Ways to Define Love

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Strangers Define Love...
Video: Strangers Define Love...


You may have heard many quotes related to love, but defining love is relatively difficult. Love means different things to many people and you may experience different types of love depending on the situation. If you want to define love for yourself, start by identifying types of love, such as couple love and friendship, and then defining the meaning of love from your point of view. Once you understand love, you will know when you are in love.


Method 1 of 3: Identify love patterns

  1. Feel the vibrations of your couple's love as you meet your potential partner. This kind of love makes you feel nervous. You have a secret desire for that person and a desire to bond with them that you cannot perceive in others. See if you are attracted to their appearance and want to be around them. It could be a couple love.
    • This is how you feel when you want to say "I love you / I love you".

    Warning: Couples love is easily confused with lust. If you are attracted to their looks but don't feel emotionally attached, this may be just lust.

  2. Friendship includes faith, companionship, and goodwill. You will have special feelings for your friends and that is also called love. You feel comfortable and happy around your friends. In addition, you trust them enough to share their secrets and you always want the best for them. These are signs that you love your friends.
    • This is the kind of love that means "I love you". You may also be particularly interested in someone and want the best for them but have no feelings of romantic affection.
    • You will also feel a romantic love and a friendship with someone. This is when you feel your partner is your best friend.

  3. Friendship is the bond between family members. Families often have strong bonds formed by the shared feelings each person has for each other. It is your special connection with loved ones and a desire to spend time with them. You also feel a responsibility to protect or take care of them. This kind of affection is called intimacy.
    • Friendship is not only for people with blood, flesh and blood. Family includes people who are always with you and make a profound impact on your life.
  4. Feel the comfort and joy that comes from your love for your pet. Your pet is also a loved one, but the feelings you will have for your pet will be slightly different. You will feel satisfied and relaxed with your pet, and you will not be alone with a lovely companion! The bond between a host and a pet is often strong and is a joy for both. If you can feel this when you are with your little friend, it is the love you have for your pet.
    • Having a love for your pet often helps you relax.
  5. Notice how you feel about the things you love. You must be saying things like "I like ice cream" or "I love this song" every day. You can always feel love or interest in what you like and then love. However, this kind of love is not the same as the love you have for the special people in your life.
    • This kind of love is only fleeting because your preferences often change.

Method 2 of 3: Determine the meaning of love from your point of view

  1. Write down what you want from your partner. Think about your ideal relationship and the traits you hope your partner will have. Next, you will describe your ideal lover. This is a way to help you understand your expectations of love to know its meaning.
    • For example, you might want your partner to praise you every day, remember the important events of your life, like cuddling on the sofa, and being creative.
    • You may not find your ideal partner because no one is perfect. However, this is a way to help you identify what you are looking for.
  2. Identify the relationships you want to build with friends and family. Think about what makes you appreciate your family and friends, and the joy you have with them. The next step is to find out what you feel is lacking to determine if you want to change this relationship. Talk to your family and friends about your wishes for the relationship with them so that you are both on the same page.
    • For example, if you want to have a close relationship with a sibling so that you can both freely share everything. Let me know how you feel.
    • Similarly, you think that close friends should share their feelings and avoid dating each other's ex. Try talking to your friends about whether you both can take the relationship to this level.
  3. Priority is given to people you love to nurture relationships. Ask about loved ones every day or week, depending on your relationship. Besides, don't forget to regularly spend time with them and talk to them about your life. This is a way to help you have strong relationships with family, friends and lover.
    • For example, make it a habit to send texts or photos to loved ones every day.
    • Likewise, spend time meeting people you love, such as going coffee with a friend, going shopping with your mom or going to the movies with your partner.
  4. Find a way to show the love. Sharing your feelings can help you better understand the concept of love. Find out your feelings and share them with people you care about. Here are some ways to show your affection:
    • Let friends and loved ones know how you feel.
    • Composing love poetry for someone
    • Write a song about love.
    • Give small gifts to loved ones.
    • Send a custom photo to your friends to show your love for them.
    • Write love letters.
  5. Decide to start a romantic relationship with someone. You may think that love is just one kind of emotion, but it's your choice. When you decide to love someone, you will choose to bond with them for a long time. When you are ready to fall in love, decide to take the relationship further.
    • On the other hand, you can also choose not to love someone. You will do this when you find that the relationship is not right for you or that your ex is not being nice to you. It will take time for your emotions to fade, but then everything will be fine.
  6. Determine your love language. Your love language is how you want to be loved and the way you express love. Think about what makes you feel loved and how you often show love to someone. From there, you will choose one of five love languages ​​that best suits your needs:
    • Words of Love - You want your partner to say loving words to you.
    • Body contact - You want intimate gestures like cuddling, holding hands, and kissing.
    • Act of Help - You see love as helping each other.
    • Gifts: You feel loved when you receive gifts from your lover.
    • Sharing time - You want your partner to spend time with you.

    Advice: When starting a relationship, it is important that both of you understand each other's love language. It's okay for you two to have different love languages, as long as you both know what each other likes.


Method 3 of 3: Recognize when you are in love

  1. You look forward to meeting that person. If you are in love with someone, you will always look forward to seeing them when they are not around. You even remember them when you haven't seen them for a short while. If you feel like being with them every moment, this could be a sign that you are in love.
    • For example, you might find yourself thinking, "I miss him," even though the person has just left.
    • Likewise, you may want to hold a pillow and imagine it as your lover.
  2. You feel happier and more satisfied with your ex's presence. When you are in love, you will enjoy being with your crush. You will also feel like everything is better with them around. If you feel better about being with the person you love, it's probably because you're in love.
    • You will feel the same way around friends or family. However, this feeling will deepen when you are in love.
  3. You feel strong when you think about the person. A strong emotion is wanting to be intimate or wanting to be with the person. If you want to kiss them, hold their hand, or touch them informally, that could be a sign that you are in love.
    • Strong emotions can also be a sign of desire. To make sure it's love, notice if you have other signs of love, such as feeling happier with them.
  4. You completely trust the person. Your ex is someone you can lean on and feel safe around. They are always listening and supportive when you talk about something. Besides, you also believe that they are not cheating on you and that they can make the right decisions about the relationship, such as not cheating.
    • You and your partner both trust each other. That means you also make them feel trustworthy, and you listen and support them. Likewise, they also believe that you always make the right decisions.
    • If you are still hesitant to trust the person, you may not be ready to begin a relationship yet. You have feelings for them, but are not ready to love them wholeheartedly. This is completely normal! Listen to your intuition.
  5. You want to bond with them for a long time. Being willing to make a lasting bond with someone is the most important sign of love. That means you feel a deep emotional connection with them in addition to strong feelings and longing.You know you are in love when you are ready for a real relationship with your ex.
    • If you feel like connecting for the long term with your ex, you may already see your future with them. In addition, you are no longer interested in giving romantic feelings to others.
  6. Pursue love when your feelings are reciprocated. Maybe you are having a one-sided relationship with someone that makes you feel hopeless and painful. Better yet, you should choose to give up this sentiment. Everyone has the right to choose how you feel, so don't try to make someone fall in love with you. Instead, forget about the person by sharing your feelings, allowing yourself to grieve the end of this feeling, and keep living well.
    • Don't wait for someone to change your mind and choose to love you. Remember that the person who is better suited for you is out there waiting for you.
    • If you keep pursuing someone who doesn't return your feelings, you will become obsessed with them. This is harmful to you and your partner. Respect their choice and look for another love.


  • Loving someone doesn't mean that you only care about that person. Instead, you will balance your joys and theirs so that their lives are better.
  • Humans have the ability to fall in love and stop loving, so your emotions will also change. Likewise, your partner may also be the one who decides to stop loving.


  • If you are being abused by your partner, tell the person you trust and decide to quit the relationship. Do not tolerate violence.