How to Plan Your Life

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)


Taking control of your own life is a big step. You can decide what you want, find out what's important to you, and make a plan to follow so you can make the most of your life. Learning how to plan your life will help you achieve your goals and your needs.


Method 1 of 3: Determining Your Future Perspectives

  1. Determine what it means to you. Planning your life can be a difficult task and there are many areas in your life that need to be considered when planning. To better understand what your future life prospects look like, take time to explore what is meaningful and important to you. Here are a few questions to help you get started thinking about which direction you want to take:
    • What is success for you? Have a specific position at work or a certain amount of money? Is it creativity? Or have a family?
    • What would your life be like if you could change it now? Where do you want to live? Which job do you want to do? What do you spend your time on? Who would you like to be with?
    • Whose life do you admire? What interests you in their life?

  2. Build vision orientation. Once you have discovered what matters to you through self-reflection and questioning, write down the answers you have as one that you can use as a guide. vision. Write it in the present tense, as if you've accomplished it.
    • An example of a vision statement is: My life is successful because I'm my boss; Every day I feel free; I have to use my creativity; and I spend time with my family.
    • Since planning a life in today's rapidly changing world would be extremely difficult, you can use this statement as a guiding principle you are trying to map out. in your life, always remember that specific jobs, places or goals can change as long as the life direction or things that matter most to you are fulfilled.

  3. No rush. Maybe your plan won't go well. Very rarely does something go according to what we planned or expected. Life is always full of twists, difficulties, and new opportunities. Life is never without failures either, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Get ready to go step by step. Learn from your actions and experiences as you get closer to your goals.
    • Maybe you will have a deadlock in your life. Maybe you will get a job that you think will get you promoted, but in the end it won't go anywhere. You may be diverted by family and friends. But remember that life doesn't work on a schedule. Take small steps towards your goals and learn from the new bottlenecks and developments in your life.

  4. Be prepared to create opportunities for yourself. Maybe there won't be any perfect jobs, locations or opportunities out there.In that case, you need to give yourself the opportunity, even if it wasn't part of your original plan. Knowing that when you plan your life you will have to make your goals come true can help you prepare yourself for any changes in the future.
    • For example, if your direction is that you want to be self-employed, that might mean teaching in a dance class or becoming a consultant at a large company. Both of these jobs satisfy your deep inner desire to feel free because you are your own boss.

Method 2 of 3: Creating a Life Plan

  1. Write down your life plan. A life plan is a formal, written plan that you can use to plan all areas of your life including career, location, relationships and how you spend your time. mine. Writing a life plan will help you identify areas in which you want to change or achieve certain goals.
    • A life plan will help you see your life in a different way. Looking at areas of your life on paper can help you prioritize and refine your intentions.
    • Putting your life plan on paper will also help you see similar goals and aspirations, or adjust your plan based on things that aren't.
  2. Identify the part of your life you want to change. Having a life plan doesn't mean you will change all areas of your life right away, but it is the starting point for starting the process. There may be some areas in which you are satisfied, like where you live, but others you want to develop, like finding a job that you are more satisfied with. There will probably be many areas that you want to plan, but to get started, pick the part that matters most to you.
    • Decide where you are going to start, like career, social group, hobby, or something else. Some examples of life areas you could change include work, school, or financial and income planning; attitudes, life views, creative or entertaining goals; Family and Friends; planning for children, securing social support or volunteering for a meaningful cause; or fitness and health goals.
    • Ask yourself what you will get from changing that area of ​​your life to better understand why you chose to change it.
    • Ask yourself which part of the change is most difficult for you. When you know what is most difficult, you can prepare yourself for the time of the challenge. For example, for some people the hardest part is where to get started. If you know you are going to have problems with this, you can ask someone else's help to get you started.
  3. Get help and information. Having a support system or people able to help you when you need it, is crucial in trying to change your life. Part of the plan for change is to write down exactly who you are going to seek help from if something goes wrong. Tell the people closest to you about your life plan and what you want to change. Make a list of people you know you can rely on if you get stuck.
    • Get as much information as you can about your upcoming changes to your life. Listen to success stories from others or join a self-development and success team. Ask others about the methods households use to plan life and make changes, and what difficulties they may face.
  4. Identify resources and steps for implementing the plan. For some life plans and changes, you will need certain resources to begin taking any steps towards your goals. Maybe you need to buy a book, set a budget, learn a new skill or enlist the help of others. You also need to find ways to overcome certain difficulties. Once you've identified the resources you need to get started, move on to taking the steps that will lead you to the life plan you outline.
    • For example, if your life plan includes being healthy, maybe your first step would be to learn about healthy foods and how to cook, and then make determination. Eat a green vegetable every day. You will want to build your goals slowly so that you won't get exhausted and feel overwhelmed.
    • Another example might be if you want a life plan that gives you a healthier diet. To do this, you will need to identify the things you need to get there, like nutrition books, budget for different types of groceries and ask for help from your family as that change will also affect them.
  5. Cope with difficulties when life doesn't go your way. Planning your life is a great way to understand what you want and what you need to do to get it, but life is often unpredictable and doesn't go according to plan. You need to improve your coping skills in order to deal with the disturbances and obstacles in your progress toward your goals.
    • You can try problem-focused coping. This approach involves looking at the problem objectively to understand what's wrong, and then planning to fix it. The process will include understanding your options, gathering information, controlling situations, and implementing a plan of action.
    • For example, if you plan to become a healthier person, but are later diagnosed with diabetes, you may decide to use problem-focused coping to adapt to your condition. new scene. You learn about diabetes, your diet, and testing tools to help get you back on track.
    • Another method is a coping method that focuses on emotions. This is the method you use to deal with the mental effects of an unexpected event.
    • For example, being diagnosed with diabetes can cause certain emotional reactions such as fear, depression or anger. Addressing these emotions includes talking to a friend or family member, reducing stress by limiting your obligations, and keeping an emotional journal to better understand them.

Method 3 of 3: Goal Setting

  1. Understand the importance of setting goals. Goal setting is an important skill that many successful people use to help motivate themselves. Setting right goals both allows you to focus on the specifics of accomplishing a task and helps you organize all the tools you need to accomplish your goals.
    • One of the greatest parts of accomplishing and setting a successful goal is feeling confident when you've accomplished a goal.
  2. Use SMART goal setting method. Setting goals is a great way to make a big step in your life plan. It allows you to achieve specific, measurable, practical, and time-bound (SMART) goals or steps. It is important to use the SMART method to understand whether you are at a long distance or close to your goals.
    • If your goal is to build a healthy life, don't just say I will eat more green vegetables. Make it a SMART goal by saying that I will eat two servings of green vegetables a day for 30 days from Monday.
    • This makes your goals concrete so that you have a direction to follow. It's also measurable because you know what you're trying to do, it's achievable and you have a timeframe.
  3. Make your goals specific. There are a few things you can do to make your goals concrete and achievable. To get started, write down your goals. This makes your goals more realistic than just your mind. Make sure to write it down in detail. If you follow the SMART approach, you should have a few specific goals in mind.
    • Present your goals in positive language. If you want to lose weight, say something like, "Eat healthy food and lose more than 2 kg", instead of "Stop snacking and run out of fat."
    • Organize your goals in order of your preference. If you have multiple goals, you won't be able to do everything at once. Decide what needs to be done now, what to wait, and what isn't in a hurry.
    • You should keep your goal small enough that you can achieve it in a reasonable amount of time instead of working for years. If you have big goals, break them down into smaller goals so that you can achieve them and feel satisfied.