How to get rid of facial moles

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How get rid Moles on your face - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil
Video: How get rid Moles on your face - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil


Most moles aren't a health threat, but a mole on the face can have a cosmetic effect. Treating a facial mole is also difficult because some treatments leave scarring. Professional medical treatment is the safest and most secure method if you want to get rid of the mole permanently. On the other hand, you can also try some safe (though unproven) home remedies to get rid of moles without leaving scars on your face.


Part 1 of 3: Observe the mole

  1. Self-examination of the skin. This will help you detect if a new mole has appeared. Also, watch to see if an old mole grows or changes color.

  2. Count the moles. A mole count more than 100 can be a risk of skin cancer. In that case, you should see a dermatologist.
  3. Know the different types of moles. Before you want to get rid of a mole, you need to recognize the types of moles and the symptoms that are unique to each. Some moles can be safely removed, others cannot.
    • Atypical Moles - Atypical moles or anomalous mole can have an disturbing color and size. The size of the irregular mole may be larger than the eraser tip, having an odd or colorful appearance. If the mole falls into this category, you should see your doctor to make sure it isn't cancer.
    • Congenital moles - These moles date from the moment you are born. About 1 in 100 people are born with a congenital mole. Congenital moles come in a variety of sizes, which can be as small as a nail or larger than an eraser on a pencil. Doctors suspect that people with congenital moles have an increased risk of skin cancer.
    • Spitz Mole - This mole is pink, raised on the skin and domed. These moles, like malignant moles (skin cancer), can bleed or bleed. Spitz mantras are uncommon and mostly benign.
    • Acute Mole - This term refers to moles that appear after birth, commonly referred to as common moles.

  4. Identify the symptoms of a malignant mole (skin cancer). The most common way is to memorize the "ABCD" rule. If you suspect the mole is malignant, you should see your doctor immediately.
    • Asymmetry - Irregular moles or sides of moles that differ in shape, size, or color.
    • Unusual Border - The mole has an irregular, jagged, and fluffy border.
    • Color - A mole comes in multiple patches of color, including black, brown, blue, or light brown.
    • Diameter - A mole is a large diameter, usually about 0.5 cm.
    • Evolving - Moles gradually change shape, size and / or color after weeks or months.

Part 2 of 3: Getting rid of a mole with professional medical treatment

  1. Cut off the mole. Moles on the face can be removed with surgical removal. The dermatologist will either perform a scraping or removal, depending on the nature of the mole.
    • If the mole is small and mostly on the surface of the skin, the doctor will do it. The doctor first anesthetizes the skin and then uses a sterile scalpel to cut around and underneath the mole. No need to stitch after surgery but after it heals, there will be a flat scar (color variety). The scarring may be apparent or unclear as the original mole.
    • If the mole is flat or has deep cells in the skin, the doctor will remove it. During this procedure, the mole and the contour of the unaffected area of ​​skin are removed with a scalpel or a sharp instrument. After surgery, you will have the incision stitched and the procedure can leave a scar in the form of a thin, translucent line. However, due to scarring, resection is unpopular with facial moles.
  2. Ask your doctor about how to freeze the mole. This process is also known as "cryosurgery" therapy. Your doctor will spray or wipe a small amount of cold, liquid nitrogen directly onto the mole. Liquid nitrogen is so cold that it destroys the mole's cells.
    • Usually, this therapy leaves a small blister in the area of ​​the mole. The blister will heal on its own in a few days to a few weeks.
    • After the blister has healed, the skin may or may not be blurred. Even with a scar, the scar is much fainter and less obvious than a mole at first. Therefore, this is what you should consider for facial moles.
  3. Find out if the mole can be burned. The dermatologist may use a laser or try a procedure called "electrosurgery" to burn the mole.
    • During laser surgery, the doctor will use a small, specialized laser to target the mole. When the laser heats the mole tissue, the tissue breaks down and the cells die. A small blister that heals on its own after the bite may or may not leave a scar. Note that laser treatments should not be used for deep facial moles, as lasers usually do not penetrate deep enough into the skin.
    • In electrosurgery, your doctor will use a scalpel to scrape off the upper part of the mole, then use an electric needle to destroy the underlying tissue. Electric current flows through the wire of the electric needle, heating the needle and burning the upper skin layer. Multiple electrical surgery may be needed to completely remove the mole. This method does not seem to leave any scars, so it is worth considering if you have a mole on your face.
  4. Acid treatment. Dedicated mild acids can help get rid of the mole. You can try prescription or over-the-counter mild acids.
    • Always follow the directions on the label to avoid damaging the skin around the mole. As a general rule, apply the acid directly to the mole, avoiding contact with the unaffected skin.
    • Salicylic acid is a common acid used to treat moles.
    • Acid products can be in the form of lotions, liquids, sticks, tampons, or creams.
    • Sometimes an acid product can get rid of the mole completely, but a milder product only fades the mole.
  5. Learn about famous herbal treatments. The only herbal remedy that dermatologists occasionally use is BIO-T. This solution is applied directly to the mole. The mole will then be covered and the BIO-T will take effect on its own.The mole can go away after about 5 days.
    • This treatment is gentle and leaves almost no scars, so it is worth considering for a mole on the face.
    • The usefulness of this method is still debated among experts, so your dermatologist can recommend it for you or not. If your doctor does not mention it, you can try to ask your doctor for advice.

Part 3 of 3: Using unproven home remedies

  1. Understand the limits and risks of home remedies. Most home remedies are based on personal experience and there is little (or very little) medical evidence to show their effectiveness. Furthermore, home remedies have the potential to lead to permanent facial damage, scarring, or discoloration. You should talk to your doctor before trying any home remedies.
  2. Use garlic. The enzymes in garlic are believed to help dissolve moles by breaking down the clusters of cells to form moles. Garlic can lighten a mole's pigmentation and may even eliminate the mole completely in some cases.
    • Cut a thin slice of garlic and apply it directly to the mole. Use gauze to fix the garlic slices. This can be done 2 times daily for 2-7 days, or until the mole has disappeared.
    • Another way is to grind the cloves of garlic with a food processor until it is mixed. Dab the mixture on the mole on your face and cover it with a gauze bandage. Leave overnight and wash again next morning. Do this for up to a week.
  3. Apply the juice to the mole. There are different types of fruit and vegetable juices you can apply to moles. Usually, certain acidic or astringent factors in the juice can attack the mole's cells, causing the mole to fade and even disappear.
    • Apply sour apple juice to the mole 3 times a day, up to 3 weeks.
    • Dab the onion juice on the mole 2-4 times daily for 2-4 weeks. Wash off the mole after 40 minutes.
    • Apply the pineapple juice to the mole and leave it overnight, then rinse off the next morning. Or you can cut the pineapple into thin slices to apply it directly to the mole. Do this every night for a few weeks.
    • Crush the coriander leaves into juice and apply the juice directly to the mole. Wait for the juice to dry, then rinse it off. Repeat once daily for a few weeks.
    • Mix the grilled pomegranates with lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio to make a paste. Apply the paste to the mole, cover it with a gauze bandage and leave it overnight, then rinse it off the next morning. Do this for a week.
  4. Make a mixture of baking soda and castor oil. Mix a pinch of baking soda with 1-2 drops of castor oil. Mix well with a toothpick until a mixture is formed. Apply the paste to the mole before going to bed and cover it with a bandage. Rinse off the dried mixture the next morning.
    • Repeat this method for about a week or until the mole is faded and gone.
  5. Use dandelion roots. Cut the dandelion roots in half and squeeze until cloudy, milky liquid appears. Dab the liquid directly on the mole. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse. Do this once a day for at least a week.
    • There is no scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of this method, but it is thought that the milky liquid in dandelion root can help fade flat moles on the face.
  6. Apply the flaxseed mixture. Mix flaxseed oil with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Slowly add a pinch of cold seed powder into the mixture. Apply the paste directly to the mole and let it sit for about an hour, then rinse it off. Do this once a day for a week.
    • Although there is no scientific evidence to back it up, flaxseed is a well-known folk remedy for treating many types of skin imperfections.
  7. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is very mild and naturally acidic. Similar to prescription acid products, apple cider vinegar can gradually burn the mole's cells until the cells die and disappear.
    • Use warm water to wash the mole for 15-20 minutes to soften the skin.
    • Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Apply apple cider vinegar to the mole for 10-15 minutes.
    • Rinse apple cider vinegar with clean water and let dry.
    • Repeat these steps 4 times per day for a week.
    • The scab will fall and leave the skin mole-free.
  8. Remove a mole with iodine. Some believe that iodine can enter mole cells, helping to remove the mole with a gentle, natural chemical reaction.
    • Apply some iodine directly to the mole before going to bed and cover it with a bandage. Wash it off next morning.
    • Repeat this way for 2-3 days. The mole will gradually disappear after 2-3 days.
  9. Treat a mole with a earring. Soak the milkweed extract in warm water for about 10 minutes. Apply "milkweed tea" to the mole on your face and leave overnight. Wash it off next morning.
    • Do this every night for a week.
  10. Cover with gauze and let it sit for about 3 hours to fully absorb the gel. Change to a new bandage as soon as 3 hours.
    • Repeat this once a day for several weeks. Theoretically, the mole should go away after a few weeks.


  • If hair is growing from the mole, you can use small scissors to carefully trim the hair down to the surface of the skin. Or you can visit a dermatologist for permanent hair removal.
  • If you don't want to get rid of the mole entirely for risk and cost reasons, you can use cosmetics to cover the mole. There are many cosmetic products specifically designed and marketed for covering moles and similar blemishes.