Ways to Sleep when you're not sleepy

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fall Asleep Fast! | 10 Life Hacks for When You CAN’T Sleep!!
Video: How to Fall Asleep Fast! | 10 Life Hacks for When You CAN’T Sleep!!


  • Adjust the sound level. “White sounds” (engine sounds, fans running, etc.) have been shown to help people fall asleep faster. Many people find that the ticking of a watch or clock on the wall is also effective in lulling. If you like absolute silence, turn off anything that makes a noise.
    • You might also consider wearing earplugs before going to bed. It may take a while to get used to, but it will help stop sounds that you didn't even realize were interfering with your sleep. Earplugs are especially helpful if you share your bed with someone else and they can wake you up.

  • Adjust your sleeping position. Keep your back straight and make sure not to rest your neck too high or too low. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this will force you to turn your head to the side, straining your spine and neck. If you lie on your side, place a thin pillow or curled towel between your knees to keep your hips in a level position. Even turning right to left can help you fall asleep if lying down in one position keeps you awake.
  • Prepare a comfortable bed. Swap pillows that are too flat or too tall for the ones you keep in the living room. If the mattress is not flat, you can turn it over or put the mattress slightly up. The cozy the bed, the more you feel you want to lie down. Everyone used to lie swinging in a comfortable hammock in the sun and fall asleep even when not very sleepy, right? That's it, a cozy bed has the same effect.
    • Choose silk-screen blankets if you feel too hot at night. Choose something made with more stomach fabric if you feel cold at night. Also, give preference to single-layer blankets rather than double-layers, because they will usually be softer and more durable.
    • If you cannot afford a new mattress, buy a memory foam pad for extra support and smoothness.
    • Add a quilted quilted pad, which will help protect the mattress and make the bed softer.
    • Washing your sheets and blankets will also help you feel better.

  • Exercise at least three hours before bedtime. Go for a jog, visit the gym, go for a round walk, or do stretching to help your heart rate rise before you relax and get into bed. Exercise helps your body function and wants to rest; however, you need to work out at least three hours before bed so that the adrenaline doesn't pump right before bedtime keeps you awake. You will feel awake if you exercise right before bed.
  • Avoid alcohol or caffeine right before bed. Although a glass of wine may make you sleepy at first, if you drink alcohol right before bedtime, you may disrupt your sleep cycle and fall asleep. If you really want to drink a glass of wine at night, you need to drink 2-3 hours before bedtime to not wake up. With caffeine, you should avoid drinking it after 2-3 pm, preferably not in the afternoon as caffeine can take up to 8 hours to clear from your body, and this will definitely keep you awake even. when you want to sleep.

  • Drink cherry juice. Or you can eat a variety of foods rich in melatonin, a substance believed to help you sleep better or help you fall asleep faster. While you should avoid eating right before bed because you will be awake due to digestion or discomfort, some of the following foods will help you fall asleep a few hours before bedtime:
    • Other fruits that can boost your melatonin levels are sour cherries, tomatoes, grapes, and pomegranates.
    • Rice, rolled oats, and barley are all grains rich in melatonin.
    • Include melatonin-boosting vegetables like asparagus, corn, olives, cucumbers, and broccoli.
    • You can also snack with sunflower seeds, mustard seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds or peanuts to increase melatonin levels in the body.
  • Bend your toes. When you get in bed, curl your toes up for a few seconds, relax, and then repeat. This move relaxes your mind and body, so repeat 10 times if you find yourself too awake and unable to sleep.
  • Drink herbal tea. Herbal teas like chamomile tea or peppermint have been shown to help calm and relax the body, helping you to sleep and relax. Drink a cup of tea 1 or 2 hours before bedtime - you shouldn't drink too much liquid right before bedtime to avoid having to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. You can fall asleep even faster if you can make tea drinking a part of your pre-bed routine.
  • Eat a healthy, light dinner. Dinner should include a moderate amount of carbohydrates, protein, fruit or vegetables. Avoid spicy or overly hearty meals with lots of fat or sugar or your body will stay awake and upset throughout the night. A healthy, balanced dinner will help you feel sleepy. Make sure to eat at least three hours before bedtime to give your body time to digest the food. Here are a few good dinner menu options that can help you feel sleepy and still feel healthy:
    • Pasta cooked with cheese
    • Tofu and couscous noodles
    • A glass of warm milk with oats
    • Mixed kale, salmon and rice vermicelli
  • Try magnesium supplements. Magnesium supplements can help you feel more relaxed. Magnesium deficiency can be an additional cause for mental problems like anxiety and depression. Try a daily supplement of 400 mg of magnesium to see if it works. advertisement
  • Part 2 of 3: Mind relaxation

    1. Create your own boredom. This is different for everyone, but whatever the activity is, Advertising
    it has to make your brain tired, not excited. Please do all that friend most bored.

      • Listen to soft, slow music, or read something you absolutely dislike
      • Play puzzles like Sudoku or Solitaire
      • Listen to a dry podcast
      • Play tic-tac-toe alone
    1. Practice breathing exercises. Try abdominal breathing exercises, pranayam yoga, or "one minute breath" exercises. Close your eyes and focus on the breath in and out of your body. Visualize each part of your body relaxing one after another. Focusing on your body will keep you from thinking about anything from the outside world.
    2. Imagine relaxing and repetitive images. For example, imagine the gentle and warm waves patting yourself in regular waves coinciding with your breathing. Meditate to relieve stress and clear your mind. Don't think of images that are too excited or thrilling, or you will keep yourself awake. Imagine a serene beach, a lush forest or a beautiful rose garden and imagine you are walking through it.
      • Think of one of the most beautiful and peaceful places you've ever been (a clear mountain stream flowing through a field of flowers, a calm lake surface, a beautiful beach with gentle breezes in the air). This will help you relax.
    3. Reading books. Reading can help calm your mind and free your thoughts from the troubles of the day. Read something that is as light and unattractive as domestic news, a book or a piece of history. A thrilling or emotional storybook will keep you awake and stay awake longer if you can't stop reading.
      • Challenge yourself and read the most boring things you can find, from chemistry textbooks to reports on the economic situation of another country.
    4. Turn off all visual stimuli at least an hour before bedtime. Put away the iPad, phone, and computer that are continuously playing the videos and turn off the TV. You need to rest your eyes and stop watching images that make you awake or nervous. Get rid of the habit of falling asleep while watching TV or holding the phone in your hand, eliminating all entertainment that requires sensory focus to make your mind work harder when it's time to sleep.
    5. Follow the "fifteen minutes" principle. The rule is simple: If you've been in bed for more than 15 minutes and still can't sleep because you're not sleepy, try something else. If you keep lying there, your mind will continue to stir, and you will be more awake than when you closed your eyes. When 15 minutes have passed and you still can't sleep, do something that doesn't require too much effort. Read a magazine. Walking around the room. Drink a cup of herbal tea. Hum a tune. Sit up and watch the hands. Do something different and you will start to feel sleepy.
      • However, no matter what you do, remember to let the lights dim - even when reading, don't turn on the lights too bright.
    6. Avoid stressful talking before bedtime. Five minutes before bedtime is not the time to have a big fight with your partner or call your friends to complain about the stress you are facing at work. If someone else lives in the same house and has to say something before going to bed, be sure not to initiate anything more stressful than buying herbal teas tomorrow. Otherwise, the conversation can make you more alert and alert, and it will take longer to fall asleep.
      • If the person you live with likes to talk about stressful things before bed, schedule a time to talk about them 2 or 3 hours before bed if possible.
    7. Think about all of your activities for the day. Another way to calm your mind is to review everything you do for the day from the smallest and most boring details. Start by remembering how many strawberries you put in your cereal bowl for breakfast and end with which teeth you brushed in the end. Try to break it down into hours and see how detailed you can remember everything. Unless you're a superhero or an emergency department doctor, things like that get pretty boring enough to put you to sleep.
      • If you've reviewed everything for the day and are still awake, try reviewing your past week's activities. It will make you so bored that you will fall asleep.
    8. Use essential oil treatments. Pleasant scents like lavender can help relax your body by stimulating the brain to produce serotonin and endorphins. Try lighting a candle in the bedroom and adding a few drops of essential oils to the bath, or using a pillow spray. fragrant before going to bed. advertisement

    Part 3 of 3: Establishing a sleep-friendly routine

    1. Come up with a routine at bedtime. If you want to get sleepy in bed, you have to come up with a routine to help you reduce stress and be able to fall asleep as soon as you get into bed. This sequence should begin at least half an hour before bedtime, which may include activities such as reading a gentle book, listening to classical music, reading the newspaper or doing anything effortless to help. you forget your troubles and begin to realize that your body needs rest.
      • Once you've established this sequence, stick to it, and if you need to go to bed a little earlier every night, even though you're not yet sleepy, do it earlier to trick your brain into feeling. early sleepiness.
    2. Go to bed at the same time every night. You won't feel sleepy if you try to go to bed up to three hours earlier than usual because you have to wake up early tomorrow. If you want to make it easier to fall asleep, you have to get used to going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. This way your body will get used to feeling sleepy at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning.
    3. The bed is only for sleeping if you want to sleep more often. Even if you aren't sleepy, don't watch TV in bed, do your homework in bed, talk on the phone with friends in bed, or do anything else in bed. It is easier to fall asleep with your eyes closed, as this is signaling your body that the bed is only for sleep.
      • Find a space or room in your home to "specialize in work." This will help you save the relaxing activities for your bed.
    4. Catch the sun as soon as you wake up. Once you get out of bed, head to the window or balcony as soon as you can. Bright light from the sun will alert your body's biological clock to wake up, and the same clock will snooze in about 14-16 hours, helping you stabilize your expression time. get up and go to sleep.
    5. Set aside "worry time" for earlier in the day. If one of the reasons you don't get sleepy when it's time to sleep is because you stay up for two hours worrying about your relationship, your health, your position at work, etc., you need to have to schedule “worry time” earlier in the day so that when you go to bed you won't have to worry about anything. It sounds silly, but if you tell yourself, "I'll worry between 5am and 5:30 every day" and do nothing but worry, write or say things that worry you for a period of time. This time you will be able to get rid of the pressure.
      • If you wait until you are about to go to bed to think about your troubles, well, you will be awake for a long time.
    6. Try showering or soaking in a warm bath before going to bed. Both warm baths increase body temperature. After taking a warm bath, head to a bedroom at a cooler temperature. This will lower your body temperature, which will signal your body it's time to sleep.

    7. Get your pet out of the bedroom. Another way to develop a healthy sleep routine that will keep you awake for longer than necessary is to keep your pet from sleeping in the same room. Even if you love this cute fluffy animal more than anything else, studies have shown that people who sleep with their pets have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep because the animals deserve better. This darling can wake you up in the middle of the night.
      • You may think that it will be easier to fall asleep if your pet is lying beside you, but it will actually make you even more awake.


    • Sleep with a big pillow or stuffed animal, because no one likes to sleep alone.
    • Dreamy. Daydreaming thoughts will help dispel stress or anxiety and bring you into your fantasy world.
    • Going to the bathroom before going to bed will help you feel better and won't have to wake up in the middle of the night.
    • Think of your dream vacation. Where is it? When will it come? What's there? Is anyone there? What will you do?
    • You can open windows to let fresh air into your bedroom.
    • Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed, great!
    • Try not to sleep during the day even if you are sleepy. Do something and save the night.
    • Listen to the wind outside.
    • Remember to close the door so that you won't be disturbed when you are trying to fall asleep.
    • Put the pillow in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, and sleep with the pillow. The cool air will help you fall asleep faster.
    • Leave a fan in your room, it will cool you down and can help you fall asleep.
    • Don't watch horror or suspense before bed; you may be appalled by those images.


    • Don't get too nervous with the thought of "Me right Sleep now, otherwise ... "This will put pressure on you to make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, relax:" It's fine to be able to sleep now, but if you can't, it's not a big deal. . At least I can rest a little and have time to relax.