Ways to Work Efficiently

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become More Productive at Work
Video: How to Become More Productive at Work


We all have come through a time where there are so many things to do but we are distracted, lack of concentration, confusion, delay, and cannot get anything done. Are you tired of wasting time like that? If so, it's time to change to work or study more effectively!


Method 1 of 4: Tidy and orderly

  1. Create a to-do list. Write down everything you want to accomplish for the day or week, or create a continuous list of tasks to achieve. To-do list is a tool worth trying and will really work for you, provided you have to use it properly.
    • Write as short, concise, and as possible as possible about what you need to do. For example, don't just write “move house” entirely. Instead, try writing in "living room cleaning", "vacuuming the floor carpet" or "taking out the trash" - being broken up and writing clearly is better than general clusters.
    • Don't let yourself feel “overwhelmed” or distracted by your to-do list. If you spend too much time thinking about what to put on the list, it is no different than not using this list. Try to create a to-do list in no time, don't let yourself hang around with it all day, unless you need to.

  2. Plan. See which tasks on the list you can complete, and decide how in order to get them done. If possible, plan each day, including how long you will be working on each task, meal times, breaks, and more.
    • Be careful in timing each task, as you cannot be sure how much time will be needed to complete one thing or another. Don't be too heavy on this, and don't let it ruin your whole plan. If something is not going as planned, do your best to adjust your schedule to get the job done.

  3. Sort by priority. Consider what is most important and perfect it first.By prioritizing each task, you'll be able to get everything done on time. You may have a great dream of financial statistics “and” bathing your dog, but one of these two needs to be ranked behind. Trying to do too many things at once is the shortest way to feel overwhelmed and ineffective.
    • If there's any task or job you've been doing for a long time that hasn't been done yet, set a deadline to complete the task or set aside a full day to do it - or not, see if it wasn't completed Is there a problem in doing other things?

  4. Make a goal. Whether it's cleaning, studying or working, set a reasonable but less challenging goal, say how much you write, how much you read, or how much you can do in a day. Don't stop if you haven't met that goal. Try to have a positive outlook on your goals and don't see them as obstacles. If you focus on something, you can get it done.
    • Consider giving yourself rewards or punishing yourself for goals you set. Make a promise to give yourself something, or do something you want if you get it done or that. On the other hand, also remind yourself that if an undesirable outcome occurs, you can punish yourself in one way or another. This works really well if you can give the right to reward someone who doesn't compromise with you when you deserve a penalty.
  5. Pay attention to your own effectiveness. Don't be tempted to think about how effective or ineffective you are at the moment, but after squeezing yourself into a framework, take a look at how focused you were. stick to the plan set out or not, or did you schedule such a reasonable time. Take note of unexpected situations or things that may dominate or distract you in the process of implementing your plan. Once you've made some notes, think about if there is any way you can improve the situation.
    • Consider keeping a journal or journal to keep track of what you did and didn't do at the end of the day.
  6. Keep your belongings in order. Nothing can take you more time than having to search for an important item or document without knowing where it is, and also resetting your email to check your appointment time. Create a system to organize information, store belongings, and keep information about appointments or dates to complete. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Concentration

  1. Stay away from distractions. We live in a world full of things that draw us away and distract us from work. From TV shows, to blogs, instant messages to friends, family, or pets. It's easy when you spend a minute on one, then a minute on that, another minute and finally realize you couldn't do anything all day. Don't let that happen! Focus on your work by eliminating as many distractions or distractions as possible.
    • Say no to email and social networks. Turn off all notifications that will interrupt your work. If necessary, take a few minutes every day to check your inbox and other important information, as if you keep your email and social media open while at work, that will slow down your progress.
    • Use browser extensions to limit potentially time consuming websites. The internet is full of interesting pictures, animations, videos and articles that will swallow your day without even realizing it (for the rest of the day, of course). Install extension apps like StayFocusd, Leechblock or Nanny, which will help you limit time on distracting websites or only allow you to visit them during certain times of the day. Do whatever you can to avoid the temptation of watching news, visiting your favorite blogs or watching videos.
    • Turn off the phone. Don't answer the phone, don't check your messages. Do not let the phone in your reach. If someone calls you for something important, they'll leave a message if you don't answer. If you are worried about urgent matters, check the phone once an hour.
    • Tell family and friends that you don't want them to interrupt your work. If pets can be the problem, don't leave them in the room.
    • Use background noise to block out annoying noises and distractions. White noise, pink or brown noise or natural sounds like rain or running water can help you focus and enhance your efficiency. You can use tools like Noisli to do this.
    • Turn off the television or radio. Depending on you and what you do, some background noise can be of an acceptable form - especially non-verbal music - but any form of media around you tends to degrade performance. if you are doing things that require concentration.
  2. Solve problems one by one. Think multitasking improves your productivity? This is a common misunderstanding. The truth is we can only deal with one problem at a time, when we try to get things done at the same time, we just go back and forth between things, and each time we lose. a bit of time and even distraction. To be truly productive at work, do one thing until it's done and then move on to another.
  3. Keep your home and workplace clean. Cleaning the house always takes time and effort, but if things get too messy, you will be distracted and can make you less efficient. Keep your home, office or desk tidy, clean and tidy with a few small objects in sight. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Take care of yourself

  1. Go to bed early and get enough sleep. Fatigue and lack of sleep will make you more easily distracted and less productive.
  2. Set an alarm and get up as soon as it goes off. Don't press the “snooze” button too many times to end up sleeping overtime. Overtime even just a few minutes will "ruin" your plan and make it difficult for you all day.
  3. Eat enough. You may not realize this at first, but if you do not get enough nutrients to nourish your body, you will find yourself easily distracted, pressured, and distracted. You will make mistakes and have to redo something. So take the time to enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal.
    • Limit eating too many meals because if you are too full you will become restless and sleepy. Digestion needs energy, so if you eat too much, the digestive system will take away some of your energy to digest food.
  4. Rested. Don't exhaust yourself or force yourself to stare at your computer screen until you are just a zombie. Take about 30 seconds every 15 minutes to relax your tendons and eyes. Do some simple exercises every 2 or 3 hours, sip snacks, and restore your resolve. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Analyze and Improve Performance

  1. Use performance measuring tools and review yourself each week.
  2. Identify gaps and sources of distraction.
  3. Make a goal and test your performance every week.
  4. Proactively seek comments from colleagues, friends, and superiors to confirm if your progress is clear.
  5. Maintain a positive, progressive, and productive attitude of yourself. advertisement


  • Priority. If one thing is more important than the other, do it first! This also helps to complete difficult tasks before easy ones.
  • If you have a lot to do, take a day without a plan and make it a productive day!
  • Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the amount of work to do. Take a little rest to calm down and break the big chores into smaller chunks if needed. Get up early, eat a nice, relaxing breakfast.