Ways to massage your neck

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Treat Your Own Neck Using Your Own Hands (Neck Pain Stretches & Relief)
Video: How to Treat Your Own Neck Using Your Own Hands (Neck Pain Stretches & Relief)


  • When it comes to spot muscle tension, you can apply focus massage on that spot.
  • During the massage session, fingers stroked against the muscles with a firm but not too strong force.
  • Press your thumb into the tight muscles. In the previous step, you may have felt muscle tension. These are places where the muscles get sore, so focus on rubbing your thumb there.
    • Place your thumb on the stretched muscle.
    • The other four fingers are placed in front of the opponent's shoulders as a support for the thumb to put pressure on the muscles.
    • Use your thumb to apply pressure in a kneading motion, rubbing in a circular motion to release pressure on the muscles.
    • Do this through the muscles of your shoulder, but focus on tension points.

  • Press your finger up and down the neck area. The muscles in the back and sides of the neck are also places where there is a lot of pressure. You can use one hand to warm the neck area to focus the massage on it.
    • Place the thumb on one side of the neck, the fingertips of the other fingers on the other side of the neck.
    • Begin to press firmly but gently against the neck.
    • Hold your hands up and down the length of your neck.
    • Move your finger across your neck. Place your fingers along the muscles on either side of the spine, then extend your hands to release the muscles on either side of the neck.
  • Squeeze along the back muscles of your neck. Use the thumb to press the moderate force like so far for the sides of the neck, but at the same time the other four fingers are also involved in balancing the massage force of the thumb. If you do the movement at the same time with both hands, you will accidentally let your fingers wrap around the opponent's throat, causing them pain and discomfort. Instead, do one hand on one side at a time.
    • Stand behind the opponent but move slightly to the right.
    • Place the left thumb on the right side of the neck.
    • The other four fingers are wrapped around the left side of the neck to balance the pressure of the thumb.
    • Just like when you massage your shoulders, use your thumbs to massage up and down the length of your neck in a circular motion.
    • Pay attention to the tension points you encounter.
    • After massage is done on the right side of the neck, move to the left side and use the right thumb to massage the left neck area as in the above step.

  • Put your hands up and down along your neck. It can be difficult to massage the neck area without affecting the other person's throat. To do this, you need to run your hand downwards from the upper neck down to the front shoulders. Start the massage from the left first.
    • Place your left hand on your left shoulder to stabilize your shoulder.
    • Right hand put the thumb on the back of the neck area, the fingers remaining in contact on the side neck area.
    • Press the grip of the hand in the downward direction.
    • At the end of the stroke, your thumb should be behind your shoulder and your fingers should be on the front shoulder.
    • Rub your fingers over the tension points you feel.
  • Massage on the outside of the shoulder blades. Press your fingertips on the shoulder blades and press firmly. Move the rubbing arm in a circular motion to release the pressure from the upper back muscles.

  • Use your palms to massage between shoulder blades. Because the spine is located in the middle of the back, it will be difficult to massage the area, pressing pressure on the spine will cause pain. Instead, use the palms to create spreading massage force.
    • Move to the side of the opponent.
    • Place one hand on your front shoulder to stabilize your posture.
    • Place the palm of your other hand between your shoulder blades.
    • Massage by pressing the pressure of the hand that drills from one shoulder to the other.
  • Massage under the blue collarbone. Even though massages typically focus on shoulder, neck, and upper back, a little massage on the upper chest will help relieve neck pain.
    • Standing next to the opponent, put one hand on their back to stabilize your posture.
    • Use your fingertips to massage evenly in a circular motion just below the collarbone.
    • Make sure not to press on the bone, which will cause pain.
  • Upper arm massage. The arm doesn't seem to relate to the pressure the neck and shoulders are subjected to, but it does. The muscles of the arms, shoulders, and neck all work together according to arm movement. So releasing upper arm pressure also helps relieve pain in the neck.
    • Place your hands on your shoulders, press lightly but firmly.
    • Keeping that pressing force, massage gradually from shoulder to upper arm, then back to shoulder. Repeat this massage a few times.
    • Use your hands to rub down the upper arm, help relax the muscles.
  • Rotate massage movements without pattern. If you focus too long on one muscle area with the same massage, the person being massaged will get used to that feeling. Switch from one muscle group to another and vary the hand movement for a more enjoyable experience. The less motion your partner can predict, the more comfortable the massage will feel.
    • The muscles on the shoulder, neck, back, and arms are all related.By spreading your attention to other muscle areas instead of focusing on the sore muscle group, you will make it easier to relieve the pain.
  • Continue massage session at a reasonable length. A massage does not need to be too long to be effective. A quick 5 minute massage is enough to make a difference. But if the massage is about half an hour to an hour, it will help the person feel valued and cared for. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 2: Neck massage while lying on your back

    1. Start gently. Stand at the top of the opponent's head, placing your palms on the sides of your neck. Smooth long strokes in a Swedish massage style, creating pressure from neck to shoulder.
      • Place two thumbs under the neck, the inside of the index finger touches and swipe the length of the neck. Start with your ears and then run down to the junction between your neck and shoulders.
      • Extend your movement to your shoulders. You can use your middle finger, ring finger, and little finger to massage the front of your shoulder.
    2. Focus on massage the neck area. Place four fingers of each hand “below” the neck. Start massage gently but firmly, stroking fingers slowly down shoulder.
      • Relax the muscles by gently lifting the neck of the person being massaged from the table with your fingers. Their heads will inch up slightly from the surface.
      • Repeat with all your fingers along the length of your neck.
    3. Massage your neck and shoulders with your thumb. With four fingers from the index finger to the little finger still under the neck, the thumb is on either side of the neck, just below the ear. Gently run your thumb up and down the sides of your neck. Keep your thumb down your shoulder, up to the junction between your shoulder and your arm.
      • Massage with the thumb, not just the fingertips. This diffuses the massage force, not just the muscle stress.
      • Keep away from throat. Applying the massage force to it will cause considerable pain.
    4. Chest massage. The muscles in the front of your chest work in sync with the muscles in your neck, so be mindful of them as well.
      • Place your thumb lightly on the back shoulder.
      • The other four fingers are placed on the front shoulder.
      • Do the front and back shoulder massage and also the upper chest, just below the collarbone.
      • Be sure not to squeeze the blue collarbone, or any other bones, as this may cause pain.
    5. Roller massage under the neck area. Place your index, middle, and ring finger under the sides of your neck. Starting from below your ears, do a circular massage from neck to shoulder.
      • Massage hands firmly, not vigorously. Your movement will lift their shoulders off the surface slightly, but will not cause them to pull their shoulders.

      Focus on massage on each side of the neck. Turn their heads to the side to reveal the side of the neck. One hand holds their head. After massaging on one side, gently turn their head to the other side and continue to massage the other side of the neck.
      • Holding the head with one hand, the other using the fingertips to gently draw the long lines from the earlobe to the chest.
      • Use your thumb to gently massage the side of your neck in a circular motion.
    6. Massage the tissue into both sides of the neck. Deep tissue massages can be painful, so pay attention to the person's reaction. However, the muscles behind the ears can be tense, so you will need to massage with more force to release the ache. With this method, the head needs to be rotated to the side with one hand holding it underneath for stability.
      • Hold the other hand lightly and use one hand to massage the neck, position under the ear.
      • Pressing the force a little deeper, the fists clasped slowly along the length of the neck. Massage extends to the junction between the neck and chest.
      • This massage method will hurt if you move the fist too fast, so massage with a more deliberate pace.
      • Carefully observe the expression of pain. In the long run, deep tissue massage will help the muscles relax, but during the massage it can be uncomfortable.
      • Give your partner a break or take a deep breath if it hurts. Start over if they are ready.
    7. Use your fingertips to massage in a circular motion behind the ear. The muscles behind the ears just where the head meets the neck tend to be tense. Turn the opponent's head back to his back so that he can massage this muscle on both sides.
      • Place fingertips in these muscles and press massage firmly (but not pain).
      • Move your fingertips in a circular motion to release this muscle tension.
    8. Muscle massage above the blue collarbone. You should feel a small indentation just above the collarbone. Use your fingertips to gently massage the muscles in that area, using both rotation and massage. advertisement


    • If you feel a lump or tenderness in your neck and shoulders, slowly massage with 1 or 2 fingers until no more lumps are felt.


    • Don't try to bend your neck or back, this is something only a specialist can do.
    • Be gentle as you wrap your hands around their necks. Don't press on people's necks.

    What you need

    • Chair
    • Bed or sheet
    • Massage oils or lotions