Ways to Prevent Hair Loss and Damage

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Factors that Affect Male Hair Loss | 6 Ways to Prevent Losing Hair or Balding | Stop Going Bald
Video: 9 Factors that Affect Male Hair Loss | 6 Ways to Prevent Losing Hair or Balding | Stop Going Bald


One of the biggest fears we get as we age is perhaps hair loss or damaged hair. The term for hair loss when something is preventing the hair from growing anagen effluvium. Hair loss can be caused by many different things, from genetics, poor nutrition, to stress or illness. Damaged hair can be caused by excessive handling and poor care. In most cases, both of the above problems can be resolved and prevented with appropriate methods.


Method 1 of 4: Adjusting Hair Care

  1. Consult with your hair stylist about hairstyles and treatments that won't damage your hair. Chemical hair treatments such as dyes, bleach, straighteners, or curls can damage your hair, causing temporary hair loss and breakage.
    • Another form of hair damage and hair loss caused by styling is traction alopecia. Hair follicles can be permanently damaged if you create hairstyles such as a ponytail or braid, which causes your hair to stretch for long periods of time. It is advisable to loosen up when tying a ponytail or avoid tight hairstyles all day long. Pain is a sign that the hair is stretched too much, which can lead to hair loss.
    • Curling and connecting hair can lead to similar damage.
    • Heavy brushing can weaken and damage hair. In particular, brushing too much or brushing wet hair can break your hair.

  2. Use the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. If you do dye your hair, use a shampoo made for dyed hair. If your hair has been chemically treated or has been damaged, consider a "2 in 1" shampoo.
    • Remember that no matter how much they cost, many brands of shampoos and conditioners are just as effective. Don't think that you have to spend a lot of money to buy a good shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo and conditioner suited to your hair type is more important than the price of the product.
    • There is no scientific evidence that products marketed as hair loss prevention or hair growth aids actually work. So be wary of these products.
    • Some hair experts recommend baby shampoo, as it's soothing for the hair.
    • If you are unsure which shampoo or conditioner is best for your hair, consult a hair professional or dermatologist.

  3. Wash your hair with mild shampoo and conditioner every two days. Wash every day if your hair is too oily. You may think that not washing your hair can slow hair loss, but it can actually make it fall out more quickly. This is because when blocked by yeasts, bacteria, and sebum, the hair follicles fail to function properly.

  4. Rub the shampoo thoroughly on the scalp as you wash it. Focus on cleansing your scalp instead of washing the entire length of your hair. Just paying attention to washing your hair thoroughly can cause thin, dull, and coarse hairs. It also makes hair more prone to breakage.
  5. Use conditioner after every shampoo. You do not need a conditioner if you have used a "2 in 1" shampoo as it cleans and nourishes your hair in the same product. Conditioner can significantly improve the appearance of damaged and frayed hair. It helps increase shine, reduce friction and strengthen hair.
  6. Only apply conditioner to the ends of your hair. Conditioner can make thinning hair look even more flaky, or make it heavy, so use conditioner only for the ends. Do not apply conditioner to the scalp or the entire length of the hair.
    • Avoid rubbing your hair too hard with a towel after you wash it, as doing so can cause hair breakage and damage. Instead, you should try to use a towel to "squeeze" wet hair.
  7. Skip the blow dryer and straightener. Air-dry to prevent the hair from stretching when dried or stretched. If you absolutely must use a hairdryer, set it on low and do not pull on if it becomes tangled. Use a thin comb to gently remove the hair.
  8. Style when hair is dry. Working your hair while wet will cause it to stretch and break. So only braid and twist your hair when it's dry or just slightly damp.
    • Avoid tangling or combing your hair, as these styles can damage your hair.
  9. Limit hair chemicals. If you have a habit of dyeing your hair every month or using chemicals for your hair, you need to cut back on those chemicals. Chemical treatments are not recommended too often as this can damage and weaken the hair follicles, resulting in hair breakage and loss.
    • Try to avoid "long lasting" products, as they often damage your hair.
  10. Protect your hair while swimming. It is important to protect hair from chlorine damage in swimming pools. You should wet your hair and use conditioner to condition it before swimming. Wear a snug swimming cap before entering the pool.
    • After swimming, you should also use a swimmer's deep shampoo and conditioner to compensate for the moisture in your hair and scalp.

Method 2 of 4: Adjusting Diet and Lifestyle

  1. Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Inadequate diet can contribute to hair loss due to a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy and beautiful hair. That's why people with eating disorders and vegetarians who don't get enough protein often experience hair loss. To improve the strength and shine of your hair, focus on a diet that includes:
    • Iron and zinc. Iron and zinc help hair follicles to grow. These two minerals are found in lean red meats and other vegetarian foods like soybeans or lentils.
    • The protein. It is one of the building blocks of the body, assists in cell growth and repair, including hair. Women should eat 46 grams of protein a day (reference: 85 grams of chicken contain about 23 grams of protein). Other sources of protein include fish, beans, nuts, and yogurt.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids. Eat fatty fish like salmon twice a week to improve hair strength and shine. In addition to smoothing hair, omega-3s also help reduce depression and improve heart health.
    • Biotin. Eggs are rich in B vitamins, an essential vitamin for cell and hair growth. Eggs are also a good source of protein, choline, and vitamin D.
    • In addition to the foods rich in the above vitamins and minerals, you should also eat enough vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits like oranges, other vegetables such as strawberries, pineapples, tomatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables all have vitamin C. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, helping skin and hair to stay healthy by boosting. metabolism, while converting fats and starches into energy.
  2. Take vitamin supplements. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin D, can help keep hair healthy, but are difficult to obtain through food. You need to take a vitamin D supplement in a dose of about 1,000 IU per day.
    • You should also take vitamin B, vitamin E, and magnesium supplements once a day to make sure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals.
    • Remember that there is no scientific link between vitamin supplements and hair loss prevention. However, a supplement can help maintain existing hair and help you stay in good health.
  3. Check to see if your family has a history of hair loss. One of the most common causes of hair loss in adults is genetic hair loss, sometimes referred to as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. This form of hair loss is caused by a combination of genes and hormones.
    • Male pattern baldness affects about half of all men 50 years of age or older, usually starting at the age of 30 and under. Symptoms include the hair on the front of the forehead receding and hair on the top of the head thinning, creating horseshoe formation on the back and sides of the head, sometimes even progressing to complete baldness.
    • The female pattern of baldness is not as common as male pattern baldness.During female pattern baldness, only the hair on the top of the head is thinned. It is not clear whether female baldness is inherited, but hair loss is more noticeable in menopausal women. This may be because postmenopausal women have less female hormones, leading to baldness or hair loss.
    • It is often assumed that men lose hair or not due to inherited genes from their parents. However, recent studies show that hair loss inherited from the genes of the father and mother affects both men and women.
    • If you have a family history of baldness, you can try an over-the-counter hair loss treatment like minoxidil (brand name Rogaine), which is very effective with long-term persistence. But keep in mind that the purpose of these over-the-counter medications is to stop hair loss, not regrow it.
    • Pregnant and lactating women should not take minoxidil.
    • However, there is no way to prevent genetic hair loss.
  4. Try to tackle the stressors in your life. Stress and hair loss are definitely involved, especially if you're dealing with a recent traumatic event or are under constant pressure. Hair loss caused by physiological and psychological called telogen effluvium, and it can cause you to lose half to three quarters of your hair. Hair can fall out in clumps when washed, combed or threaded through the hair.
    • Telogen effluvium is usually temporary, because you will recover from the stress and the traumatic event has passed. But if you don't deal with the stressors, hair loss can either go on for a long time or become chronic. However, hair regrowth is more likely if you can manage the stress.
  5. Participate in stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or jogging. You can also adjust your daily routines to give you more time to do the things you enjoy and to have peace and serenity in your life.
  6. Talk to a therapist or counselor. If you feel your stress is out of control or have difficulty coping with a traumatic event, don't let it go. Talking to someone else can help calm you down and relieve any stress or pressure. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Using Home Treatments

  1. Hair treatment with fresh eggs. Fresh eggs are a great natural remedy for damaged hair, as well as a natural hair conditioner for dry hair. You can use eggs to condition your hair in two ways:
    • Beat two egg yolks, rub onto scalp and massage. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash your hair with cool water and shampoo. You can use this method once a week.
    • You can also use the egg yolks as a homemade shampoo. Soap blends herbs, organic herbs, essential oils, and olive oil. Then add a beaten egg. Rub the mixture onto your scalp and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. You can use this shampoo once a day.
    • Egg oil is more convenient and does not smell like fresh eggs.
  2. Moisten the scalp with coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in lauric and stearic acids, which help to smooth hair. The oil also penetrates deep into the hair shaft, protecting the cuticles from damage, so your hair looks healthy and fresh.
    • Use virgin coconut oil to massage the scalp. Leave it on overnight. Cover the head to keep coconut oil in your hair.
    • Rinse out the coconut oil in a cool shower the next morning.
  3. Use sour cream or yogurt to clean hair styling products. Hair styling products, like polluted air, can linger on the hair, losing moisture and dulling it. Dairy products such as yogurt or white yogurt can help repair these damage. The lactic acid found in dairy products will gently wash away dirt and moisturize your hair.
    • Use 1/2 cup (120 ml) of sour cream or white yogurt and massage into damp hair. Let stand for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse off the cream and yogurt with warm water, then rinse with cool water.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo as usual.
    • You can use this method every two weeks.
  4. Use beer to treat weak and dull hair. To revitalize your hair, use a drink that doesn't seem to have anything to do with beauty: beer. This fermented drink has a yeast ingredient that helps moisturize weak or dull hair.
    • Let the beer settle down. Pour the beer into the pot and let it sit for a few hours to let the carbonate go away.
    • Mix 1/2 cup (120 ml) of clarified beer with 1 teaspoon of light oil like sunflower oil or canola oil and one fresh egg. Rub this mixture on clean, damp hair. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
    • You can also pour the deposited beer into a spray bottle and spray it on dry hair. The beer evaporates, leaving the hair with the protein of wheat, malt or hops, helping to keep hair strong.
    • Use both methods every two weeks.
  5. Hair treatment with avocado. Avocado is a great natural hair cream, as the fat in the avocado promotes hair growth and makes hair healthier. The oils and proteins in the avocado also help smooth and pull stubborn hair strands.
    • Crush half an avocado and massage into clean, damp hair. Let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.
    • You can increase the moisturizing effect of avocado by combining one avocado with 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream, egg yolk or mayonnaise.
    • Use this therapy every two weeks.
  6. Moisturize hair with aloe. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer for skin and hair. You can take aloe in the form of juice or gel.
    • Rub aloe vera juice on your scalp and hair ends. After a few minutes rinse with warm water.
    • You can also make a mixture of 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Mix well and rub on hair. Let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
  7. Use honey to improve dry and sun damaged hair. Maybe you wash your hair with hard water, you leave your hair bare for too long, or you straighten it every day. If the moisture in your hair is lost through these activities, moisturize your hair with honey.
    • Use 1/2 cup (120 ml) honey to massage into clean, damp hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
    • You can also add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to thin the honey for easy massage.
    • For sunburn-damaged hair, mix honey with 1-2 tablespoons of protein-rich ingredients like avocado or egg yolks. This will replenish the hair's keratin protein bond, which has been damaged by UV rays.
    • Use this method once a month.
  8. Moisten scalp and dry hair with olive oil and lemon. If your scalp is dry and itchy or scaly, use olive oil and lemon juice. The acidity in lemon juice helps to remove dry flakes. The olive oil can then moisten the newly exposed scalp.
    • Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of water. Use this mixture to massage the damp scalp.
    • Let stand for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with shampoo.
    • This method can be used every 2 weeks.

Method 4 of 4: Medical Treatment

  1. Remember that hair loss suppressants may not be effective. There are many ointments, creams, and shampoos on the market that promise to prevent hair loss or help hair regrowth. But many of these products have not been scientifically validated or recognized by the medical community as effective. Before trying a hair loss prevention product, talk to your doctor about the effectiveness and other treatments that are right for you.
    • Your doctor may give you oral medication or even recommend laser treatment to help reduce hair loss or regrowth.
    • Male and female pattern baldness is generally not treated by doctors, as these types of hair loss are thought to be a natural part of aging and pose no health risks.
    • If you want to treat baldness for cosmetic reasons, there are two types of treatment available: finasteride and minoxidil (trade name: Rogaine). But these treatments don't work for everyone and work as long as they're used, and can be quite expensive.
    • Spironolactone may be effective for some women.
    • There are also surgical solutions for hair loss, including hair transplants and artificial hair transplants.But this is considered a major surgery and must be performed by an official doctor. You need to talk to your doctor before considering a hair transplant or transplant.
  2. Ask your doctor about changing medications if your medications are causing hair loss. Sometimes medications prescribed by a doctor can cause hair loss. Cancer chemotherapy drugs are commonly known to cause hair loss. But hair loss can also be a side effect of some acne medications, medications for bipolar disorder, and drugs for ADHD.
    • Weight loss pills containing amphetamine can also cause hair loss.
    • Never stop taking a pill, but talk to your doctor about other treatment options to see if you can switch to a different medicine that will not cause hair loss.
    • If you have a medical condition like diabetes or a thyroid problem, taking good care of you can help reduce or prevent hair loss.
  3. See your dermatologist if you experience severe symptoms of hair loss or hair damage. Symptoms include:
    • Unusual hair loss, such as plaque loss or partial loss of the scalp.
    • If your hair falls out quickly, especially if you are under twenty.
    • Pain or itching on the scalp with hair loss.
    • The scalp is red, scaly or unusual.
    • Weight gain or muscle weakness, easy to catch flu, easily tired.
    • Try to find a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss treatment.
  4. Submit the sample to the dermatologist. Your doctor may review your medical history and do several hair and scalp tests to diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Your doctor may also order other tests such as:
    • Blood test to rule out disease.
    • Examine the hair under a microscope.
    • Skin biopsy sample.
  5. Answer the questions of a dermatologist. During the examination, the doctor may ask some questions as follows:
    • Are you only hair loss on your head, or hair loss in other parts of your body?
    • Have you noticed a pattern of hair loss, such as hair that grows back up or grows thinning on top of your head, or hair loss evenly over your scalp?
    • Do you dye your hair?
    • Do you dry your hair? If yes, how often is it used?
    • What kind of shampoo do you use? What other hair products do you use such as hair gels or sprays?
    • Have you recently been sick or have a high fever?
    • Have you been under any special pressure lately?
    • Do you have any anxiety habits like pulling your hair or scratching your head?
    • Do you take any medications, including over-the-counter drugs?
  6. Check with your dermatologist about any conditions that may be causing hair loss. Endocrine conditions such as diabetes or thyroid disease (uncontrolled) can interfere with hair growth and cause hair loss. People with lupus can also experience hair loss.
    • Similarly, a hormonal imbalance that occurs in polycystic ovary syndrome can cause hair loss in women.
    • You may also experience hair loss if you have an eating disorder such as anorexia or anorexia. This is because your body does not have enough nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals to support hair growth.
    • Fungal infections, such as tinea capitis, can cause hair loss in children. This disease often flakes scalp, hair breakage with patchy hair loss, and can be treated with oral medicine and special shampoo.
    • Alopecia areata (alopecia areata) is a condition in which the immune system attacks hair follicles, which can cause severe hair loss. A dermatologist can treat it with oral medications, topical medications, and injections.
    • Some vegetarians lose their hair because they don't get enough protein from vegetarian food sources. Some athletes are at high risk of iron deficiency anemia. Anemia leads to hair loss.
    • Pregnancy or birth may also be linked to hair loss.
    • If you have trichotillomania (hair pulling addiction), seek the help of a mental health professional.