Know if your ex still cares about you

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Signs Your Ex Still Cares About You
Video: Signs Your Ex Still Cares About You


Relationships can be very complicated and get even more confusing when they end. Perhaps the relationship with your girlfriend has ended and you are considering reviving the romance and wondering if your ex wants that too. By assessing your ex's words and actions and engaging in a conversation with them, you can find out if your ex still cares about you and maybe even wants to get back to you.

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Method 1 of 3: Assess her actions

  1. Pay attention to friendly and consistent communication. After a breakup, friendly communication means that your relationship is still positive. This means that there is a chance that she still has warm feelings for you and wants to remain a part of your life. Some signs that she is still interested are:
    • Often say "hello" and "hi", even if you saw her once that day. Small greetings like this could mean that she still wants to talk to you, but is too nervous and unsure to take any further steps.
    • Often contact by phone or text message.
    • Regularly commenting on or liking your social media posts.
    • Send you pictures of herself where she is clearly having fun, looking attractive, or doing things that you would enjoy too.
  2. Watch for inconsistent or disrespectful communication. Compared to positive communication, you have to watch out for exes who stalk, manipulate, or scare you. If your ex refuses to take no, her feelings are not loving, but rather obsessive and controlling. Watch out for and stay away from exes who don't respect your personal space.
    • If you have an ex who only contacts you every few months, or only after the relationship ends, she probably doesn't care about you and is just looking for attention.
  3. Watch her body language. An ex who wants you back will often try to be close to you when she sees you. She might give you a hug, a kiss on the cheek, or other types of physical affection to show that she cares. If she is still very emotional about breaking up, she may look down to avoid eye contact or even cry.
    • His or her feelings can reveal themselves through how your ex is behaving. She might be smiling a little louder, he might be smiling a little too much, or her voice might be a little higher. These are signals, also known as micro-expressions, that the other person still has feelings for you that cannot be completely suppressed or hidden.
  4. Consider how often you "just happen" to bump into each other. If your ex is trying to schedule meetings or is clearly often around the places you visit, he / she is probably trying to spend time with you. Maybe your ex is trying to get your attention, or he / she is just enjoying your presence and missing you. Casual encounters can mean that the other person is looking for an opportunity to ask you about your feelings.
    • Pay special attention to see if she suddenly shows up in places you know she never went or didn't like before you were in a relationship.
  5. Also pay attention to any gifts you have received. Your ex may still do his / her best to do fun things for you, such as give you birthday gifts, Christmas cards, or gifts on special occasions. This is a sign that she still values ​​you and wants to make you happy. For some people, these gifts are a way of showing love and affection. Your ex may be trying to tell you how she feels about you that way.
  6. Follow her on social media. If she's posting updates about getting on with her life, it may include trying to stop thinking about you, or to convince herself of that. If she posts things more directly, like "miss my ex," it probably means she really misses you! Maybe she hoped you would read the message so you can find out her true feelings.
    • Make sure he / she has deleted all of the photos of the two of you. Getting rid of shared memories is often an important indicator that the other person really wants to end it.
  7. Ask your mutual friends. While you're not supposed to involve your friends, you can casually ask them how your ex is doing, especially if you haven't heard from him / her in a while. They can tell you if your ex cares. However, if your friends don't want to talk about that, don't pressure them.
    • Say something like, "I was at the library the other day and I remembered the time when David and I went there many times. How is he doing nowadays? "
    • If you are very close, you can be very direct. Then ask, "Do you think David still has feelings for me?"
  8. Watch for signs that the other person is flirting. Your ex may covertly hint that he / she still cares about you, or tell you this very directly. Look for signs that your ex is flirting with you, such as touching, complimenting, winking or trying to hook you up a lot. If he / she shows these types of actions, contacts you regularly, and is nice to you, it may be that your ex still has warm feelings for you.
    • If your ex isn't particularly flirty, it could be an even more obvious sign that he / she still cares about you.

Method 2 of 3: Analyze what your ex is saying

  1. Notice how often the other has said "I miss you," Sometimes your ex can say things that directly indicate that he / she still cares about you. If your ex tells you that he / she misses you or misses being with you, it's a clear sign that they still have warm feelings for you.
  2. Notice if she's talking about the past. Exes who are still interested in you or who still have feelings for you will also tend to reminisce. That way, the other person tries to remind you of the good times you two had together, in the hope that you will want to re-establish the bond.
    • Check how often he / she has talked about trips you have taken together, jokes that only you both understand, or just about the fun you have had together.
  3. Notice if your ex is talking about who he / she is dating right now. An ex who still cares about you might try to make you jealous to see if you feel the same way. If your ex regularly talks about his / her dates or reveals details about a new lover, this could be a sign that he / she still has warm feelings for you.
    • Pay particular attention to those times when your ex starts out completely out of the blue about who he / she is dating. For example, if you are talking about your homework or your family and they just start talking about a new love, he / she may be trying to make you jealous.
    • Also consider how they treated their exes in the past.If they kept flirting and reaching out to their exes often, they might just be possessive and have no intention of getting back to you at all.
  4. Take note of how often the other person asks you about your love life. An ex who still has feelings for you can also keep an eye on who you are dating. If he / she regularly asks you things like "So, who are you seeing?" Or "Did you watch that movie with someone you date more often?" The other person may still be interested in you.
    • Also, make sure they make fun of the person you're dating. They may be trying to tarnish the image you have of that person so that you find the other person less attractive.
    • If your ex looks at someone who flirts with you or demands your attention with disdain, this is a sign of possessiveness. She doesn't want you to get on with your life without him or her.
  5. Watch for compliments. If your ex compliments you, especially on your appearance or things that they have been complimentary about during your relationship, it is possible that they are trying to appease you again. He / she may also try to make you feel special or remind you of a shared past.
  6. Notice if the other person apologizes often. An ex who still cares about you may have spent a long time thinking about your previous relationship and start to regret it. To placate you, your ex can apologize much more often than was usual when you were still in a relationship. Your ex may be sorry for what he / she did and may be hoping an apology will reunite the two of you.

Method 3 of 3: Have a conversation with each other

  1. Be calm, clear and relaxed. Ask the other person, "Do you have time to talk? Is there somewhere we can talk privately? "This can be a scary step that many people prefer not to take, but it is the best way to find out how someone is feeling just by hearing it from the person themselves. You can visit the other person and ask directly, on the spot, but it is probably best to agree on a time and place. If you are nervous, use a form of communication that is not overly intrusive, such as a phone call, chat, or text message, to share your feelings.
  2. Choose a place where both of you can be comfortable. Choose a relaxed, public place, such as a cafe or a park. Your ex may be nervous about sharing his / her feelings with you and worry that you don't feel the same way. Make it as easy as possible for the other person by choosing a quiet and neutral location to talk to each other.
    • Give yourself and your ex enough time for a long conversation. Don't start a conversation when you need to complete an important assignment or attend a meeting soon.
  3. Make sure you look your best. If you want to get your ex back, make sure you look your best during this conversation. Wear your favorite outfit and style your hair beautifully. You can use this time to be attractive to your ex as well as make yourself feel good, confident, and worthwhile.
  4. Tell your ex how you feel. The more honest you are about your feelings, the more likely the other person will be to be honest about themselves. Tell your ex about your feelings. Be calm and clear. For example, say something like, "I still have romantic feelings for you," or "I still care about you more than as a regular friend."
    • Tell me if you regret breaking up and want to get back together. Give specific reasons, such as "I miss you because we had so much fun together," or "I really enjoyed our time together. You always made me so calm. "
  5. Listen to what the other thinks. You may be dealing with a lot of pent-up emotions that you want to show, but remember that the other person may want to be able to do that too. Allow the other person to tell you about his / her feelings. This allows you to find out definitively whether the other person still cares about you or wants to get back to you.
    • If the other person expressly indicates that they want to get out of the situation, let that person go. Do not try to direct or force the other person to talk about things he / she does not want to discuss.
  6. Try to be at peace with the outcome. If your ex still cares about you and you decide to move on together, build a relationship that is stronger and more resilient than before. Fix existing problems to prevent them from re-manifesting. However, if you've determined that the other person no longer has feelings for you, that's okay too. Get on with your life without the other by learning to be alone, spend time with friends, and dedicate yourself to your studies or work. You can always start dating again when you're ready.