room, doesn't text anyone in front of you, and even sets passwords for her phone and personal computer. She hasn't kept anything a secret from you before, but now she wants privacy, so she definitely doesn't want to let you know who she's talking to.
    • If you're brave enough to ask she's texting someone, what is her reaction? Startled and wary of you or calmly answer frankly?
  8. Notice if she disappears for hours for no reason. These are some of the most obvious signs that your girl is unfaithful. Even though you've been trying to get in touch for hours, she still won't pick up the phone, it's time to worry. If this only happens once or twice, that's okay. But if the recurrence continues and the explanation is always: the phone runs out of battery, power off, or doesn't hear the ringing, then you should take precautions.
    • When she's gone for hours, try asking where she went and try to read her face: is she embarrassed or avoid your gaze?

Part 2 of 4: Notice what she says

  1. She often accidentally mentioned a "new friend" in the conversation of two people. Has a colleague or classmate appeared once or twice in a conversation between you two recently? And then… more and more mentioned? If so, it might be the guy you should be wary of. Try to calmly ask for some simple information about the person. If she blushes or is wary of you, your girl is covering the guy.
    • Look at her facial expression and listen to her accent when it comes to that person. Does she look excited, shy or restless? If so, you are being cheated.
  2. She nagged more than before. One of the reasons your girlfriend nagged you is that she no longer feels attractive and wants to leave you. Or because she feels guilty about betraying her lover and becomes grumpy as a way to blame herself. She points out every little mistake you made, because doing so will make her feel better.
    • Again, this is also a sign that she is unhappy in your relationship with you. Anyway, this is not a good sign either.
    • However, if you change your move now, she will have reason to take you further.

  3. She was vague about the schedule. If she had been so blunt before like “I'm drinking coffee with Katie, I'll be back in two hours” and now ambiguous about her current position, she must be hiding something. If you are currently unable to know where your girlfriend is and when she asks her a question of ambiguity, she is most likely with someone.
    • If she says she's doing one thing but later says she did something else, then you know she lied to you.

  4. She is suddenly interested in your schedule. You might think this is an act of concern, but she's actually figuring out how not to get caught by you with another partner. She suddenly cares about when you get home and even texts you asking where you've been home, likely not because she's eagerly waiting for you. She wants to be sure when you are coming back or if you are around where she and your new partner are engaged in romantic acts.
    • If you want to get caught up, tell her you're not thinking about going to crowded places in the city, like going to a famous bar, and then change your mind at the last minute and show up at a bar.

Part 3 of 4: Find Out if She Is Really Cheating on You

  1. Follow her. Although this is a sign of a serious lack of trust in each other, if you have enough reason to doubt and dare not ask, keep an eye on if your partner is doing what she told you. . You don't have to follow her car like in the movie, but you can go where she is going to check her words. Here are a few simple ways:
    • She announced that she would come home late tonight, try to appear at the company to ask her, if not at work, she must be "busy" somewhere.
    • If she says she's going to a bar or a restaurant with some girls but doesn't tell you the exact place, try to go there or ask the friends she says she will be with to find out the truth. . Try to think of possible places she will go.
  2. Suddenly appeared where she went. If she says 30 minutes she'll be ready, go to her right away.Say you can't wait to see her. Does she want to take a bath, or try to erase the trail the other man leaves behind? Does she not let you into your bedroom - or worse, won't let you go to her? This is the most obvious indication and also the best way to verify a lie if it is really what you want.
    • Do not notify when you have arrived. Just explain that you want to surprise her or that you read the message by mistake and don't overdo it.
  3. Check out her widgets. It should be noted that this action will lose her trust forever. However, if you are too skeptical, find a way to check her computer and messages. If she deleted all the old messages and emails, then there must be something suspicious. In fact, this is a pretty lousy approach, but also a way to make sure your girlfriend is actually cheating on you.
  4. Ask directly. Tell your girlfriend you're wondering about something, and ask if there's any free time for you to have a private conversation. Don't accuse her (like "I know you're cheating on me"), but show your feelings (eg, "I feel like you are no longer interested in our relationship"). .
    • Notice if she replies to you. If she cheats on you, she will never say the reason, otherwise, she will reassure you that everything is okay. She will ring around, but won't give you the exact reason.
    • If she becomes wary or questioning you, she may feel you are questioning her.
  5. Act on hunch. Sometimes, you know a few things for sure without fret. How many tears, how many negations, cannot distract the worries that are raging in your mind. Once you have enough evidence and concluded, the rest, let your intuition guide you. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Facing her

  1. Tell her straight. If you believe your girl is having an affair, tell her directly what you think and why. Be ready to have an open and honest conversation with her instead of making a false accusation or arguing with each other.
    • Ask her directly: "Are you meeting someone else?" No accusations. Let her answer.
    • Know that this will seriously damage your trust in your relationship. Be prepared for her not to cheat and you will have to work hard to rebuild your trust.
  2. Give the proof. Let her know exactly what makes you believe she is having an affair. Discuss your behaviors, communication style, intimacy level, and any physical evidence you find.
    • Always keep the conversation at a discussion level. Allow her to speak and explain, and listen openly.
  3. Give decision. Once you and her have discussed your concerns honestly, you need to make a decision. If she admits that you betrayed you, would you like to save the relationship? If she says she's faithful, will you accept that answer or still want to break up?
    • If she says she's not cheating, don't try to get her to fight. Decide whether you should accept this answer and rebuild your trust, or whether the relationship has made you emotionally unbearable.


  • When you know your girlfriend is truly betraying you, have the courage to part with her. There are many good girls out there that deserve you. Don't waste time on a bad girlfriend, let her take the consequences for herself, that's for sure. Good luck!
  • If the girl frantically apologizes to you for not spending a lot of time with you but still travels far away with her friends, it means she no longer wants to be with you.
  • If she's talking (or texting) with a guy more than talking or texting you, that's a sign that she might be flirting.
  • She will use lots of apologies that make you feel bad and will easily escape accusations of adultery.
  • Girlfriends change the way you talk to you and how you behave when you're not around. That could also be an expression.
  • If she always calls on the phone or every time you call the line is always busy, chances are your girl has a crush.
  • She doesn't look at you directly when talking to you. That is also an expression.
  • Never suddenly ask your lover "Hey, will you never betray me?" She will say "Never", but inwardly she will think you won't trust her.
  • You can't accuse your girlfriend of cheating on you just because she doesn't spend a lot of time with you. Since this also seems like she doesn't have a lot of plans for you.
  • She came home so late after being absent, maybe she was on a project.
  • Does she not want you to know her relationships? Check her calls and emails.
  • Your girlfriend suddenly treats you too well, don't be too happy.
  • Girls have the right to make friends of the opposite sex. And in general, girls usually communicate with all their friends, regardless of gender, don't rush to conclude that your girlfriend is promiscuous when you see her hugging another guy.
  • She buys new clothes or dresses, new lingerie, etc. Also pay attention if she brings her underwear or buys new lingerie after every "business" trip.

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