How to be romantic with your boyfriend

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to be a romantic girl | How to be romantic in a relationship | Romantic ideas for your boyfriend
Video: How to be a romantic girl | How to be romantic in a relationship | Romantic ideas for your boyfriend


People are not exaggerating when it comes to romance. Reality shows that romance is the golden key to all love and happiness. However, walking in the moonlight or having a candlelit dinner with your boyfriend is not the only way to preserve a relationship. You have to find out what makes romance when you are together, and you both have to wholeheartedly give each other love and affection. If you want to know how to romance your boyfriend, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 4: Creation

  1. Write "I love you" in unexpected places. Your boyfriend is used to this at the end of your letter or text, but he'll be surprised to see it in the steam the moment he takes a shower, written in chili sauce on an omelet at dinner. morning or on a blank page in his notebook as he opens it up to take notes in class. The three words "I love you" that appear in unexpected and unique places will make him think of you affectionately even when you're not there, and he will feel romance for you. Mind him you care about him.
    • You only need to do this once or twice a month to express interest. You don't have to overdo it.

  2. Make a CD for him. It could be a CD that reminds him of "your songs" or a disc that follows his musical taste and synthesizes music you know he'll like. Don't recommend your favorite bands if you know that isn't his taste; But if you know what he likes, you can make a composite CD and put it in his player when he doesn't see it. And when you turn on the device, you will receive a pleasant surprise.
    • Make sure you know what kind of music he usually listens to, what songs he already has, and what kind of music he likes to listen to before you do this.

  3. Make a scrapbook. Collect all of your best memories and put them in a scrapbook. Paste the pictures the two of you took together, concert tickets, restaurant menus you two asked for, or notes to each other during your date. This will be a great anniversary or birthday gift, or you can also give him a random gift.
    • This notebook will show him how far the relationship has gone and will make him appreciate you more.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day soon (or later). Who said that Valentine's Day's only one February 14th? If you and your boyfriend are both busy this day, or just because you want to be romantic on a random date, then you should celebrate a Valentine's Day on any day that's convenient for you both; You can use this time to give each other a lot of love and affection, dress well and enjoy a delicious treat.
    • This fake Valentine's Day will be so much fun as you both will feel like you are participating in a fun game.
  5. Imitate a child's actions. The world opens up before the eyes of children with so many miracles, accompanied by lovely hope and optimism. Then, take a day to be a kid with your boyfriend, see how much you love each other, and how big the world around you when you both play "stupid" games together. When i was young. You can join the festival, create funny animals with bubbles, color your fingers, play with mud or do anything fun and innocent that makes you feel more romantic. Here are some games to try:
    • Blow out soap bubbles
    • Bake a cookie
    • Make cheese pasta
    • Watching firework
    • Eat cotton candy while going to football
    • Go to the water park
    • Make steamed cakes
  6. Together they take a pottery class. The scene of learning to make pottery with your boyfriend will be as romantic as the scene from the movie "The Ghost" - but much happier because you are both alive! You will be smeared with dirt, will learn new things and create products that can be taken home and placed on the water table, no matter how distorted they are.
    • This activity is not only fun for you, but you will both feel more intimate with each other.
  7. Close a book of e-mails you've ever sent each other. If you two have a long time apart and have sent each other long emails, or you are the one who likes to send emails, print out all the sweet, funny, romantic emails and put them into books. for your boyfriend. He will re-read your lovely notes and will remember the wonderful times the two of you shared.
    • An affectionate email can be just as romantic as a love message. Just punch a hole in the paper and pack it into a volume with a colorful string and give it to him.

Method 2 of 4: Depth

  1. Give him meaningful gifts. Don't simply give the barrel of beer he likes and take him to the Pizza Hut. Find out what he really likes, what he cares about, what gifts really mean to him, and what will surprise him and let him know you gave up. focus on the gift. Talking about gifts, there won't be anything suitable for everyone, so try to choose something unique and unique for him that he doesn't think he will buy himself. Don't forget that the best gifts are usually those given "spontaneously", not on birthdays or other special occasions. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    • Does he like going on picnics or camping? Buy him a camping kit, something he wants to have for a long time.
    • Do you like beer or wine? You can buy for him a beer or wine lovers club membership card.
    • Is he a gamer? Buy him the latest set of games, or upgrade his gaming gear.
    • Are you a music fanatic? Find out if his idol band ever comes to the performance city before he knows and buys tickets for him.
  2. Write him messages of interest. Not all forms of indirect communication are also through computers or phones. If you are going to be apart for a day or two, or even just a few hours, write him a sweet note saying how much he means to you or that you will miss him very much. apart. Wishing him a good day and letting him know that you're thinking about him can make a difference too.
    • You can write a message on a sticky note and stick it on the mirror, put it in his lunch box, school backpack or work bag, or stick it on the car. Surprise is part of romance.
  3. Create memorable dates. Even though you and your boyfriend can have fun together wherever you go, you should try to make the dates special and romantic. It depends on what you and your boyfriend like and what makes you two happy together. If you suggest that a date is perfect for him, he will be touched by your concern and contribution to your relationship. Here are some ideas:
    • Does your boyfriend like soccer? You can go with him to the soccer field.
    • Is there a newly opened ice rink? You two are never too old to practice skating.
    • If you both want to go out but don't know where to go, you can cook a meal with him in the kitchen.
    • Spend a day on the beach or by the lake. When you stay close to the water or soak, you will feel more romantic.
    • Think about something your boyfriend often mentions and wants to do. Let's make that happen.
  4. Help him a meaningful thing. You might think helping your boyfriend wash clothes when he has an important exam isn't very romantic, but he will appreciate it. Romance does not need big things but small gestures to show him that you really care about him and want him to be happy. Ideally, of course, the two would help each other; You should not turn into his maid to win his heart.
    • If he is really busy that day, prepare lunch for him.
    • Go out in the morning to buy a cup of coffee and a cake for him if you know he has nothing to eat for breakfast.
    • If you go to the supermarket anyway, buy him something he needs to keep him from going.
    • If he is forgetful and the deadline is coming soon, you can remind him to let him know that you care.
  5. Take some time to learn about his hobbies. This does not mean that you are always following him and his best friends to watch football all night, but that you should try to find out why he likes football or things that are not for you. what do they mean. Understand what's behind his love of football, fishing, history stories, comic books or anything that fascinates him.
    • Ask him about his interests, and if you are interested, ask if you can go with him as he explores those interests. Now that has turned into romance.

Method 3 of 4: affectionate

  1. Give your boyfriend affectionate gestures. Yes, a guy doesn't usually show much cuddling or holding hands, but you should still try to give your boyfriend occasional petting, loving touches to let him know how much you care about him. Squeeze his hand while sitting in the cinema; tucked his fingers through his hair as the two of you woke up; playfully nudging him while they teased. However, you shouldn't do it all day and make him tired; Choose the right time to cuddle, at least a few times a day.
    • Intimate gestures at the right time will be very romantic.
  2. Give him meaningful compliments. Don't say too simply like, "You are so attractive" or "I like you very much". Let him know what makes him special to you. Tell him that he has a beautiful smile, that you love his sense of humor, that you admire his way of doing things, or compliment him on being observant when he knows exactly what you're thinking. Always find something new that you like about him and let him know how you really feel.
    • Direct compliments are best, but you can also let him know how you feel about him by text, email or phone.
  3. Show love when two people are apart. If you are having some time apart, whether it's just a week or so during the summer, let him know that you still care about him. This doesn't mean that you should call twenty times a day to find out what he is doing or to make sure he isn't talking to another girl; You just need to let him know that you care and is thinking about him, at least once a day.
    • You don't have to call every day if you're both busy and feel like it's just an obligation to get it done. However, you should check at least once a day when you are apart, whether it's calling, texting, or emailing.
    • Text him to let him know you're thinking about him.
    • If you both have a video phone or Skype, go on a video date once or twice a week, so you can still see each other and remember what you wanted to be together.
  4. Give him an unexpected six-second kiss at least once a day. Even if you are both tired, busy, or just not in the mood for cuddling, you should still kiss at least once a day. Try to give him a six-second kiss a day, and you'll inject romance into your relationship, tightening the bond between you two. Don't just kiss each other on the lips as a habit before going, but kiss him at unexpected times.
    • Kissing is the most basic way of letting your boyfriend know how much you care for him.
  5. Tell him he is a great lover. Don't forget to let him know what he means to you. Language is often the best way to express affection. You can either talk to him in his monthly letters or spontaneously talk to him at dinner. List at least five things that make him a great boyfriend, and tell him exactly what those qualities are; He will see how much he means to you.
    • You can be more spontaneous than that. If he does something that surprises you, tell him about it.
  6. Massage him. Massage your boyfriend is not only sexy, but also a great way to show your love and let him know that you really care. When he comes home from a long day of work or study, tell him to sit down and massage his shoulder. You can massage your neck, arms down, and waist. Help him relax and soothe his aching back, he will feel your love and will remember for a long time.
    • For a longer and more intimate massage, let him lie on his stomach and massage him.

Method 4 of 4: Cultivate romance

  1. Never stop flirting. Even if you and your boyfriend have been together for many years, you should not see your relationship as a "perfect alliance" that does not change forever. Both need to get married, chase and remind each other why your relationship is so beautiful. Don't fall into the boring routine because “that's good enough” and it has been as good as ever; Take your relationship to the next level by constantly trying new things and keeping your relationship really interesting.
    • Don't give up the habit of telling each other how important your partner is.
    • Maintain weekly “date nights”, and remember that most dates should be out.
    • Make sure you both try something new at least once a month, whether it's going to eat at a new restaurant or playing a new sport.
    • Be spontaneous. Go on a random weekend outing that the two of you just decided last night; Sign up for a last minute salsa dance class.
  2. Take care of your appearance. If you want to keep a boyfriend, you can't leave yourself alone. They both have to shower every day, brush their hair neatly and dress well when going out together. You can wear gym pants on Sundays or a comfortable “relaxing day” outfit, but in general you should be dressed as if you are going out, even if you are not out.
    • Taking care of your looks will help you avoid being complacent in your relationship and will make you feel more romantic.
    • You can even purposely dress nicely on date nights, even when you're not going anywhere special.
  3. Keep the bedroom so charming. Whether you and your boyfriend sleep together or just meet and cuddle from time to time, make sure you are together in a romantic place, not in a dirty car or in a cluttered basement. If you can cuddle in your bedroom, you need to keep your bedroom tidy, clean, and make two people want to kiss; Don't do it next to a pile of textbooks or files brought home from work. When you are intimate in the bedroom, you should focus on it and not think about anything else.
    • This is especially important if you and your boyfriend live together. If the room is only for sleeping and falling in love, both of you will feel more romantic.
  4. Keep your independence. If you want to keep the relationship fresh, you and your boyfriend have to be separated from time to time. If you are always together, the two of you will not have much to say, there will be no feeling of nostalgia or appreciation of being together. No matter how close you are, it is still important to pursue your own interests, and it is also important to meet friends and family from time to time.
    • When you hang out with girlfriends from time to time without your partner, you feel fresh and know how much you love him.
    • Don't cling or begging. Just let your boyfriend go out and do his job, he will love you more and feel even more romantic.
  5. Join him in activities that increase adrenalin levels. If you and your boyfriend do something romantic and get you excited, you will definitely be sexier and more romantic. It could be hiking, picnics, cycling, jogging, yoga, dancing, or simply going to the gym together.
    • A couple who practice together often stick together. And they keep fit too.
    • Increased adrenaline levels also boost your mood and make you love your neighbor more.


  • Move her hand into his hair while looking into his eyes.
  • Make sure he agrees when you do.
  • Know that you are his only lover, and even if you are not, just pretend it. If you don't believe him, he will too.
  • Don't be too arbitrary or too smart.
  • Being alone or isolated also helps.
  • This is fine if he is in a group.
  • Always makes him feel special ...