How to get rid of acne on the buttocks

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: How to CLEAR BUTT ACNE FAST| Dr Dray


Perhaps there is nothing more embarrassing than having acne on the buttocks, especially as summer approaches and people are already starting to wear two-piece swimsuits. Stop hiding behind a beach cloak and start looking for solutions to acne bumps on your buttocks. You can try out the methods outlined in this article to choose the right one. Everyone's skin is different, so don't be discouraged if a certain remedy doesn't work for you, you can try other methods.


Method 1 of 3: Using Topical and Oral Medicine

  1. Use a topical cream or lotion after bathing. Look for a topical medication that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid. Brands like Acnes and Clean & Clear both sell these topicals without a prescription. You may want to try a well-developed butt acne cream, such as Green Heart Labs Butt Acne Clearing Lotion. Even most toothpastes contain some form of hydrogen peroxide that can be used to treat acne if you can't find other topicals.
    • After showering, make sure to dry your body completely and apply the medication directly to the skin.
    • Only wear clothes after the medicine has dried, as benzoyl peroxide can discolor your clothes.
    • You can use products containing Tretinoin instead, tretinion is used to treat acne and wrinkles.
    • Please consult your doctor to choose the right product for you.

  2. Take antibiotics. Some types of acne need to be treated with antibiotic pills. Consult with your doctor to choose an antibiotic that is right for your medical condition.
    • If you take a prescription antibiotic, be sure to take it for the full number of days indicated, even if your skin is clear of blemishes before you finish the pill. Because if you do not follow the instructions, acne may return.

  3. Steroid injections. If you have large blisters and they are painful, you can use a steroid injection method. In less than a day, this can help ease the pimple and relieve pain. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Remedy

  1. Whenever possible, let the sun shine in your buttocks. If your home has a private patio or you live near a beach that allows “showering”, let your buttocks sunbathe on a warm day. The sun will help dry out excess oil on your skin.
    • Make sure to apply non-acne sunscreen to your skin before sunbathing to avoid sunburn.
    • Don't use this method often. Too much sunbathing damages skin.
  2. Drink tartar cream mixed with water. Stir one tablespoon of tartar cream in 200 milliliters of water and drink.
    • This mixture helps to remove toxins from the body.
    • If you can't stand the taste of the solution, replace the water with juice.
    • Drink this solution once a day for several months until the acne begins to heal.
  3. Use aspirin to make a butt mask. Crush about four or five aspirin pills. Make sure the medicine has no outer coating. Mix it up with a tablespoon of warm water and some honey or sugar-free yogurt, depending on your preference.
    • Apply the mixture in a thin layer over your buttocks.
    • Let the mask dry then rinse it off.
  4. Apply natural acid to the pimples. Fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can be used to treat acne. However, if your pimples form an open wound, this can be quite painful. Leave the solution on skin for about 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.
  5. Use natural oils. Tea tree oil and coconut oil are excellent antibacterial and antifungal oils that you can apply to acne-prone areas to help heal acne.
  6. Apply ice to large bumps to reduce inflammation. While it doesn't directly heal acne breakouts, it does help to ease the pain of acne quickly. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Prevent Future Acne Recurrence

  1. Wash your buttocks at least once in the morning and once in the evening.
  2. Exfoliate your buttocks at least once a week. Use non-comedogenic (pore-free) exfoliating creams and a loofah. Exfoliating will help remove dead cells that clog pores.
    • Use soap that contains at least 2% benzoyl peroxide. It will help you remove excess oil from your skin and clear away blemishes.
  3. Use colorless and odorless toilet paper. Treated toilet paper can scratch your skin and cause acne.
  4. Use non-allergenic laundry soaps and detergents to wash clothes and bedding. There are also cleansers for sensitive skin. Whenever possible, use these products to avoid irritating or irritating your skin as the detergents you are using can harm your skin.
  5. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Ventilated clothing will help release sweat from the body. Choose “breathable” underwear made from natural fibers such as cotton.
    • Sweat may not escape the buttocks, making the buttocks the perfect area for oil and acne-causing bacteria.
    • Change your underwear often, and take a shower if you sweat a lot.
  6. Use vitamins. A daily minimum of one multivitamin and one supplemental zinc chelated zinc pill.
    • Vitamins A, B5, C, E, Selenium, and Super Omega 3 are commonly known as vitamins that help to promote healthy skin.
    • Consult with your doctor to choose the right vitamins for your body.
  7. Drink a lot of water. Water brings many wonderful effects to the skin. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated from the inside out.
  8. Change your diet. Certain sugars, fats, and fried foods can increase insulin levels in the body, which in turn causes the body to produce more sebum, causing acne.
    • Try fresh foods to cleanse your body and get rid of unwanted toxins.
  9. Sitting less, standing a lot. Sitting can prevent the skin's respiration and sitting too long will create conditions for sweat and bacteria that clog pores.
    • If you often have to sit at your desk or use the computer for too long, get up for a bit and / or go for a brisk walk. Even exercises for buttocks or legs at the desk can help with blood circulation.
  10. See a dermatologist if acne persists for too long. It's common for people who have had bumps on their buttocks to keep their skin in good condition after the age of 20, but a dermatologist can prescribe medication for you to help get rid of the acne.
  11. Check your food allergies. Certain food allergies can contribute to the development of bumps on the buttock. advertisement


  • Don't squeeze pimples on your buttocks as this can leave scarring and help spread the bacteria.
  • Tretinoin can cause serious birth defects. Do not use this medicine if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or plan to become pregnant.
  • Do not use the above products if you are allergic. If you are not sure if you have allergies, try using a small amount of product on hand before deciding to use them on other parts of your body.
  • Use sunscreen when you are using topical medications to treat acne.


  • Keep your body as clean as possible by bathing at least once a day.
  • Nourish your body with healthy foods and exercise to help keep your skin clear of blemishes.
  • Wash your buttocks before going to bed if you shower in the morning, or wash your buttocks in the morning if you shower at night to get rid of bacteria caused by sweat.
  • Everyone's skin is different. Try different remedies and products to choose the method that's right for you.
  • Gently wash the blemished area while bathing.