How to Train Your Brain

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11
Video: How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11


Whether you want your brain to function better or maintain your current sanity, you can always achieve it by brain training. Some methods of doing this include improving thinking and word use skills, playing games, communicating, constantly learning and taking care of yourself. You probably won't get results overnight, but after a few months of using these methods, you'll notice your memory skills improve significantly.


Part 1 of 5: Improve thinking skills and use words

  1. Read more. This is a great brain training exercise. You can read newspapers, magazines or books, but remember that the more difficult the content, the more movement your brain will make. As with any other form of exercise, you will start reading for a short amount of time first and then gradually increase the duration.
    • Read books that teach you new things, like books about history or other topics that interest you.

  2. Increase vocabulary. You can also learn new words through the daily one new word notebook or dictionary. Here's how to train the language areas of your brain.
    • You can write new words somewhere conspicuous, like on a whiteboard in the kitchen or on a sticky note stuck to a desk. Choose words that are difficult to read and manipulate so that you can make the most of this exercise every day.

  3. Writing. This is something that requires you to think a lot! You can compose stories, write down what happened to you, or write about any topic you know and love!
  4. Learn a new language. Language learning is a way of stimulating the brain and opening more nerve pathways. This is a way to train brain regions to store language information and even improve your native language skills.
    • Language learning gives you the opportunity to learn new things and challenge your brain. Even if you are learning only a few new words or sentences in one language, you are still training your brain.

  5. Find a new solution to the old problem. Try offering different solutions to a problem for the day and discover the results. This way, you will be more creative and solve problems better.
  6. Turn off the TV. TV shows often control your thinking and way of thinking; that means your brain is switched to automatic operation. That's why you feel so relaxed while watching TV! If you want to get rid of your brain's stagnation, the first thing you need to do is turn off the television. If you really want to watch TV, keep your mind active while you watch. You should choose to watch educational shows, and if you want to watch popular content, don't forget to choose a show with complex context or character interaction. This way, you will have a chance to exercise your mind while watching TV and be able to analyze or guess what will happen next.
    • Cancel cable or satellite service and watch only educational content online. You can watch a wide variety of informative videos online and through paid services.
  7. Use your non-dominant hand. Use your left hand if you're right-handed, or use your right hand if you're left-handed. This is how to stimulate the area of ​​the brain that controls your muscles.
  8. Learn to play musical instruments. Learning to play an instrument or learn to sing is an effective brain challenge because you are involved in the lifelong learning process. You can go to classes, learn by yourself through video, join groups like a choir to learn music.
    • Try learning to play the ukulele. It is an easy instrument to learn and there are many clubs for people to play it.

Part 2 of 5: Train your brain through games

  1. Play crosswords and solve puzzles every day. Basic puzzles like crossword puzzles give the brain a chance to move around gently. These are operations that can be easily done in these. Moreover, the internet also has many free crosswords and puzzles.
  2. Solve more complex puzzles. Complex and "tough" puzzles require the brain to work harder. Sometimes it can take anywhere from a few days to a week to solve the puzzle, but the results are completely worth the effort. Don't just solve the traditional puzzles, though, try the Japanese pocket quiz so your brain can run at its full capacity while you're free.
  3. Play chess. Chess is a highly strategic intellectual game. In terms of brain training ability, very few types of puzzles can overcome chess. Chess is also an easy game to learn and play.
    • You can join local chess clubs for more opportunities to try and learn from more experienced players.
  4. Play video games in moderation. Have you ever heard that playing video games in moderation can really make you smarter? Challenging games like Mario, Zelda, Scribblenauts and Myst are brain cardio exercises that can help you solve problems more efficiently, be more creative and think faster. advertisement

Part 3 of 5: Communicate more

  1. Chat with other people. Talk to others about what you or they know. Discussing politics, religion and other challenging topics (discussing instead of just debating) is a basic form of brain training.
    • You can join groups like Toastmaster, as topics vary widely.
  2. Join a group of people with similar interests. Join a group or club for people with similar interests as you. This could be an interest group, a political group, a discussion group or any other group. Talking to like-minded people is a way to help you use your brain and skills.
  3. Do not use your phone when you are chatting with other people. Your phone can distract you while chatting with other people; So, practice the habit of not using the phone while communicating. You can put the phone in another room, or turn off the phone while chatting with your friends. This is a way to help you focus on the conversation and improve your communication skills.
  4. Join volunteering. Volunteering not only helps you meet more people, but also creates new neurotransmitters in the brain. You can take part in charity kitchens, animal welfare centers, hospitals or nursing homes. advertisement

Part 4 of 5: Never stop learning

  1. Go to school. This is a great opportunity to train your brain, and learning can also help. You do not need to study to get another degree. Your employer may provide financial support to improve your career skills, or you can take a course on a topic of interest.
  2. Join free courses. If you don't have the time or money, you can still take part in many free online courses. Some of the top universities like Harvard also offer free courses. Try Coursera, Khan Academy or even Ted Talks for a free college experience.
    • You can take the course for free at your local college or university. Some institutions offer free courses for older students.
  3. Regularly use existing skills. Similar to muscles, the brain needs movement in order to develop. If you don't use certain information and skills for a long period of time, what you have will fade away. Regularly use basic skills like math to maintain and be able to use them at any time.
    • Practice skills that are not in use, such as making furniture, knitting, sewing, or fixing appliances.
  4. Get acquainted with a new hobby. Learning a new skill is also a way of brain training. Creative skills like music, dance, and visual arts will train different areas of the brain and offer many amazing benefits.
  5. Create something. Whether you want to build a robot or a new chair in your living room, brainstorming to make something (from scratch without instructions) is an effective motor.Learn some basic building skills and train your brain through real creativity.
    • Try “do it all yourself” to learn new skills and create your own.

Part 5 of 5: Staying healthy

  1. Eat healthy and exercise. Eating and exercising are very important to brain health. If you want to optimize your brain power, choose a healthy diet rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids that can nourish your brain. Also, do not forget to drink plenty of water. Exercise also keeps the body healthy, reduces the risk of stroke and increases oxygen saturation.
  2. Play sports. Practice movement or learn to play a new sport to increase hand-eye coordination and body coordination, such as tai chi and pinball.
  3. Get enough sleep. Scientists have discovered that sleep is crucial for maintaining brain health. While you sleep, the body flushes toxins out of the brain (along with recovery). If you want to protect your brain, try to get enough sleep each night.
  4. Change your schedule. Try taking a different path from your normal routine so your brain won't stagnate after going through a day with a familiar schedule. You can also change the way you work, such as sitting on a training ball or trying another activity. advertisement


  • When exercising, you should practice walking backwards (the opposite direction you normally walk) to stimulate your brain.
  • Remember to be physically active - a healthy body creates a healthy mind. Therefore, you should exercise regularly.
  • Do something regularly like memorizing something or playing Rubik for 15 minutes a day.
  • There are many programs to help you improve your memory. "Brain Age" or "Big Brain Academy" for the Nintendo DS is recommended by many people and is very interesting. These are games designed to improve memory, increase reflexes and thinking.
  • Like other parts of the body, the brain needs rest. The brain is always active, but focusing on one point or meditating can actually relax the mind so it has a chance to relax and then function more efficiently. Closing your eyes and listening to gentle non-verbal music for 10-15 days a day is also helpful.
  • The way you speak reflects your thoughts; So, "bend your tongue seven times" before you speak. Here's how to improve your speaking skills.
  • Drink a lot of water.